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Keep in mind that as long as Jimmy has a financial stake in Wikia, he will fight tooth and nail any attempt to be driven out.

You know how he's gotten more and more irrational and slowly more erratic with each passing heavily-media covered Wikipedia controversy?

1. Every time Wikipedia fucks up, and the press report it, it cuts into Jimmy's bottom line and Wikia paycheck.

2. Every time Wikipedia gets a bad write-up in the press, it may drive capital investment money away from Wikia.

3. Every time a "Wikipedian" talks to the media in a way not supervised by the media, it costs Jimmy Wales and Wikia money potentially.

4. Essjay caused Jimmy to lose money.

5. Durova caused Jimmy to lose money.

6. BADSITES, Pedophilia cover ups, and all the other accumulated internal crap caused Jimmy to lose money.

7. WR causes Jimmy to lose money.

8. Orlowski, Metz, and the Guardian especially bite into Jimmy's money.

9. Cla98 and Tobias talking to the press cost Jimmy money.

10. The more Wikipedia gets more and more insular, the press grows exponentially wanting to dig in, and each dig costs Jimmy money.

Any wonder why things are getting siege like there? Jimmy sees each hit as a financial loss--he'd be a fool not to. His siege mentality trickles down to everyone else, who see it as an assault on Wikipedia and them, and take it personal, and fight back, to earn back Wikipedia's reputation. Each time they tighten the screws, it gets a tiny, teeny, fractional bit worse--and it's a cycle that has slowly sped up each year since Siegenthaler hit.

Jimmy could turn it around instantly with permanent and utter transparency end to end, and by yielding all control in binding legal manner to the Foundation--cut the ties. Will he?

Of course not, because that would mean yielding control. His fiscal loss.

Then again, if Jimmy won't fix Wikipedia, maybe the community should cut its losses, and toss out the bad and old. Is Wikipedia here to make Jimbo Wales and Wikia money? Is Wikipedia supposed to ultimately serve Jimmy, who did nothing but borrow an idea that Ben Kovitz and Larry Sanger thought up, that he threw a small bit of capital bread at? Or is he supposed to be serving Wikipedia?

Someone pass these comments on to him, will ya?

JIMMY: Is Wikipedia more important, or Wikia? Do you care more about your own business interests, or the project of Wikipedia itself?
Disillusioned Lackey
It is a delicate balancing act. He rides Wikipedia to fund Wikia.

Besides, he cant get out of Wikipedia, because when if Wikia tanks, like most dot coms will do, he needs to be able to go back somewhere.

He's been such an ass, no one would hire him anywhere else....
QUOTE(Rootology @ Tue 25th December 2007, 4:07am) *

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Keep in mind that as long as Jimmy has a financial stake in Wikia, he will fight tooth and nail any attempt to be driven out.

You know how he's gotten more and more irrational and slowly more erratic with each passing heavily-media covered Wikipedia controversy?

1. Every time Wikipedia fucks up, and the press report it, it cuts into Jimmy's bottom line and Wikia paycheck.

2. Every time Wikipedia gets a bad write-up in the press, it may drive capital investment money away from Wikia.

3. Every time a "Wikipedian" talks to the media in a way not supervised by the media, it costs Jimmy Wales and Wikia money potentially.

4. Essjay caused Jimmy to lose money.

5. Durova caused Jimmy to lose money.

6. BADSITES, Pedophilia cover ups, and all the other accumulated internal crap caused Jimmy to lose money.

7. WR causes Jimmy to lose money.

8. Orlowski, Metz, and the Guardian especially bite into Jimmy's money.

9. Cla98 and Tobias talking to the press cost Jimmy money.

10. The more Wikipedia gets more and more insular, the press grows exponentially wanting to dig in, and each dig costs Jimmy money.

Any wonder why things are getting siege like there? Jimmy sees each hit as a financial loss--he'd be a fool not to. His siege mentality trickles down to everyone else, who see it as an assault on Wikipedia and them, and take it personal, and fight back, to earn back Wikipedia's reputation. Each time they tighten the screws, it gets a tiny, teeny, fractional bit worse--and it's a cycle that has slowly sped up each year since Siegenthaler hit.

Jimmy could turn it around instantly with permanent and utter transparency end to end, and by yielding all control in binding legal manner to the Foundation--cut the ties. Will he?

Of course not, because that would mean yielding control. His fiscal loss.

Then again, if Jimmy won't fix Wikipedia, maybe the community should cut its losses, and toss out the bad and old. Is Wikipedia here to make Jimbo Wales and Wikia money? Is Wikipedia supposed to ultimately serve Jimmy, who did nothing but borrow an idea that Ben Kovitz and Larry Sanger thought up, that he threw a small bit of capital bread at? Or is he supposed to be serving Wikipedia?

Someone pass these comments on to him, will ya?

JIMMY: Is Wikipedia more important, or Wikia? Do you care more about your own business interests, or the project of Wikipedia itself?

I'm sure stuff like this cost Jimbo buckaroos...

See this from a basic Google search. Its already happening, this was in the top ten google search for "Wikipeida" Wikipeida on google

Nonprofit foundation behind Wikipedia learns a felon became a top executive

Since Jimbo is a native of Chicago has lived in Chicago for a time and is familiar with it's customs and pattens of speech, I shall give Jim a traditional Chitown Xmas greeting for a person of his character... "MERRY XMAS jagoff motherfucker. Hope they send you to Da "Jollyyet" charm school next year.

Any rate, for the other wikifighters here on WR...I wish you a good and safe xmas, and a happy new year.
Disillusioned Lackey
Carolyn Doran's AP story was on the front page of the biz section on the SF Chronicle during the past week.

That can't be good for future mezzanine financing.

"For Wikimedia COO was a convicted Felon"

Mind you, if he hadn't created an army of haters, no one would have been bothering to look this stuff up. (cough brandt cough)
In additional to his financial viability, he also cares about a crucial factor that influences his ability to attract financial support -- namely his reputability. Jimbo is especially concerned about anything that would bring any of his enterprise into disrepute.

The irony is that, in my own case, I sought to improve a few poorly written articles that had failed to rise to a respectable level of accuracy, excellence, and ethics in online media. But Jimbo's minions, in service of the Wikipedia Project on Intelligent Design rebuffed my initiative, preferring to throw their weight around in a shameful display of bad judgment, bad faith, and bad taste.

It occurs to me that Jimbo's Cult of Wikipedia is ineluctably bringing the enterprise into disrepute, much the same way King John brought the English Monarchy into disrepute in the years of corruption leading to the drafting of the Magna Carta.

To my mind, Wikipedia will need something akin to the Magna Carta to establish a respectable foundation upon which to build a functional community worthy of public trust and support.
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