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Full Version: Erik Moeller has decided to resign from the board
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Maybe this is being discussed in the Carolyn Doran thread, I just skimmed it. Anyway, I think it deserves it's own thread and I couldn't find one. If it is being discussed elsewhere, just delete this.

Flo "officially" announces the departure of Erik Moeller and Michael Davis from the board. There is also the feeling of impending doom from flo's message. Maybe thekohser can ask her why she sounds so sad, since she apparently lives with him.

Also included is a message from our favorite crocodile denying friend, Greg Maxwell --he tried to act like it was supposed to be offlist, but I have my doubts.

Flo's message:
Florence Devouard Anthere9 at
Mon Dec 17 03:01:27 UTC 2007
Dear community,

As chair of the board of trustees of Wikimedia Foundation, I would like to announce that Erik Moeller has decided to resign from the board two days ago. Erik decided to reorient his activities in other directions,
and I hope we'll continue to be able to work together constructively from here on.

A few days ago, Lodewijk pointed out to me that I forgot to announce clearly to this list that Michael Davis was no more board member, as planned at last october board meeting. As a reminder, Michael Davis had
expressed the wish to move on and leave his seat for a while already. He officially quit the seat end of november.
Michael has helped greatly in the first years of existence of the Foundation, so I hope you will have a thank you thought for him. You hardly ever heard of him, but he was really helpful a several critical moments in the life of the Foundation.

The board is consequently now back at 5 members, Kat Welsh, Frieda Brioschi, Jan-Bart de Vreede, Jimmy Wales and myself.Michael seat is more or less reserved to our future treasurer, or if we
can not find the treasurer as board member, at least to a skilled-financial oriented person.

Erik's seat is open again. The board agreed to propose the seat to a community member, and agreed on a person. The person has been approached and has not given any answer yet. There is no real urgency anyway.The seat will be an appointed one, up for new elections in a few months.

In a situation where we will welcome many more staff members not from the community, I think it is doubly important that the board membership be from the community. I will personally support an increase of the
membership, with a focus on members coming from the community. I'd love as well having a seat or more being a representant from the chapters.Recently, there has been discussions over the limited professional
skills of board members. At the same time, we are developing a staff
mostly made of highly skilled professionals.

I feel there are two paths for the future. Either we keep a board mostly made of community members (elected or appointed), who may not be top-notch professionals, who can do mistakes, such as forgetting to do a background check, such as not being able to do an audit in 1 week, such as not signing the killer-deal with Google, but who can breath and pee wikimedia projects, dedicate their full energy to a project they love,
without trying to put their own interest in front. A decentralized organization where chapters will have more room, authority and leadership.

Or we get a board mostly made of big shots, famous, rich, or very skilled (all things potentially beneficial), but who just *do not get it*. A centralized organization, very powerful, but also very top-down.

My heart leans toward the first position of course. But at the same time, I am aware we are now playing in the big room and current board members may not be of sufficient strength to resist the huge wave.

I do not share the same optimism than Jimbo with regards to Knol. I think Knol is probably our biggest threat since the creation of Wikipedia. I really mean the biggest. Maybe not so much the project
itself, but the competition it will create, the PR consequences, the financial tsunami, the confusion in people minds (free as in free speech or as in free of charge). Many parties are trying to influence us, to buy us, and conflicts of interest are becoming the rule rather than the exception. There are power struggles on the path.

Rather than spending time bugging the board about whether we did a background check on Carolyn 18 months ago (we did not, period), I'd like the current community to realize that we are currently at a crossroad.
The staff will hopefully stabilize and be successful under the
leadership of Sue. I trust her to have this strength. But the organization in its whole is currently oscillating. We can try the path of the community, at the risk of being engulfed by the big ones. We can try the path of letting our future in the hands of the big shots, at the risk of loosing what is making us unique.



Is this what kelly is referring to in her blog? The bit about Erik stepping down and another community member replacing him, I mean...

I think there is a lot to pick over in this email message, but I'll let those smarter than I do that.

