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Daniel Brandt
At the top of the Wikipedia-Watch home page there is now a search box that defaults to rolleyes.gif

If you run a blog or other site that is indexed by Google, you might be able to add it to your site by just copying the HTML code from the Wikipedia-Watch page, and adding your site as the "CHECKED" default option.
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 22nd December 2007, 1:25pm) *

At the top of the Wikipedia-Watch home page there is now a search box that defaults to :rolleyes:

If you run a blog or other site that is indexed by Google, you might be able to add it to your site by just copying the HTML code from the Wikipedia-Watch page, and adding your site as the "CHECKED" default option.

Ooooooh that's quite nifty, thanks much Mr. Brandt.
Daniel Brandt
I changed the Scroogle search on Wikipedia-Watch so that it uses the SSL (secure socket layer) option. That's the little padlock image you see on your browser when you enter a site that asks for personal information such as credit card numbers.

The reason I changed it to SSL is that in cases where you are searching for information on itself, or particularly when you are sleuthing around some some editor's own site or blog, you don't want him to know that you initially arrived there from Scroogle. The SSL in all browsers blanks out the referrer when it takes you to any of the links that you click on from a secure page. By going to those sites with a blank referrer, you will look like any of the thousands of bots that wander around the web all day long with blank referrers.

Now you may think that just using Google directly is okay, because everyone uses Google and you'll get lost in the crowd. But that's not true. Google and other search engines not only show where you came from, but the website owner with access to referrer logs can also see exactly which search terms you used to get to his site! That is definitely not recommended for web sleuthing. It can set off alarm bells when the website owner sees this, and he might make a note of your IP address.
So the search tool can be found at until it is incorporated into a WR page. Thanks for the good work Daniel.
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