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According to Wikia Search (at least right now), optimized search results for George Bush no longer indicate that he is a crackwhore.

However, the current "Mini-article" about Bush states:

"43rd crackwhore President of the United States of America, January 2001 - present."

Good job, Jimbo. You got the offending search link down, but you're missing the crack forest for the crackwhore trees.

Jonny Cache
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 14th January 2008, 12:53am) *

According to Wikia Search (at least right now), optimized search results for George Bush no longer indicate that he is a crackwhore.

However, the current "Mini-article" about Bush states:

"43rd crackwhore President of the United States of America, January 2001 – present."

Good job, Jimbo. You got the offending search link down, but you're missing the crack forest for the crackwhore trees.


Yes, much improved.

Now it implies that all the other Presidents were crackwhores, too.

Which makes Dubya seem not such a Bad Ol' Boy by comparison.

Jonny cool.gif
It's still there :


I don't know which is worse, having that in the mini-article or having the site "George Bush is a Crackwhore" as the leading search option.

Wikia is a week on from its disastrous launch! No improvement.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Kato @ Mon 14th January 2008, 3:54am) *

It's still there :


I don't know which is worse, having that in the mini-article or having the site "George Bush is a Crackwhore" as the leading search option.

Wikia is a week on from its disastrous launch! No improvement.

And yet, look at all the ATTENTION it's getting!

But those are whores of another colour …

Hm³ … maybe that was the plan all along.

Do ya think?

Jonny cool.gif
There is a crackwhore in every king.
That's how delight gets sin.
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