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QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Fri 15th February 2008, 7:47pm) *

I don't see what is funny (his keeping of it because of it being humourous). Seems to be a sarcastic answer to the legitimate concerns on the way of chosing administrators. That anyone who wants to become an admin can become an admin (various minor edits) and considering this sort of behavior: there is nothing to make fun of.
Well the voting system is messed up on wikipedia already. Basically "consensus" is determined by whoever is interested enough to show up and vote whether they are right or not.

QUOTE(LamontStormstar @ Sun 17th February 2008, 5:05am) *

Basically "consensus" is determined by whoever is interested enough to show up and vote whether they are right or not.

Not much different than a US election, then.
Why do I always find myself closing the tab on Wikipedia "humor" pages before I've read through a third of it?
If you don't understand why it's not funny, you obviously don't get the joke.
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