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Peter Damian
An interesting comment here

The emergence of a small insular clique allowed (enabled) by the community to perceive itself as both inviolate, and righteous, and who would now retaliate vociferously against intended restrictions. (And a wider crowd of people encouraging it.)

At first I thought 'the clique' was referring to #admins. Perhaps not.
I don't know anything about this IRC malarky. Is it a reference to Bishonen and posse?
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Kato @ Sat 12th January 2008, 10:25am) *

I don't know anything about this IRC malarky. Is it a reference to Bishonen and posse?

Yes. If you haven't got up to speed on the IRC malarkey, I wouldn't bother. Best
Are we here at WR supposed to be part of the "wider crowd" who's encouraging the Bishonen Posse™ to retaliate vociferously against "intended restrictions"? And these restrictions are presumably meant to prevent User:Giano_II from posting on policy pages?

It would be nice if they'd say what they mean, but someone's feelings might get hurt slightly, I suppose. That would be bad.
What's past is prologue. It's some mostly forgotten backstory that drives a bit of drama going forward, mainly with respect to the handful of characters who haven't forgotten.
Jonny Cache
In our niche of the web we don't mess around with e-phemisms like «Small Insular Clique» («SIC») — we call a Cabal a Cabal. Don't be fooled by all the cheerleaders, it's not your grammar school clique.

Jon Awbrey
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