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Disillusioned Lackey
The Sum of All Human Knowledge: Jimmy Wales's 3 sins

The Sins

* 1. Wales cheated his own Wikipedia rules for a friend.
* 2. Wales spent lavishly while volunteers worked for free.
* 3. Wales had his boss lie to cover his tracks.

I wonder if there is a Wikipedia page which lists the word "totally busted popped SCREWED" in all the Wikipedia languages.

Because Jimbo might need it.

As a reference, of course.


Disillusioned Lackey
Wikipedia chair misleads reporter to protect junket junkie Jimmy Wales


Did Jimmy Wales misuse funds from the Wikimedia Foundation, a nonprofit he set up in 2003 to oversee Wikipedia? Publicly, the foundation's leaders are saying no. Privately, foundation chair Florence Devouard has alternately bragged about how she's mislead reporters and upbraided Wales over the scandal.

In a message to an internal Wikipedia mailing list obtained by an AP reporter, she wrote: "I find (it) tiring to see how you are constantly trying to rewrite the past. Get a grip!" Devouard, you'll recall, is said to have asked Wales if he was buying his wife a "gold-plated washing machine" with the speaking fees he was earning. If only she were so forthright about Wales in public. (Photo by Wikinews Reports

Oh but the knives are out for Jimbo.

The Sum of All Human Knowledge: Rupert Murdoch's underlings lets loose on Jimmy Wales


News Corp. overlord Rupert Murdoch may be getting a bit slow in his dotage, but he still knows a good story. Is it a coincidence that three arms of his media empire -- the Times of London, Fox News, and the New York Post -- have belatedly picked up on Jimmy Wales's bizarre breakup with Rachel Marsden? Marsden was, until last fall, a Fox News commentator, which can only make the tale more delicious for Murdoch: The prodigal daughter welcomed back as grist for the gossip mill. Beyond that, why the onslaught?

It's tempting to cast this as the Murdochians defending a fellow right-winger against a California granola-cruncher. But Wales is no limousine liberal. A limo libertine, perhaps, and a limo libertarian, for sure. No, this is simply an irresistibly good story, the kind you can't make up. And one that draws readers. Above all, Murdoch believes in the politics of pageviews.

You know. For all Jimbo's grand "diss" of Floridians upon his departure, I'm thinking that he's quite homesick at present, for the quiet and lull of St. Petersburg.

He's going to be eaten alive.

If he weren't Jimbo, I would feel sorry for him.

Rupert Murdoch out for your ass head is something one generally prefers to avoid.
I've often thought that if there's one organisation in the world that could destroy Wikipedia single-handed, it's not Google, it's Murdoch Corp.
Google's motto is Don't Be Evil. It's not within their ethical aims to destroy WP.

WP's motto is Don't Be Silly. Murdoch can make anyone look silly.
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Wed 5th March 2008, 5:52pm) *

I've often thought that if there's one organisation in the world that could destroy Wikipedia single-handed, it's not Google, it's Murdoch Corp.

You're right. I reminisced somewhere on these pages of the era when The People went to war against Murdoch in the 1980s... and lost! By 1992 Murdoch was bragging of his powers to swing any UK election. A morning that will always live on in infamy (in my mind...)
I see that Jimbo did something really dirty during his infamous sex chat... he linked to an attack site! Yep, he posted a WR link to his then-girlfriend.
This smacks of hoax to me...

No disrespect to er... us... but surely Jimbo wouldn't be messaging links to Wikipedia Review threads in the middle of conversations with his new girlfriend? Would he?

It's all too neat...

Surely someone's bullshitting these messages somewhere along the line...
I tried that last URL but all I got was the index page.

On edit: Aha. One has to be in LoFi mode for that URL to work.
...this is too fishy. I've been carrying links to the Mimbo-Jimbo Review, and mocking Jimbo mercilessly for long enough, but even I'm starting to feel like he's getting set up here.
It does seem a tad odd that Jimbo would be linking to a WR thread from 2 years ago.
QUOTE(Moulton @ Wed 5th March 2008, 10:22am) *
It does seem a tad odd that Jimbo would be linking to a WR thread from 2 years ago.

The moving finger, having writ,
Moves on, nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

Of greatest interest to me is Jimbo's line "which is why I sometimes have other people do it" right before the link. He is referring to my query about why SlimVirgin got involved -- he's basically saying that he asked Slimey to blank the page and do his dirty work for him. That SlimVirgin is an enabler to Wale's adultery is hardly surprising.

QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 5th March 2008, 10:15am) *
This smacks of hoax to me... No disrespect to er... us... but surely Jimbo wouldn't be messaging links to Wikipedia Review threads in the middle of conversations with his new girlfriend? Would he?

Of course he would. In the world of attention-seeking media whores (and I use the term precisely), bragging about one's ability to manipulate the most fashionable online reference surely leads to increased .... gratification. Almost 24 hours worth, it would seem, has already been admitted to.

However, something is very, very fishy with this whole "brief affair in Feb 2008" business. The timeline here makes it look much more like there was some sort of relationship dating back to at least late 2006. But that is another matter.
I just registered with ValleyWag in the hopes of clearing some things up over there, but they're on manual registrant approval just like we are, it seems!