Now on to Greg's offlist email--I included all of Greg's "offlist" email since it does feel a little smug to me. I'm not quite sure where he is coming from with this:

Gregory Maxwell
Mon Dec 17 03:24:58 UTC 2007


On Dec 16, 2007 10:01 PM, Florence Devouard wrote:
> I feel there are two paths for the future. Either we keep a board mostly
> made of community members (elected or appointed), who may not be
> top-notch professionals, who can do mistakes, such as forgetting to do a
> background check, such as not being able to do an audit in 1 week, such
> as not signing the killer-deal with Google, but who can breath and pee
> wikimedia projects, dedicate their full energy to a project they love,
> without trying to put their own interest in front. A decentralized
> organization where chapters will have more room, authority and leadership.

I think it's important to note that *everyone* makes mistakes. So
there is far less of a trade-off then you might fear.

Florence at times you are too humble, but I believe that this is a
quality in an organization which is at times afflicted with excessive
hubris. When I think about the current controversies, I find myself
coming back to things you wanted to do in the past which would have
avoided them. I think we all would do well to listen more to you.

I have a lot of thoughts about the advisory board, and how little they
seem to have done for us. The whole concept of appointing big names
seems more like payoff and less like wisdom as time goes on. Finding
good people with the right interests, skills, and without huge
conflicts of interest is just hard no matter how you cut it.. At least
when you pull from the community you are sure to get people who love
and understand the internals of the projects. Your vision of simply
keeping a majority is simply a good one, and it's the only thing that
gives me hope. There *are* many good outsiders we can choose from to
fill the balance, but it will take time and introspection to make the
right decisions.

Your message was good, in general, I think.. but it may have left
people thinking that Erik was leaving Wikimedia, and not really moving
on to a position of even more power.
So that might create some
confusion, but I understand that not everything can be announced at
once and that stuff isn't final.

I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've written to you. Honestly,
I'd lost some faith in the organization. I'm glad to see that you are
still shaking things up and doing you best to keep moving in the
interest of the public and the community. Please, keep in touch even
if I forget.

Thank you for all your hard work!
-- Greg

I'm not sure what the point of Greg's message was, other than let everyone know that Erik isn't really leaving Wikimedia. I highly doubt that he accidentally sent that to the list though.

Erik in a position of more power in Wikimedia? What is that position??? blink.gif
Jeez. Flo sure is a surrender monkey in relation to Knol, isn't she? Moeller leaving the B/T should be seen as an opportunity to recruit a credible and independent person with real non-profit management gravitas. Of course they see it as a chance to deepen the commitment to "community representation." How inbred and insular can you get?

Funny to think of Erik "Will Wiki for Food" in a "more powerful position." The only thing that comes to mind is they intend to staff the "advisory committee," which might not be a bad idea but Eric certainly isn't the guy for the job.
If they are gonna staff up an Advisory Committee, they would do well to hire an Ethicist.
If WMF had any sense they would humbly go, hat in hand, to some credible non-profit advocacy group such as The National Council of Nonprofit Associations and beg them to select a serious non-profit person to serve on the Board of Trustee. I will bet dollars to donuts that WMF does not even belong to a single non-profit or charitable advocacy organization.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Mon 17th December 2007, 1:53pm) *

If WMF had any sense they would humbly go, hat in hand, to some credible non-profit advocacy group such as The National Council of Nonprofit Associations and beg them to select a serious non-profit person to serve on the Board of Trustee. I will bet dollars to donuts that WMF does not even belong to a single non-profit or charitable advocacy organization.

When you have the arrogance of God "we make the internet not suck" They would not have the capacity to think along those lines...

BUT they do operate like this .... "We brake for NOBODY"

QUOTE(Sue Gardner)
Hi folks,

I am delighted to announce Erik Moeller as Deputy Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. Erik will take up his new responsibilities in our San Francisco headquarters beginning January 10, and will report directly to me. As part of this transition, and as you know already from Florence's announcement yesterday, Erik has resigned from his role as Board member.

