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Jimbo's recently unprotected and recreated Church of Reality, with the summary (Independent 3rd party has expressed an interest in writing a neutral article).


Talk:Church of Reality
An independent 3rd party has offered to try to write a good article, and I would like to see that effort proceed. Therefore, I have unprotected the article. I think it is possible that, with the passage of time, there has been sufficient additional press coverage to merit an article. I take no position on that, I am just saying that it is possible.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 17:51, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

The San Francisco-based CoR was founded by the eccentric Marc Perkel, a former(?) employee of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He currently hosts the websites, Larry Lessig's blog, and various others.

This probably has nothing to do with Jimbo and Larry's long standing relationship, or the recent discussions of WP switching to some form of Creative Commons license.
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 6th January 2008, 12:35pm) *

Jimbo's recently unprotected and recreated Church of Reality, with the summary (Independent 3rd party has expressed an interest in writing a neutral article).


Talk:Church of Reality
An independent 3rd party has offered to try to write a good article, and I would like to see that effort proceed. Therefore, I have unprotected the article. I think it is possible that, with the passage of time, there has been sufficient additional press coverage to merit an article. I take no position on that, I am just saying that it is possible.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 17:51, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

The San Francisco-based CoR was founded by the eccentric Marc Perkel, a former(?) employee of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He currently hosts the websites, Larry Lessig's blog, and various others.

This probably has nothing to do with Jimbo and Larry's long standing relationship, or the recent discussions of WP switching to some form of Creative Commons license.

No offense, but this is supposed to mean what? Also who exactly is Larry Lessig?
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 6th January 2008, 12:35pm) *

This probably has nothing to do with Jimbo and Larry's long standing relationship, or the recent discussions of WP switching to some form of Creative Commons license.

No, there's no way the ethical and upstanding Jimbo Wales would ever assert his influence over the Wikipedia project in order to tweak its content and procedures outside the bounds of what the community have already set down as a guiding foundation. No, he'd NEVER do that.
QUOTE(KStreetSlave @ Mon 7th January 2008, 1:41am) *

QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 6th January 2008, 12:35pm) *

Jimbo's recently unprotected and recreated Church of Reality, with the summary (Independent 3rd party has expressed an interest in writing a neutral article).


Talk:Church of Reality
An independent 3rd party has offered to try to write a good article, and I would like to see that effort proceed. Therefore, I have unprotected the article. I think it is possible that, with the passage of time, there has been sufficient additional press coverage to merit an article. I take no position on that, I am just saying that it is possible.--Jimbo Wales (talk) 17:51, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

The San Francisco-based CoR was founded by the eccentric Marc Perkel, a former(?) employee of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He currently hosts the websites, Larry Lessig's blog, and various others.

This probably has nothing to do with Jimbo and Larry's long standing relationship, or the recent discussions of WP switching to some form of Creative Commons license.

No offense, but this is supposed to mean what? Also who exactly is Larry Lessig?

It means nothing in particular.

Lawrence Lessig is founder and CEO of Creative Commons and board member of Electronic Frontier Foundation. You may recall WMF's general counsel Mike Godwin was previously staff counsel for the EFF.

Lessig recently sang the Sonny and Cher song "I Got You Babe" with Jimbo at the 3rd Street Bar & Grill. This was humorous because Lessig was lead counsel for the plaintiff in Eldred v. Ashcroft which challenged the constitutionality of the 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act. Some think he spectacularly blew it.
Time to sweep, sweep, sweep it under the rug.
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