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Peter Damian
OK did some more research and found this disturbing page from Wikia here

I won't post any of the images there, you can imagine what it's like (nipple rings, dungeons &c, japanese schoolgirls) except for this one here

of which there are a number similar. It wouldn't be out of place in your typical family photo album, except for, er, it is very much out of place here. Where did they get all these photos of pubescent girls from. Answer: their parents. Here for example

which appears to be maintained by a single dad proud of a pretty 13 year old daughter who has taken a lot of photos of her, artistic in a chocolate-box pass-the-sickbags kind of way. It seems like it is really is genuine (if not, the mind boggles, really). E.g.


Kristen and I grew up together,and my flickr site is mostly about her.I was honored to be a single parent dad.The only guy at the girl scout meetings,cheerleading practices,drama classes.But along the way I took pictures and this site is Kristen,s story in photos.The story of a precious little girl,growing up to be a beautiful teen.I only wish the photo,s could show the big hearted,the angel,and beautiful spirit that she is.Most recently my little girl graduated from high school.A simple site about an big eyed little angel growing up..

Is he really that stupid. I have a daughter of exactly the same age & I have ballerina photos, holiday stuff which NO WAY goes onto a publicly available website, however innocent it may seem to begin with. And I would question whether it is so innocent - the dad has comments enabled and some of them are pretty creepy, e.g.


she is beautiful... it is everything, her stare, her skin, her eyes, and a perfect shaped mouth... she is exquisite... i would love to see her fingers, i love delicate fingers and feminine hands... but thiose eyes i could keep looking into...

Er, right, call in social services. I despair. Perhaps someone should let this guy know where some of his daughter's pictures have ended up (i.e. next to a nipple ring on one side and a torture dungeon on the other). I despair.
I'm afraid at this point, I can't even bring this to any authority's attention. I suspect that I'm personally viewed as the "resident anti-Wikia crackpot" at the IRS, the Florida Consumer Affairs department, the blogosphere, the WikBack, etc.

Other people need to spread this information around. Not me. People other than me. Change public opinion. If necessary, organize a boycott of Amazon until they stop funding this particular Beast.

We've always said Jimbo is just a former porn peddler re-branded as an encyclopedia editor. It would appear that we were frighteningly off the mark, in that this particular Wikia hosted on his servers, is actually worse than mere "porn".

For what it's worth, I don't believe the guy is "stupid" - he's a victim of the kind of thing that happened to the "virgin mobile girl". The fact is, the majority of users of "social" sites are unlikely to be making fully informed licensing decisions - fed by flikr's marketing guff for new users, I doubt he had sufficient information to understand he was "licensing" the pictures for this kind of use.

There's a fair few pictures of that kid alongside the beaten kids, child upskirt shots and general soft porn. I've dropped the father a line through flikr, pointing him to the spanking site, the wikia contact page, and this thread - he seems unimpressed by the site, but he will hopefully have some recourse.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(UseOnceAndDestroy @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 5:54pm) *

I've dropped the father a line through flikr, pointing him to the spanking site, the wikia contact page, and this thread - he seems unimpressed by the site, but he will hopefully have some recourse.

Thanks for doing that. I still think it was a dumb thing to do. As I say, whatever a site like flikr says, if you post pictures of your children on the beach or whatever, it's in public view, without the watchful care of parents and guardians.
Those comments are jaw-dropping. Who the hell are these people? This guy made a comment on almost every pic, and he seems to like doing terrible photoshops of other people's children.

And yeah, you can't exactly revoke openly-licensed photos. And your privacy never comes back.
Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.
"But Gramma, What big teeth you have!"

"Always AGF my dahlin'" [*]

[*] from the Suthern edition
QUOTE(Viridae @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:13pm) *

Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.

Why the hell not? Would you prefer to blame the child?
Disgusting! mad.gif
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 24th January 2008, 2:15pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:13pm) *

Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.

Why the hell not? Would you prefer to blame the child?
Disgusting! mad.gif

I don't think this is a naiive person, nor a normal one. The comments about her body, even her "hands", etc indicate something weird.

Having said that, I completely blame parents, or anyone, who is naiive about kids and the internet.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:24am) *

I'm afraid at this point, I can't even bring this to any authority's attention. I suspect that I'm personally viewed as the "resident anti-Wikia crackpot" at the IRS, the Florida Consumer Affairs department, the blogosphere, the WikBack, etc.