Erik is well-known in the Wikimedia community. A twice-elected board member, he has been active in the projects since 2001. Through his six years of volunteer participation, he has made thousands of edits and uploads, contributed to the MediaWiki software, helped launch Wikinews and Commons, and supported the organization in numerous other ways. He is also the author of "Die heimliche Medienrevolution," one of the first books to include an in-depth analysis of wiki collaboration.

Most recently, Erik has been Chief Technology Officer of Stichting Open Progress, where he managed a decentralized team of developers in the implementation of OmegaWiki, a collaborative ontology database. He also provides hosting for several wiki communities, including, and has project-managed other wiki software development projects such as the LiquidThreads discussion system.

Our chief technical officer, Brion Vibber, will report to Erik. In addition, I will be delegating specific projects to him, and he will act on my behalf when I am traveling or otherwise unavailable. He will also play an important role in orienting the new San Francisco staff, and helping them to understand the processes, history and values of the Wikimedia projects.

Since I joined the Foundation in June, I have been impressed with Erik's commitment, hard work and evangelism on behalf of Wikimedia. I know he will now be able to make an even greater contribution to what we do, and I'm very pleased he's agreed to join the staff in the new office.

Please join me in welcoming Erik to the staff of the foundation.

Sue Gardner
Executive Director,
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Sounds like a good job for an out of touch peace and love Wikipedia kool aide drinker. I'm sure he'll do fine!
Has anybody here read Die heimliche Medienrevolution?

If so, that would be uncanny.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Tue 18th December 2007, 6:19am) *

Has anybody here read Die heimliche Medienrevolution?

no, but i once did perform a heimliche maneuver in the dark once....

angela's ashes promoted to san fran man!!


former trustee, Wikimedia Foundation Erik Moeller
Berlin, Germany
Angela Beesley is an ex-girlfriend

QUOTE(Sue Gardner @ Tue Dec 18 05:29:41 UTC 2007)
Our chief technical officer, Brion Vibber, will report to Erik.

That's going to cause some friction.

And I still don't see where they're going to get the money to pay all these people...
QUOTE(Erik @ Tue Dec 18 07:03:37 UTC 2007)
Thank you, Sue. :-)

WMF has been a tiny, infrastructure focused organization based in St. Petersburg, Florida. And in some ways that's good: we've learned to utilize minimal resources to accomplish amazing things; we've built large, decentralized networks of volunteers to get things done.

On the other hand, the number of educational opportunities that have passed us by simply because we did not have the opportunity to respond or the ability to execute has been staggering.

We could have decided that we'll never be able to respond to a partnership proposal from a major university, or put together a grant, or execute a strategic priority like single user login or stable versions. We have decided, however, that our mission and vision is to empower everyone to share in the sum of human knowledge. And that desire is leading us to a new morning, a new beginning.

We're not just a Foundation to host servers. We are a charity of free knowledge.

Our relocation, our new hires, the first systematic budget, all these are requirements for growing up: not sufficient, but necessary. And the warm welcome we've already received in San Francisco is great -- few locations host so many unique and amazing organizations. It seems deeply appropriate for us to be there. :-)

Sue, you've brought an unprecedented level of professionalism to WMF, and I consider it a pleasure and an honor to be given the opportunity to work with you. Planet Earth hungers for knowledge. We have a lot of work cut out for us - let's get to it!


Hmm... Putting aside the way the sheer self-righteousness of this makes me totally want to hurl, it's interesting that he would mention "single user login or stable versions" specifically. I'm not saying those things are bad, in fact they're probably good, I'm just curious as to why he'd mention them.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 8:55am) *

Hmm... Putting aside the way the sheer self-righteousness of this makes me totally want to hurl, it's interesting that he would mention "single user login or stable versions" specifically. I'm not saying those things are bad, in fact they're probably good, I'm just curious as to why he'd mention them.

Yes, but....

What about the audit?

