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Jonny Cache
We're open to feedback, dammit!
And anyone who says we're not will be shot on sight!


I just have to say that I think it is utter and complete nonsense for anyone to ever accuse the Wikimedia Foundation in any serious way of being the kind of organization that tries to hush things up.

My goodness.

I have been involved in a lot of different kinds of organizations in my career, on the board of nonprofits, for-profits, worked in corporations, univerities, etc. And I have never seen any organization in the entire world, bar none, with a greater track record of absolute and nearly pathological transparency about everything.


My goodness.

Jonny cool.gif
Are we having a contest to assess who has more goodness than whom?
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Sun 16th December 2007, 8:00pm) *

My goodness.

My goodness can beat the crap out of your goodness. tongue.gif
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