Other people need to spread this information around. Not me. People other than me. Change public opinion. If necessary, organize a boycott of Amazon until they stop funding this particular Beast.

We've always said Jimbo is just a former porn peddler re-branded as an encyclopedia editor. It would appear that we were frighteningly off the mark, in that this particular Wikia hosted on his servers, is actually worse than mere "porn".


True. Maybe your wife, or brother, or whoever else, or someone you know could report it.

On the other hand, something this egregious could be reported, even by a famous anti-wikipedian. It's child abuse. All bets are off.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 24th January 2008, 8:15pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:13pm) *

Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.

Why the hell not? Would you prefer to blame the child?
Disgusting! mad.gif

I think I'd blame Creative Commons really. I've had a look through the site and I think there is either the same naivety there. The only words of warning I could find buried there (but I am happy to be proved wrong) are:


I don’t like the way a person has used my work in a derivative work or included it in a collective work; what can I do?

If you do not like the way that a person has made a derivative work or incorporated your work into a collective work, under the Creative Commons licenses, you may request removal of your name from the derivative work or the collective work.

In addition, the copyright laws in most jurisdictions around the world (with the notable exception of the US) grant creators “moral rights” which may provide you with some redress if a derivative work represents a “derogatory treatment” of your work. Moral rights give an original author the right to object to “derogatory treatment” of their work; “derogatory treatment” is typically defined as “distortion or mutilation” of the work or treatment, which is “prejudicial to the honor, or reputation of the author.” All Creative Commons licenses (with the exception of Canada) leave moral rights unaffected. This means that an original author may be able to take action against a derivative work that infringes the moral right that protects against derogatory treatment. Of course, not all derivative works that a creator does not like will be considered “derogatory.”

In other words, not a lot. Derogatory treatment might be a let out, but it doesn't sound very convincing.

I doubt that few had realised that CC was a licence to allow others to pervert your work - it is all so "For the Greater Good (Greater Good)". Flikr makes it all seem so Helpful.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 24th January 2008, 8:15pm) *
QUOTE(Viridae @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:13pm) *
Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.

Why the hell not? Would you prefer to blame the child?
Disgusting! :angry:

QUOTE(AB @ Thu 24th January 2008, 8:40pm) *

QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 24th January 2008, 8:15pm) *
QUOTE(Viridae @ Wed 23rd January 2008, 10:13pm) *
Don't blame him for being naive about the kind of perversion the internet promotes.

Why the hell not? Would you prefer to blame the child?
Disgusting! mad.gif


What is the meaning of this???!!

(no seriously, what is the meaning of {{{ }}}). Not catching your banter, old chap.
Disillusioned Lackey
AB has strong feelings about child abuse.

That was a "hug".

He likes to give those.
AB is a she. :-)
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Nathan @ Thu 24th January 2008, 3:27pm) *

AB is a she. :-)

Potatoe(sic) - Potahtoe(sic)


"AB" is gender neutral for a name, wink.gif no?

Besides, on Wikipedia, you never know what gender half the population is. So many of them are cross-bi-changed-or-whatever. No offense intended to the diverse population, or AB. Just making a lame probably politically incorrect joke. rolleyes.gif
After all, nobody knows what sex Disillusioned Lackey is either. smile.gif
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Thu 24th January 2008, 11:13pm) *
QUOTE(Nathan @ Thu 24th January 2008, 3:27pm) *
AB is a she. :-)

Potatoe(sic) - Potahtoe(sic)


"AB" is gender neutral for a name, ;) no?

Besides, on Wikipedia, you never know what gender half the population is. So many of them are cross-bi-changed-or-whatever. No offense intended to the diverse population, or AB. Just making a lame probably politically incorrect joke. :rolleyes:

Well, it was originally Armed Blowfish, which is really rather
masculine, no?

Seriously. I spent mayhaps a year intentionally letting
people think I was I guy, because in my experience, being
known to be a woman on the internet increases one's
chances of being the target of sexist jokes... and sometimes
worse. Eventually someone outed me, and after failing to
get it removed from WP, I gave up trying to keep it secret.

Hey, it's not like it's uncommon for me to wear men's
clothing anyway.

So it really doesn't matter all that much if you get my
gender wrong.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Fri 25th January 2008, 6:55am) *

Thanks. : )
Hugging an armed blowfish can be hazardous to those with sensitive skin.
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