What about the fact that a convicted felon signed the WMF's 990 form last March?

What about the fact that they're not going to reach their fund raising goal?

What about the Section 230 lawsuit that we know about....and those that we don't?

So many questions. Hiring somebody doesn't solve any of them.
I'm more concerned about Erik's relocation expenses, if they're moving him from Berlin to San Francisco. They'll have a hard time finding a super-tanker big enough to carry that much starry-eyed self-righteousness all the way across the Atlantic...

As for the audit, that could be another problem. They'll definitely have to find those missing sideburns before the auditor shows up.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 9:58am) *

I'm more concerned about Erik's relocation expenses, if they're moving him from Berlin to San Francisco. They'll have a hard time finding a super-tanker big enough to carry that much starry-eyed self-righteousness all the way across the Atlantic...

As for the audit, that could be another problem. They'll definitely have to find those missing sideburns before the auditor shows up.

Well, we might ask well as the obvious tabloid question : Are wedding bells in store for Angela and Erik?

Enquiring minds want to know!

(And never might the obvious WMF/Wikia COI that this would generate...We're all hopeless romantics around here...)
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 18th December 2007, 4:34am) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 9:58am) *

I'm more concerned about Erik's relocation expenses, if they're moving him from Berlin to San Francisco. They'll have a hard time finding a super-tanker big enough to carry that much starry-eyed self-righteousness all the way across the Atlantic...

As for the audit, that could be another problem. They'll definitely have to find those missing sideburns before the auditor shows up.

Well, we might ask well as the obvious tabloid question : Are wedding bells in store for Angela and Erik?

Enquiring minds want to know!

(And never might the obvious WMF/Wikia COI that this would generate...We're all hopeless romantics around here...)

At 28 it is much to early for Erik to settle down into marriage. On WP that is too young to even decide on a stable gender, much less orientation.

Are they aware that thousands of community based organizations in church basements all over the world "put together grants?" That WMF still lacks this capacity if shocking. Erik will bring nothing new to the table to address this.

Erik will be stuck with the grunt work while the high maintenance Sue Gardner is traveling and enjoying herself. What has she done other in the last six months other than coveted things and presided over a failed fundraiser? I wonder if Erik will be compensated directly by donation into his Paypal account?
Jonny Cache
So how is a guy who says «I am strongly opposed to all types of "intellectual property"» supposed to preside over the implementation of GFDL or any IP license?

Licentiously, I guess …

Jonny cool.gif
the fieryangel
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 18th December 2007, 2:47pm) *

At 28 it is much to early for Erik to settle down into marriage. On WP that is too young to even decide on a stable gender, much less orientation.

Oh, man, I just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard! That's really funny, even if it is unfortunately true...

Why the office staff isn't spending ALL of their time writing grants is a complete mystery to me. That's really the only way for a Not-for-profit to meet their operating expenses. The fund-raising campaign should ideally be for raising money for special project, such as those aimed at helping the poor children in Africa...

But WMF can't even provide a proper annual report, so what foundation is going to give them money? It's much better to rely on panhandling donations into a PayPal account....
Uh oh... There's trouble (already) on the Erik hiring front:

Allow me to be the first to say "What the hell?" Am I the only one who
is absolutely outraged by this? We hear Erik call for transparency and
openness, yet he gets hired for a position there was no announcement
about? I call BS.

-Chad H.

And Kelly goes into more thorough detail on her blog.

They seem to have trouble even doing "right" a simple, feel-good hire of a resigning Board member.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 3:46pm) *

Uh oh... There's trouble (already) on the Erik hiring front:

Allow me to be the first to say "What the hell?" Am I the only one who
is absolutely outraged by this? We hear Erik call for transparency and
openness, yet he gets hired for a position there was no announcement
about? I call BS.

-Chad H.

And Kelly goes into more thorough detail on her blog.

They seem to have trouble even doing "right" a simple, feel-good hire of a resigning Board member.

