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"If a banned editor ran into Wikimania and said the building was on fire, Wikipedians would sit there and roast rather than acknowledge that he was right." - Kelly Martin

Sorry if this is off-topic, I just thought that quote was worth sharing.
That's a good quote.
Acknowledge that he was right? They'd tape his mouth shut, throw him out of the building, and refuse to acknowledge that he spoke.
And then punch everyone who listened to him speak repeatedly in the groin.
QUOTE(KStreetSlave @ Sun 6th January 2008, 5:42pm) *

And then punch everyone who listened to him speak repeatedly in the groin.

Nah. JzG will make them save that for the really terrible banned users, like the ones who won't shut up about wanting credit for what they wrote.
The Joy
They'd probably think the banned editor set the building on fire. ohmy.gif
No, they'd say that Runcorn did it, using a secret transatlantic tunnel.
QUOTE(KStreetSlave @ Mon 7th January 2008, 1:42am) *

And then punch everyone who listened to him speak repeatedly in the groin.

Can you re-phrase that? Not many people "speak repeatedly in the groin"! tongue.gif
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Yehudi @ Mon 7th January 2008, 11:28am) *

QUOTE(KStreetSlave @ Mon 7th January 2008, 1:42am) *

And then punch everyone who listened to him speak repeatedly in the groin.

Can you re-phrase that? Not many people "speak repeatedly in the groin"! tongue.gif

So many jokes … So little time …

Gulliver in Wikiputia ???

Jonny cool.gif
Actually, what'd they'd probably do to those who acknowledged the Exile is to throw them bodily from the burning building, and then smugly pat themselves on the back for sticking it to 'em.

Just ask User:Ombudsman before my intervention (lol)
Sorry for the double post, but where did this quote come from?
The quote about the burning building? Kelly Martin.
Right, but where? The mailing list? Her blog? Here???
Oh, sorry about that. I'd like to know as well.
I think it was on wikback.
It was on a WikBack post, on the most-viewed thread of all-WikBack-time.

They ought to give a barnstar to the guy who created such a provocative thread, which gave them all kinds of additional traffic.

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