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If anyone (non-admin) wants a revert button on Wikipedia, they can have one quite easily without all that applying for rollback nonsense:

1. Install Mozilla Firefox.
2. Install Greasemonkey (which is a Firefox add-on), then restart your browser.
3. Install script: MediaWiki Roll Back Page History
4. Go to the history of any page. Voila! Instant rollback button.

Note: This script works for just about any Wikimedia wiki. I imagine it can can be modified for any wiki at all if you know what you're doing.
QUOTE(Nathan @ Thu 31st January 2008, 11:57pm) *

If anyone (non-admin) wants a revert button on Wikipedia, they can have one quite easily without all that applying for rollback nonsense:

1. Install Mozilla Firefox.
2. Install Greasemonkey (which is a Firefox add-on), then restart your browser.
3. Install script: MediaWiki Roll Back Page History
4. Go to the history of any page. Voila! Instant rollback button.

Note: This script works for just about any Wikimedia wiki. I imagine it can can be modified for any wiki at all if you know what you're doing.

There was a time that you didn't even need Greasemonkey or a request for rollback. You used Voice of All's script to do so. It worked fine for me until that undo button came around and the script was never updated for it.
Yes, I remember that.
QUOTE(Nathan @ Fri 1st February 2008, 4:57am) *

1. Install Mozilla Firefox.
2. Install Greasemonkey (which is a Firefox add-on), then restart your browser.
3. Install script: MediaWiki Roll Back Page History
4. Go to the history of any page. Voila! Instant rollback button.

Oooooh, clever. smile.gif
Watch for a surge in competitive rollbacks, per Girard's Model of Mimetic Rivalry.
QUOTE(Nathan @ Fri 1st February 2008, 4:57am) *

If anyone (non-admin) wants a revert button on Wikipedia, they can have one quite easily without all that applying for rollback nonsense:

1. Install Mozilla Firefox.
2. Install Greasemonkey (which is a Firefox add-on), then restart your browser.
3. Install script: MediaWiki Roll Back Page History
4. Go to the history of any page. Voila! Instant rollback button.

Note: This script works for just about any Wikimedia wiki. I imagine it can can be modified for any wiki at all if you know what you're doing.

It is nowhere near as fast as the real thing.
Eh, well, it's free so I don't complain wink.gif

You can probably shave a few seconds off the time by not making the rollback reason pop-up/editable.
It could be funn if some one would fegure out how to get the button of bloking others from edit as none admin that could be fun. wink.gif cool.gif
I hate to burst your bubble, but that one's not possible.
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