The first thing I thought of was "how are they going to get this guy a working visa when they haven't done a job search?". I don't see how that can happen, given the circumstances. If it can and does happen, then that raises a whole lot of other questions regarding how it happened.

As usual lately, Kelly's right on the mark!
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 18th December 2007, 10:03am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 3:46pm) *

Uh oh... There's trouble (already) on the Erik hiring front:

Allow me to be the first to say "What the hell?" Am I the only one who
is absolutely outraged by this? We hear Erik call for transparency and
openness, yet he gets hired for a position there was no announcement
about? I call BS.

-Chad H.

And Kelly goes into more thorough detail on her blog.

They seem to have trouble even doing "right" a simple, feel-good hire of a resigning Board member.

The first thing I thought of was "how are they going to get this guy a working visa when they haven't done a job search?". I don't see how that can happen, given the circumstances. If it can and does happen, then that raises a whole lot of other questions regarding how it happened.

As usual lately, Kelly's right on the mark!

Wow. Doesn't WMF have a EEO/AA policy? Did Gardner actually said publicly "preferably not an American?" That would amount slam dunk discrimination based on national origin. WMF might be too small to qualify for Title VII EOE coverage, which requires 15 employees, and the corresponding Florida agency (Florida Commission on Human Relations) appears to also require 15 employees. If anyone feels they have been discriminated they should nevertheless consult local counsel as the employee count is a very close thing, there may be employees that we are unaware of, the count may be subject to interpretation, and other forms of relief may be available.

This doesn't even begin to address the work visa requirements.
WMF should relocate to Nauru.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 18th December 2007, 12:01pm) *
If anyone feels they have been discriminated they should nevertheless consult local counsel as the employee count is a very close thing, there may be employees that that we are unaware of, the count may be subject to interpretation, and other forms of relief may be available.

I'm calling my lawyers right now! angry.gif

Dang, I so wanted that job... you know, work from home, tell unpaid programmers what to do, hang out on IRC all day, be quoted in the press as saying "privacy no longer exists so deal with it," on and on and on. Who wouldn't want a job like that?
This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

At least the first time I've felt the feeling and haven't been able to rationalize it away. The crumbling facade is becoming way too obvious.
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 7:55am) *

QUOTE(Sue Gardner @ Tue Dec 18 05:29:41 UTC 2007)
Our chief technical officer, Brion Vibber, will report to Erik.

That's going to cause some friction.

QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 7:55am) *

Hmm... Putting aside the way the sheer self-righteousness of this makes me totally want to hurl, it's interesting that he would mention "single user login or stable versions" specifically. I'm not saying those things are bad, in fact they're probably good, I'm just curious as to why he'd mention them.

Because those are two features that have been promised forever (they've been coming "real soon" literally for years) and never delivered.

Anyway, I guess now we know why Erik recused himself from the vote for Sue as Executive Director. Smart decision on his part.

And with this new move, maybe it's time for me to shut up for a while.
Samuel Culper Sr.
QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 6:24pm) *

This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

Maybe. But only if things like this were ever picked up and widely-disseminated in the press.
QUOTE(Samuel Culper Sr. @ Tue 18th December 2007, 1:26pm) *

QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 6:24pm) *

This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

Maybe. But only if things like this were ever picked up and widely-disseminated in the press.

I have information that the Associated Press will be running a story on the Carolyn COO adventure in the next 24 hours. Keep watch, faithful Reviewers.
Recall that Jimbo is petrified of anything that could bring WP into disrepute.

And now the mainstream press is pumping out a daily stream of stories that bring WP into disrepute.

It's got to be his worst nightmare.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 7:24pm) *

This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

At least the first time I've felt the feeling and haven't been able to rationalize it away. The crumbling facade is becoming way too obvious.

Hi Jeff.

I feel sorry for you (and no humour here; this is sincere). I believe that you really did think that WP was on the level.

It's hard to accept when something that you believe in turns out to be the 'ole shell game, but yes, Virginia there is no Santa Claus.

