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Full Version: Always Question WP Authority
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general stuff:

Wikipedians, lend me your ears. You know W-R is your secret pleasure, like that one-time experimentation with a bottle of Orange Driver and your flatmate's similar equipment. Like desperate American Househusbands sneaking a peak at Desperate Housewives on the alternative telly in the den while the wifey gets her go girl on in the main room.

Always question "authority" on Wikipedia. Always. Hold them accountable.

Make Checkuser actiivity summaries transparent.

Make all sockpuppets that are told to stop editing in an off-WP communication to give the appearances of honorable hari-kari, have sockpuppet notices on their sock pages. That includes you, Lastexit, Tomstoner, and Samiharris.

If the God-King makes a declaration, have the community agree to it, and have the King explain his actions on-WP. Badmin Attack Dogs saying "Cuz Godking said so, that's why!" is not a real-world reason.

In the Post WWII-era, honest citizens of the winners, the US, the UK, lower Mulva, all trusted their governments. The 1950's were just swell. Then came the Vietnams, the Watergates, and the Irags.

And the Essjays, the Dorans, the Slimvirgins, the Jayjgs, and the Mantanmorelands.

Always question wikiauthority, and demand answers. You are wikipedia, not its god-king and his handful of "shoot on site" stormtroopers.
Wikipedia Watching has turned into a game of Martyrs and Bullies.
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