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Full Version: How would one go about getting their name changed when one no longer has access to their account?
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
Some people I know IRL found my Wikipedia postings via Google lately and it's a bit embarassing. I'd go request a name change, but I honestly can't remember the passwords of my accounts (the last time I logged in was 6+ months ago!). What are the chances that I'll be able to find a 'crat who'll be nice enough to change the name off my acc for me so I can go change all the links to my username on Wiki...?
QUOTE(KamrynMatika @ Thu 14th February 2008, 12:57pm) *

Some people I know IRL found my Wikipedia postings via Google lately and it's a bit embarassing. I'd go request a name change, but I honestly can't remember the passwords of my accounts (the last time I logged in was 6+ months ago!). What are the chances that I'll be able to find a 'crat who'll be nice enough to change the name off my acc for me so I can go change all the links to my username on Wiki...?

I take it you didn't include an e-mail address with your WP account(s)? I only ask because some people completely overlook the password-recovery feature (which requires an e-mail address).

AFAIK, account recovery without an e-mail address still requires a developer, i.e., someone who can run a SQL query directly. I think there's also a MediaWiki extension now for doing it, but I don't believe WP has it installed... I could be wrong about that, though.
The Wales Hunter
As long as you know the email address you used, you'll be fine. Just click "forgotten password" or whatever it is, then go to request for name change, or whatever it is.
QUOTE(The Wales Hunter @ Thu 14th February 2008, 1:06pm) *
As long as you know the email address you used, you'll be fine.

Jinx! You owe me a coke...
Castle Rock
QUOTE(KamrynMatika @ Thu 14th February 2008, 10:57am) *

Some people I know IRL found my Wikipedia postings via Google lately and it's a bit embarassing. I'd go request a name change, but I honestly can't remember the passwords of my accounts (the last time I logged in was 6+ months ago!). What are the chances that I'll be able to find a 'crat who'll be nice enough to change the name off my acc for me so I can go change all the links to my username on Wiki...?

Is there anybody you emailed on WP while you were active. They could validate that it is really you.
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