We're here if you need to vent about this.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 8:43pm) *

I have information that the Associated Press will be running a story on the Carolyn COO adventure in the next 24 hours. Keep watch, faithful Reviewers.

thanks for the heads up, Greg! I'll be watching!
The Joy
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 18th December 2007, 3:34pm) *

QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 7:24pm) *

This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

At least the first time I've felt the feeling and haven't been able to rationalize it away. The crumbling facade is becoming way too obvious.

Hi Jeff.

I feel sorry for you (and no humour here; this is sincere). I believe that you really did think that WP was on the level.

It's hard to accept when something that you believe in turns out to be the 'ole shell game, but yes, Virginia there is no Santa Claus.

Oh, there's a Santa Claus as Jimbo is getting Arch Coal in his stocking! happy.gif
Samuel Culper Sr.
<--Tin foil hat firmly in place

Lemme get this straight... So Moeller was on the Board (unpaid), had some sort of discussion with Sue about being a Deputy Director (a newly-formed, unannounced position), recused himself from the vote for Sue, was appointed hired by Sue to be the DD (a paid position) with a somewhat vague "administrative" job responsibility, and now basically does much of the same he's been doing, but now gets paid out of the donors' pockets with no input from the community nor the donors as to whether or not a DD is even needed? Well that's nice. ph34r.gif
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 2:55am) *

QUOTE(Erik @ Tue Dec 18 07:03:37 UTC 2007)

We could have decided that we'll never be able to respond to a partnership proposal from a major university, or put together a grant, or execute a strategic priority like single user login or stable versions. We have decided, however, that our mission and vision is to empower everyone to share in the sum of human knowledge. And that desire is leading us to a new morning, a new beginning.

Whether Federal EEO law applies, or if WMF slides under the the radar by having less than 15 employees, one fact remains: No foundation is going to even permit WMF to reply to a Request for Proposal (RfP) without a fully developed, and implemented EEO/AA policy. The hiring of Erik after the Executive Director making a public "preferably not an American" comment amounts to bold faced discrimination based on national origin. It also occurs in the State of Florida with large African American and Hispanic populations, not to mention women. But the job has been reserved for a white European male without giving anyone else the opportunity to show that they are qualified. All others need not apply.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 18th December 2007, 4:31pm) *

...after the Executive Director making a public "preferably not an American" comment...

Is this a rumor, or can it be substantiated?

I've sent the story to my three favorite attorney friends, just to see if they have anything to say. I'm going to guess that, because the WMF has only 9 employees, none of these shenanigans are going to be "illegal". However, they will almost certainly be viewed as unfair or even unethical, and that won't be good for the big, generous donors to hear about.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 4:55pm) *

QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 18th December 2007, 4:31pm) *

...after the Executive Director making a public "preferably not an American" comment...

Is this a rumor, or can it be substantiated?

I've sent the story to my three favorite attorney friends, just to see if they have anything to say. I'm going to guess that, because the WMF has only 9 employees, none of these shenanigans are going to be "illegal". However, they will almost certainly be viewed as unfair or even unethical, and that won't be good for the big, generous donors to hear about.


I'm basing this on Kelly's Blog:

Especially troubling was Sue's decision (as reportedly indicated in an email to the Foundation's "internal" mailing list) to make "preferably not an American" a qualification for this position; not only does that violate the Foundation's own EOE policy, but several aspects of the law as well. Earth to Mike Godwin? Hello? Are you listening?

I'm not sure which list she is talking about. Can anyone help with a link or the text?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 3:55pm) *
Is this a rumor, or can it be substantiated?

Judging by the buzz, I'd say it definitely did happen, but as for proof... it's a private list, and if everyone cooperates in covering it up, then that could be problematic.

I'm going to don my flame-retardant outerwear for a moment here. Would I be letting the side down excessively if I suggested that the foundation actually does, in fact, need someone in a management position who isn't from North America?

