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I can't take credit for the connection, but I have long been a fan of Jason Falkner (and therefore, Jellyfish).

The King Is Half Undressed (lyrics) - by Jellyfish

So this is where she stands at night
On this cold avenue of lights
the reds and greens but mostly reds
for you he's stopping

In seeing him she knows him less
his stick is wet she's half undressed
and all in all they're both obsessed
with so much nothing

I know it's hard for you to see
what lies behind's a mystery
if words could speak they'd mean even less
when the king is half undressed

She dots her "i's" with a smiley face
a work of art in all but taste
the fool deserves the bed he's made
where idiots slumber

divine she is to air his fate
a crack of smile
through all this hate
means nothing more in this nervous state
of so much nothing

I know it's hard for you to see
The truth behind is misery
if words could speak they'd mean even less
When the king is half undressed

Blue Autumns
Sunshine Kisses
Hearts and Flowers
Broken Wishes
Overall, those are some pretty bad lyrics.
Hey, I did it first!

What's this? What's this?
There's editors everywhere
What's this?
There's recent changes in the air
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, Jimbo, this isn't fair
What's this?

What's this? What's this?
There's something very wrong
What's this?
There's people leaking logs

What's this?
The project space is lined with
Little creatures that stopped laughing
Everybody seems so unhappy
Have I possibly gone daffy?
What is this?
What's this?

There are admins throwing insults here
Instead of helping others
They're busy building cabals
Until absolutely everyone's dead

There's anger on every Firefox tab
Oh, I can't believe my eyes
And in my inbox I feel the heat of Register stories
That's coming from inside

Oh, look
What's this?
They're hanging people at Arbcom, they laugh
Why that looks so unique, inspired
They're gathering around to hear a story
Roasting the history of Sanger on a fire
What's this?
What's this?

In here they've got a little financial audit, how queer
And who would ever think
And why?

They're covering it with tiny little things
They've got White-out and criminal records
And there's a frown on everyone
So, now, correct me if I'm wrong
This looks like fun
This looks like fun
Oh, could it be I got my wish for Wikia capital infusion?
What's this?

Oh my, what now?
The IRC children are asleep
But look, there's nothing underneath
No Gianos, no Durovas here to scream and scare them
Or ensnare them, only little cozy things
Secure inside their secret mail lists
What's this?

The WordBombs are all missing
And the Brandts can't be found
And in their place there seems to be
Ill feeling all around

Instead of Danny's screams, I swear
I can hear Zscout's 20th desysopping in the air
The smell of SlimVirgin and Jayjg
Is absolutely everywhere

The Metzs, the Orlowskis
They're everywhere and all around
I've never felt so good before
This need to be loved inside of me is filling up
I simply cannot get enough

I want it, oh, I want it
Oh, I want it for my own
I've got to know
I've got to know
What is this place that I have found?
What is this?
Wikipedia, hmm...
the fieryangel
Hey, who can blame the guy for wanting sex, good wine, limos, the rock star treatment? I mean, let's be honest: we all want that. So he had an affair? That's not the problem.

But if the business about the receipts on Danny's blog is accurate, that's where TSHTF for me. I don't see how anybody can trust WMF after hearing about that....
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Sun 2nd March 2008, 4:34am) *

Hey, who can blame the guy for wanting sex, good wine, limos, the rock star treatment? I mean, let's be honest: we all want that. So he had an affair? That's not the problem.

But if the business about the receipts on Danny's blog is accurate, that's where TSHTF for me. I don't see how anybody can trust WMF after hearing about that....

Thank you, TFA. I agree fully. The affair-while-separated isn't much to be concerned about (other than JzG's mysterious February 7th edits to the Rachel Marsden article). I feel worst for poor Kira about that.

The real hot spot is Danny Wool's revelation that Jimbo couldn't settle up $30,000 worth of expenses without having to "pay back" $7,000 worth of personally indulgent nonsense that the staff wouldn't tolerate. More research and leaks need to come forth on this. And, it ties in to what I've been saying for well over a year now -- there is an improper relationship between the WMF and Jimmy's for-profit venture Wikia, Inc. Granted, it used to be worse, but I still doubt that one would hold up the current status as a textbook case of ethical governance.

Anyone donating to the WMF until Jimbo is off the Board and no longer has influence on the actual Wikipedia... is out of their head. The King is Half Undressed. (Those lyrics are just fine by me. I guess I'm a musical lightweight?)

QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd March 2008, 11:50am) *

Anyone donating to the WMF until Jimbo is off the Board and no longer has influence on the actual Wikipedia... is out of their head. The King is Half Undressed. (Those lyrics are just fine by me. I guess I'm a musical lightweight?)


Actually, the emperor is nekkid. And I was by no means the first to make that observation. Still, a very cool video, tho. smile.gif
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd March 2008, 5:50pm) *

The real hot spot is Danny Wool's revelation that Jimbo couldn't settle up $30,000 worth of expenses without having to "pay back" $7,000 worth of personally indulgent nonsense that the staff wouldn't tolerate. More research and leaks need to come forth on this.

The suggestion is that the payment back became a donation. Why a donation? The only reason I can see for recording it as a donation is to make it tax deductible, which if it was claimed upon, would make it a tax fraud as it was not a true donation, but a re-payment. Also, has Jimbo being paying interest on his interest free loans that he has in effect been taking from a charity? The shrug of a shoulder approach to accounting is unacceptable.

Al Capone could tell you a thing or two about the problems with that.

The repayment of expenses via a donation just completely screws up the accounts - what pot did the illegitimate expenses get charged to, and why would you want the donation income inflated by this admitted donation?
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Sun 2nd March 2008, 4:34am) *

Hey, who can blame the guy for wanting sex, good wine, limos, the rock star treatment? I mean, let's be honest: we all want that. So he had an affair? That's not the problem.


'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars and
Live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With her bleach blonde hair
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary of
Today's who's who
They'll get you anything
with that evil smile
Everybody's got a
Drug dealer on speed dial, well
Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar

-- 'Rockstar', written by Chad Kroeger/Nickelback

I don't think I'm a good enough writer to turn that into a parody of the Sole Flounder... smile.gif or is that even necessary? Isn't he self-parody enough by now?
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