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A ridiculous paragraph was added to an article by some anonymous wag the other other day. The paragraph included the gobbledygook term "Wotsit Nibnobs". It is still in the article.

First Reviewer to name the article and find the paragraph gets a yet undisclosed prize. I will be releasing clues as to the subject of the article on a regular basis until it is located.

Clue Number 1: The drama takes place around a ring

Martin suffered from a sever eating disorder as a child as result personal turmoil its severity intensifies to the point where he was disabled temporarily. At this time in lived on his mothers home made soup that he dubbed "wotsit nib nobs" due to the ever changing ingredient to it composition and it is this that he held responsible for his dramatic weight gain that lead to a career in wrestling.

Hahahaha omg. Wikipedia quality at it's best.
Congratualtions Kamryn!

You shall be receiving a Wikipedia Review Pencil and Pen, and a free plate of Wotsit Nibnobs in the post.

QUOTE(Kato @ Thu 31st January 2008, 6:00pm) *

Congratualtions Kamryn!

You shall be receiving a Wikipedia Review Pencil and Pen, and a free plate of Wotsit Nibnobs in the post.


but is the 'fact' true? Or am I being naive? smile.gif
They've removed the gobbledygook, but this Giant Haystacks (Martin Ruane) article is still f-ing great.
QUOTE(Haystacks article)

In addition to his wrestling career, he also appeared in the 1984 movie "Give My Regards To Broad Street", written by Sir Paul McCartney who was a noted fan of his.


"This next song was influenced by sweaty wrestler Giant Haystacks.
I am a noted fan of his work.

'Yesterday... All my troubles seemed so...' "


"Oi McCartney! That's a B minor! Grrrrr!"
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