I still wouldn't have chosen Erik Moeller, obviously, but they're international in scope, and in case folks haven't noticed, the good ol' USA isn't exactly at the height of its popularity at the moment. All they've really had until now is Florence Devouard, but there was that incident a few months ago when she said all that embarrassing stuff at a public conference about how they're running out of cash...

I suspect Erik actually does have some experience with software internationalization and localization in general, which isn't an easy thing to be good at, as I've learned first-hand. And of course, MediaWiki in particular. On the minus side, though, he seems to want to encourage Wikipedians to make photos of themselves available. We all know what that leads to! ohmy.gif
That means someone on the mailing list has to leak it, but unless at least one other person confirms it, such a leak is not reliable evidence.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Tue 18th December 2007, 5:27pm) *

That means someone on the mailing list has to leak it, but unless at least one other person confirms it, such a leak is not reliable evidence.

These people ain't exactly the Teamsters. They don't hang tough for shit.
Pumpkin Muffins
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 18th December 2007, 10:23pm) *

I'm basing this on Kelly's Blog:

Especially troubling was Sue's decision (as reportedly indicated in an email to the Foundation's "internal" mailing list) to make "preferably not an American" a qualification for this position; not only does that violate the Foundation's own EOE policy, but several aspects of the law as well. Earth to Mike Godwin? Hello? Are you listening?

I'm not sure which list she is talking about. Can anyone help with a link or the text?

The internal mailing list is another one of those closed, unadvertised lists that Jimbo says isn't secret.

Don't get me wrong here, I understand the need to have smaller private lists for the higher ups. But the foundation can defuse a lot of criticism and paranoia simply by noting these lists and their membership.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 18th December 2007, 11:26pm) *

I still wouldn't have chosen Erik Moeller, obviously, but they're international in scope, and in case folks haven't noticed, the good ol' USA isn't exactly at the height of its popularity at the moment. All they've really had until now is Florence Devouard, but there was that incident a few months ago when she said all that embarrassing stuff at a public conference about how they're running out of cash...

I suspect Erik actually does have some experience with software internationalization and localization in general, which isn't an easy thing to be good at, as I've learned first-hand. And of course, MediaWiki in particular. On the minus side, though, he seems to want to encourage Wikipedians to make photos of themselves available. We all know what that leads to! ohmy.gif

Well, I think that you're forgetting Freida, who is Italian.

But, what the foundation needs and who the foundation can legally hire in the United States are two completely different things. You don't just blithely go hiring just anybody just like that. For example, orchestra conductors are more often than not foreign nationals in the United States. However, there is always a search committee who undertakes a search. Candidates are flown in and they work with the orchestra. The musicians, the board and sometimes even the public at large are consulted and then a choice is made. So, there is no problem getting a work visa for the person involved because they can prove that they've looked at all the possible candidates and this is the one person who's most qualified for the job.

Nothing like that has been done here. This is just Sue G. saying "Boy, I'd like to hire Erik as my DD".

However, maybe he and Angela are secretly married, so maybe he already has his greencard???
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 18th December 2007, 7:43pm) *

QUOTE(Samuel Culper Sr. @ Tue 18th December 2007, 1:26pm) *

QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 6:24pm) *

This is the first time I've ever had the nagging feeling that WP might be fucked.

Maybe. But only if things like this were ever picked up and widely-disseminated in the press.

I have information that the Associated Press will be running a story on the Carolyn COO adventure in the next 24 hours. Keep watch, faithful Reviewers.

this is primo fodder for American Tabloid TV - several 24hr "news" channels have a lot of time to fill, and all the WalMart parking lot abductions and Aruban Cold Cases are tired. This one has new twists.

I'd be suprised if this Doran thing wasn't splashed all over the CNN, Fox, NBC, etc shows that thrive on this sort of 'True Crime' mania that never ends.
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 18th December 2007, 8:34pm) *

I feel sorry for you (and no humour here; this is sincere). I believe that you really did think that WP was on the level.

