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Jonny Cache
I'm betting dollars to doughnuts that the Wikipedia Revue could put together a much Grander Tour than those Dull Clods could ever imagine …

See: Erik Moeller, Wikipedia Tour

Jonny cool.gif
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Thu 14th February 2008, 4:12pm) *
I'm betting dollars to doughnuts that the Wikipedia Revue could put together a much Grander Tour than those Dull Clods could ever imagine …

That just looks like a series of included/transcluded wiki pages with a big navigation box on top of each one. Where are the dazzling transition effects, the overlay captions, the animated "helper" avatars, the thrilling hard-rock soundtrack? Where's the sizzle?

This sort of thing is what makes people want to stay away from Wikipedia, not sign up... There isn't even a prize offered if you get through the whole thing.
Honestly. Is the best that the Deputy Fuehrer could come up with? What's next? An unauthorized solo flight to Scotland?
QUOTE(Cedric @ Thu 14th February 2008, 5:48pm) *

Honestly. Is the best that the Deputy Fuehrer could come up with? What's next? An unauthorized solo flight to Scotland?

Laugh-out-loud, hilarious, intelligent, historical humor. I love it. This board is the BEST!
At least Rudolf Hess didn't rely on charitable donations to pay for his plane tickets!

I'll be here all week...
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