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Daniel Brandt
I called SlimVirgin a liar, and Uninvited Company redacted my proof: "Edit Reason: You can't post emails from other people on the WikBack." This is hogwash, because I and others have posted emails from Jimbo on WikBack and those were no problem. Conclusion: If you know what you're talking about, and you have proof, you can only post the proof if it doesn't alienate important people like SlimVirgin. Jimbo is not so important, so he doesn't matter.
Here is my original post at WikBack:

For the record, SlimVirgin lied in response to my emails when I used a pseudonym and a Gmail account to ask her if she wanted to sell her domain. As the target of a biography that SlimVirgin started on me, without asking me if she could start it, and making it clear that I had no intrinsic right to object to material she chose to cite in this biography (this was before the BLP policy existed), I felt then, and still feel today, that I have the ethical and legal right to hold both her as an individual, and Wikipedia as an organization, responsible for their actions. Yet when she was asked if she owned the domain, she lied to me.

When dealing with someone who lies in order to evade accountability, I support WordBomb's efforts to use all legal means to discover her true identity. I would have done the same thing if Gmail's software opened GIFs embedded in email. In fact, I did use a pretext email to Rush Delivery to confirm that the IP address traced there, and it worked. The IP address in their reply gave Seigenthaler what he needed to call in the New York Times.

And I'd do it again. Keep up the good work, WordBomb.


To: slimvirgin AT Date: Oct. 23, 2005

Would you be interested in selling the domain? I think it's a cool name.

Thank you, Ed McKay


Date: Oct. 23, 2005

Hi Edward,

There's a :-) I can only imagine. Sorry, it's not owned by me.

Cheers, Sarah


Date: Oct. 23, 2005

Sorry. Since you wiki from the Calgary, Alberta, Canada area, and is registered to someone from the same area, I assumed you were the owner.

-- Ed McKay


Date: Oct. 24, 2005

Hi Ed,

Sorry, that's not me either. I think you're getting me mixed up with someone else. If you do a who-is search for the domain name, there may be an e-mail contact for the owner.

he also just could be serving his own ass and trying to avoid nasty legalese letterhead communiications from slim's legal library, gary's wall st lawyer friends, and jimbo's porn street lawyer friends.

i guess you can just be scared and not corrupt. lot of that on WP.
dtobias,,, and seem all to still be available for registration.
Daniel Brandt
QUOTE(dtobias @ Wed 13th February 2008, 2:30pm) *,,, and seem all to still be available for registration.

What's your point?
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Wed 13th February 2008, 1:57pm) *

I called SlimVirgin a liar, and Uninvited Company redacted my proof: "Edit Reason: You can't post emails from other people on the WikBack." This is hogwash, because I and others have posted emails from Jimbo on Wikback and those were no problem. Conclusion: If you know what you're talking about, and you have proof, you can only post the proof if it doesn't alienate important people like SlimVirgin. Jimbo is not so important, so he doesn't matter.

I had a feeling UC might go to town on your and WordBomb's posts. That's why I made screenshots. smile.gif
Slim is claiming "no one should be outed on WP"

What about mark devlin? that's sparkzilla.

Look it up, people. Call Slim to the carpet on it. That is not the only case she hasn't had a problem with. Calmly, politely show her the


diffs on "Nick Baker" and "metropolis" articles.

The COI board outs people by definition on WP.

Except MR COI jhochman, who gets emails from me last summer showing COI sockpuppetry abuse from MM and his calvacade, and says he's too busy to look into it. Now he's Mr Righteous and Indignant about this egregious abuse of socks. Lol.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Wed 13th February 2008, 8:41pm) *

I had a feeling UC might go to town on your and WordBomb's posts. That's why I made screenshots. smile.gif

Geo William and Slimmy will claim you forged them on behalf of a banned user.

Because once you falsely ban a user, you can then use that to deny any truth. It's a great system slimmy's worked up. Suprised it's not a new policy she's retroactively created.
Ohs noes. You broke UC's rules. You got redacted.
The subtitle is wrong. Uninvired Company doesn't serve the Cabal; he's part of it.
QUOTE(Cedric @ Wed 13th February 2008, 3:41pm) *

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Wed 13th February 2008, 1:57pm) *

I called SlimVirgin a liar, and Uninvited Company redacted my proof: "Edit Reason: You can't post emails from other people on the WikBack." This is hogwash, because I and others have posted emails from Jimbo on Wikback and those were no problem. Conclusion: If you know what you're talking about, and you have proof, you can only post the proof if it doesn't alienate important people like SlimVirgin. Jimbo is not so important, so he doesn't matter.

I had a feeling UC might go to town on your and WordBomb's posts. That's why I made screenshots. smile.gif

Funny thing this. The recent posts on WB by WordBomb and Brandt could have provided at least a reprieve in the site's trajectory toward abject failure. UC repressive responses will almost certainly seal the site's fate after a brief up tick of gawkers watching the repression subsides.
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