It's hard to accept when something that you believe in turns out to be the 'ole shell game, but yes, Virginia there is no Santa Claus.

Well, let's be serious for a sec - it was clear very early on that "on the level" was not part of the Wikipedia game. What i'm referring to here is that a) the doom and gloom scenarios were always a bit out there for me, and cool.gif now they're not. I can really see a rather nasty schism of some sort coming down the pike that can't end well.

Please - the system has been corrupt since before I got involved with the project, and they certainly didn't do anything to fix it. If anything, the unfortunate fact is that the rot went further up the vine than I anticipated.
QUOTE(badlydrawnjeff @ Tue 18th December 2007, 8:55pm) *
Please - the system has been corrupt since before I got involved with the project, and they certainly didn't do anything to fix it. If anything, the unfortunate fact is that the rot went further up the vine than I anticipated.

A fish rots from the head down.
Samuel Culper Sr.
Okay, here's what I really don't get (apart from the COI that going from an unpaid position to a unannounced paid position entails)...

In the recent posted job description, Sue writes as a requirement... "Good grasp of issues/crisis/risk management, media/public/stakeholder relations, safeguarding of brand;"

Okaaaaay... so why hire a guy that at least as recently as May was advocating strongly for re-branding all WMF projects as Wikipedia Projects (e.g. Wiktionary becomes Wikipedia Dictionary, etc.)? After he got destroyed by members of non-pedia projects, as well as from some well known members in the community (David Gerard, Kelly Martin, Robert Horning for example), he discarded people's objections went on to say "my conviction that we should rebrand the projects soon has only grown through the discussion so far." I think this was around the time Danny left the WMF (and on his way out saying things about protecting the brand).

Nice response by The Cunctator a few minutes ago, too. smile.gif
QUOTE(Samuel Culper Sr. @ Wed 19th December 2007, 10:44am) *

Okay, here's what I really don't get (apart from the COI that going from an unpaid position to a unannounced paid position entails)...

In the recent posted job description, Sue writes as a requirement... "Good grasp of issues/crisis/risk management, media/public/stakeholder relations, safeguarding of brand;"

Okaaaaay... so why hire a guy that at least as recently as May was advocating strongly for re-branding all WMF projects as Wikipedia Projects (e.g. Wiktionary becomes Wikipedia Dictionary, etc.)? After he got destroyed by members of non-pedia projects, as well as from some well known members in the community (David Gerard, Kelly Martin, Robert Horning for example), he discarded people's objections went on to say "my conviction that we should rebrand the projects soon has only grown through the discussion so far." I think this was around the time Danny left the WMF (and on his way out saying things about protecting the brand).

Nice response by The Cunctator a few minutes ago, too. smile.gif

When was this job posting created (it is not dated and lacks "open" and "closed" dates)? Was it distributed to potential sources of applicants? Did anyone apply? If Erik still the "winner without a contest" or are they opening it up again?

Can Erik Get a Visa to Work for WMF?

Maybe, even likely he can. This is what I can figure out so far:

Most likely a H1B visa would be sought. This visa permits skilled foreign worker to stay for 3 years (extensions possible.) Employers do have to not have to automatically offer the employment to American workers first. If the employer has a sufficiently high percentage of employees under H1B visas (number varies with size of company*) they are considered “H1B Dependent.” If so the employer does have to advertise for American applicants and attest that they can find no American to fill the position. There is no way that WMF could truthfully make that statement.

Sue is Canadian (some special visa might be available for nationals of NAFTA partners.) I do not know anything about the citizenship or visa status of any other WMF employee but it would not seem likely WMF would be considered “H1B Dependent.” It is also possible WMF might seek to bring Erik in under some other visa or status.

This is very specialized form of law. Comments by posters who are knowledgeable would be especially welcomed.

* 25 or fewer full-time equivalent ("FTE") employees and more than 7 H1B employees. So once again WMF size may help them dodge the bullet.

Not legal advice *** Discussion purposes only *** Consult a local attorney with immigration expertise
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