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> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
For those who haven't been following WikBack, this conversation
reprises our earlier discussion…
…about holding Wikimania in Alexandria, Egypt, re the depictions of Muhammad in the Muhammad article.

Swatjester writes:

According to DowJones newswire:

"Any newspaper or magazine which publishes anything offensive to the prophet...and reprints the offensive caricatures of the prophet or anything offensive to the three heavenly religions will be banned," [Information Minister] Fiqi said.

Shortly after the Egyptian government banned the papers and summoned the Danish ambassador for rebuking, Egyptian university professors, deans, and students demonstrated in support of the ban, chanting

"Jews Jews Jews, watch out, the army of Muhammad will return!"

Though these protests are about the J-P cartoons, we've already seen…
…that the details are lost on some commentators.
Disillusioned Lackey
And once again, I was on the bleeding cutting edge. rolleyes.gif

I said about a month ago (was it?) that the ill advised Stubborn-and-Ignorant Wikipedia Position on Mohammed Pictures™ was going to endanger the Alexanrdria Wikimania trip.

If it doesn't gut it altogether.

I mean "dudes". It is an pious and religious country where religion is a part of any normal persons life. Ergo normal people (there) are offended by such things, and normal people (even Wikipedia fanatics) would be glad to tell Wikipedia to kiss off. Even in the face of all that tourist money and good press of a would-be Wikimania. For Egypt, it is "just another conference". Egyptian coastal towns hosts huge conferences every day of the week. Microsoft, Dell, big political things. You-name-it.

Kicking out Wikipedia would be a popular move, because it isn't only terrorists who find those pics offensive. (duh)

Get a C-L-U-E. blink.gif
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