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Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 8:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

It was a nice rebuttal, I'd recommend putting a link to it in your signature.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Derktar @ Thu 13th December 2007, 11:58pm) *

QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 8:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

It was a nice rebuttal, I'd recommend putting a link to it in your signature.

Rebuttal = an argument between two butts.

Jonny "Lord of the Gadflies" Cache cool.gif
Well, at least JzG didn't try to publish this pack of lies on Wikipedia...

Here in particular, referring to Wikipedia Review:
They are very keen to undermine those who pushed back against their abuse of the project. They are intelligent people and delight in finding and exploiting every tiny mistake made against them, as a way of drawing attention away form the fact that the vast majority of actions taken against them are 100% spot on. Their role is aking to that of Grima Wormtongue. Most especially, they are the key source of the idea that refusal to republish their harassment memes is evidence that the memes are true.

I'd agree that we're mostly "intelligent people," at least. But... Grima Wormtongue? That analogy isn't just inaccurate, it's immature and, well, moronic. Not that such things are unexpected from him, of course.

Part of the WordBomb meme is the statement that various Wikipedia editors (and one in particular) are sockpuppets of Gary Weiss, an assertion that Bagley made so cleverly that even some long-standing editors believed it. This has been extensively investigated and as far as I can see those who originally believed it, no longer do. I've seen some of the rebuttal evidence, it is unquestionably the case that the editor is in a different state from Weiss and has provided some credible evidence of real world identity that shows he is not Weiss.

Uh-huh... riiiiight... Gee whiz, ol' Chappy, maybe "as far as you can see, those who originally believed it" are now completely cowed into submission by near-constant ban threats from... you? And apparently he's never heard of private IP proxies, either. He really should learn about things like that.

My guess would be that there is no "rebuttal evidence" other than one or two CheckUser attempts. As for "credible evidence of real-world identity," I'll believe that when I see it - but ooh, wait! I'll never see it, will I?

Hmm... Sorry Dan, I seem to have ignored your essay completely. I did read it, though... Very well-written! Mr. Chapman didn't even bother to use a spell-checker, apparently... (Oh, btw, the phrase "any attempts to make this point get shouted out" should probably read "shouted down" instead.)
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 11:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

Well you certainly write better that JzG does. I'm not certain a point by point rebuttal, following his structure was worth your effort. Remember he is just a windbag of waining relevance even on WP.

I'm fond of that Twilight Zone episode too.
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Thu 13th December 2007, 9:06pm) *

QUOTE(Derktar @ Thu 13th December 2007, 11:58pm) *

QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 8:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

It was a nice rebuttal, I'd recommend putting a link to it in your signature.

Rebuttal = an argument between two butts.

Jonny "Lord of the Gadflies" Cache B)

I can see it now: Captain of the HMS Gadfly
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 11:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

Dan, one paragraph of yours especially resonated with me, as it applied to how I feel the idea of banning "paid editing" within Wikipedia (or even external to Wikipedia, but then copied there) was "shouted down" rather than achieved consensus:

If somebody’s a jerk, that means their ideas are false! This complements the above meme about banned users, and is used to justify dismissing out of hand any idea that is believed to have originated with somebody who is considered a troublesome person, including but not limited to banned users. If the clique can get a label of “trolling” or “corporate smear campaign” or “harassment meme” to stick on a particular set of ideas, then no rational argument is considered necessary to automatically reject the ideas any time they come up. This is fallacious logic, but it’s still constantly used. They’ll sometimes say “That’s already been refuted many times; see the talk history”, but a look at this history will show that it’s never been logically refuted, only repeatedly dismissed and its proponents name-called and shouted out, until the very frequency of such dismissals is itself cited as a reason to refuse to discuss the ideas. Anybody who pushes the issue is likely to be labeled as trying to “edit on behalf of a banned user”, a serious thoughtcrime on Wikipedia.

Yes, I was a jerk. But, it was mostly after I began to feel that the "debate" had already turned into a "shouting down".

I wonder if a fair poll about paid editing on Wikipedia were ever done, what would be the outcome? Hmm, somebody came close, with a sloppy MSNBC poll. Is 57% opposed to paid editing "consensus"? Is there any chance that, had the issue been framed in a more neutral way (GFDL content created off-wiki, vetted by a team of non-paid volunteers before adding to Wikipedia, etc., etc.), even more than 39% would have supported the idea of paid editing?

And, still, there is the Reward Board, and now the $20,000 paid illustrations project. We get closer and closer to my original position, but JzG so poisoned the well, there is no hope for me any more. Thanks, JzG. You "saved" your encyclopedia from paid editing.

"A valiant if not pitiable effort". No progress will ever be made as long as people are rewarded, as JzG frequently is, for stuffing their fingers in their ears and shouting "YOU ARE WRONG YOU ARE WRONG" until hoarse.
Well written Dan.
I especially appreciated the literary allusions and academic analogies.
Great answer, particularly the memes.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 10:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse. I've written a response to it in my own site.

You know, I've always wondered what a gad fly was...

Well, anyways... If he calls you names. Just throw it in his face that he's the number one contributor to the ANI, per Wikidashboard.

I don't know any good nicknames for someone who has such a huge negative focus. You pick. wink.gif

ps: You are hardly someone I think it is wise to pick a fight with. rolleyes.gif
Socrates was famously called a gadfly.

Anyone who thinks for themselves and questions authority is likely to be labeled an annoying gadfly.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 14th December 2007, 1:44pm) *

Socrates was famously called a gadfly.

And then they voted to force him to kill himself, didn't they?
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 14th December 2007, 12:54pm) *

And then they voted to force him to kill himself, didn't they?

Let's hope they give you a "Hemlock Martini" not just hemlock and water.

Socrates could have easily exercised the option to vanish.

But he elected to finish the drama, which is why we remember it.

Jesus also elected to finish the drama, and his story is similarly remembered today.

Galileo, likewise. And there are many other less celebrated cases in every generation.

Speaking truth to power has always been a dangerous occupation.

And it remains so, even in the age of the Internet and Web 2.0.

The technology evolves, but human systems ofttimes remain anachronistic in the extreme.

Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 14th December 2007, 1:03pm) *

Socrates could have easily exercised the option to vanish.

But he elected to finish the drama, which is why we remember it.

Jesus also elected to finish the drama, and his story is similarly remembered today.

Galileo, likewise. And there are many other less celebrated cases in every generation.

Speaking truth to power has always been a dangerous occupation.

And it remains so, even in the age of the Internet and Web 2.0.

The technology evolves, but human systems ofttimes remain anachronistic in the extreme.

Unfortunately, Durova sees herself in the role of the martyr here. laugh.gif
All the more reason for FeloniousMonk, OrangeMarlin, ConfuciusOrnis, Odd Nature, and KillerChihuahua to hold a public prayer vigil to collectively pray for her soul.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 14th December 2007, 1:22pm) *

All the more reason for FeloniousMonk, OrangeMarlin, ConfuciusOrnis, Odd Nature, and KillerChihuahua to hold a public prayer vigil to collectively pray for her soul.

I think they are more of the inclination to burn effigies of her enemies, than pray for her soul. But color me cynical. ph34r.gif
QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 14th December 2007, 2:03pm) *

Socrates could have easily exercised the option to vanish.

But he elected to finish the drama, which is why we remember it.

Jesus also elected to finish the drama, and his story is similarly remembered today.

Galileo, likewise. And there are many other less celebrated cases in every generation.

Speaking truth to power has always been a dangerous occupation.

An interesting thing about the above list is how the radical new ideas of the persecuted person of each case ultimately became part of the basis of the entrenched institution that persecuted the next person on the list. The ideas of Socrates became part of the Greco-Roman culture that was involved in the persecution of Jesus (and other early Christian martyrs); then the Christian establishment persecuted Galileo; and Galileo's ideas became part of the modern scientific establishment that has done its own pesecutions.
QUOTE(dtobias @ Fri 14th December 2007, 4:27pm) *

QUOTE(Moulton @ Fri 14th December 2007, 2:03pm) *

Socrates could have easily exercised the option to vanish.

But he elected to finish the drama, which is why we remember it.

Jesus also elected to finish the drama, and his story is similarly remembered today.

Galileo, likewise. And there are many other less celebrated cases in every generation.

Speaking truth to power has always been a dangerous occupation.

An interesting thing about the above list is how the radical new ideas of the persecuted person of each case ultimately became part of the basis of the entrenched institution that persecuted the next person on the list. The ideas of Socrates became part of the Greco-Roman culture that was involved in the persecution of Jesus (and other early Christian martyrs); then the Christian establishment persecuted Galileo; and Galileo's ideas became part of the modern scientific establishment that has done its own pesecutions.

Well I think you achieved with the above the level of insight you often seem to strive for but just fall short of reaching. Nicely done, Tobias.
Disillusioned Lackey

Maybe he meant Barfly?

Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 13th December 2007, 10:17pm) *

Recently, JzG wrote this essay in his personal site, which calls me a "long-time gadfly" who "ably assisted" abuse.

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