Personally, though, I don't think it's the slightest bit surprising that he would point out Topic #5196 to Rachel Marsden - after all, this is the one in which I half-seriously predicted that they would eventually hook up, months before the fact, even though Kato has already officially decreed that I'm going to receive only a mere fraction of the Nostradamus points that I so clearly deserve for this. angry.gif I suspect she couldn't help but have been a little freaked out by that, serious or not.
I also think that the comparisons made of Marsden to Anne Coulter and Katherine Harris -- while intended as unflattering -- were probably taken as flattering, again in a media-whore kind of way.

All that remains now is for Jimbo to retort: "Rachel, I know Anne Coulter. I've groped Anne Coulter. You're no Anne Coulter." The ultimate right-wing philanderer put-down.
Somey, if Jimbo and Marsden really did click on that topic thread (LoFi version) on that date, would you be able to check the IP logs to confirm that? That would resolve Kato's doubts, methinks.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 5th March 2008, 12:43pm) *
All that remains now is for Jimbo to retort: "Rachel, I know Anne Coulter. I've groped Anne Coulter. You're no Anne Coulter." The ultimate right-wing philanderer put-down.

Yes, that would be painful.

But wouldn't it be more appropriate to use "groping Ayn Rand" as a metaphor? FORUM Image

Though, of course, since Angelina Jolie is to soon (probably) play Ayn Rand, I wonder if that wouldn't be too flattering, for ole Jimmy.

QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 5th March 2008, 12:15pm) *

This smacks of hoax to me...

No disrespect to er... us... but surely Jimbo wouldn't be messaging links to Wikipedia Review threads in the middle of conversations with his new girlfriend? Would he?

It's all too neat...

Surely someone's bullshitting these messages somewhere along the line...

I dunno.

You've got to take into consideration that this is a guy, that in the middle of a hot messaging chat, takes the time out to send URLs about what kind of architecture they will "do it" next time in, when they're in the same city.

Consider the source, and all that....
QUOTE(Moulton @ Wed 5th March 2008, 6:44pm) *

Somey, if Jimbo and Marsden really did click on that topic thread (LoFi version) on that date, would you be able to check the IP logs to confirm that? That would resolve Kato's doubts, methinks.

I'm still confused as to who this Viewipedia Rewik character was, who in January this year started another thread here on Rachel Marsden as their first post, and then we had to ban for adding weird code to messages that messed with our software.

The post that remains was made from Toronto. But I'm sure I spotted another post from the same person from London. They only made 6 posts or so. Between the 8th and 15th of January before the banning.
Forget Valleywag. Do you realize how many major newspapers are running a story about Jimbo and Marsden? Just in papers in the bay area:

Santa Rosa Press Democrat

SF Chronicle

San Jose Mercury News

If this had happened to, say, the head of the Red Cross or the United Way, I suspect they would have been shown the door by now.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 5th March 2008, 6:29pm) *

The moving finger, having writ,
Moves on, nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

All on a checkerboard of nights and days
Destiny with men for peices plays
And hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
Then one by one, back in the closet lays.

QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 5th March 2008, 6:29pm) *

However, something is very, very fishy with this whole "brief affair in Feb 2008" business. The timeline here makes it look much more like there was some sort of relationship dating back to at least late 2006. But that is another matter.

Indeed. It's pretty rare that a woman will have that extreme reaction (throwing clothes out the window or on Ebay, posting love letters, screaming to newspapers), after being the dumpee following a one-night-stand. Or so I've heard. rolleyes.gif Although this one does sound like the type to boil your pet rabbit.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 5th March 2008, 7:01pm) *

Forget Valleywag. Do you realize how many major newspapers are running a story about Jimbo and Marsden?

Yes we do. But none of them refer directly to a conversation between Jimbo and Marsden about posts we've made on this this forum. This is new news.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 5th March 2008, 1:01pm) *

The post that remains was made from Toronto. But I'm sure I spotted another post from the same person from London. They only made 6 posts or so. Between the 8th and 15th of January before the banning.

When was the London post made? Would it have been around the time of one of those London meetups that Sue Gardiner attends?

(rubs hands together)

QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 5th March 2008, 1:01pm) *

If this had happened to, say, the head of the Red Cross or the United Way, I suspect they would have been shown the door by now.

Well, for one thing, those charities HELP PEOPLE.

For another, Elizabeth Dole is the head of the US Red Cross. And with her husband's "history of commercial endorsements" wouldn't those be some funny chat messages?

I'm just sayin'.

Note that Jimbo has not stated that the logs or false or doctored. Marsden may state such a thing eventually, by way coercion or perhaps honest regret. What a I mean by coercion is scary letters from attorneys or the fact that Jimbo may have dirt on her. That may make her feel regretful for ever doing these things. And let's face it--many of us know that Jimbo is a vengeful guy, so it's possible these things may happen. (OUR JIMBO IS A VENGEFUL JIMBO)

Remember that the logs came out with the initial story, or very close to it. By the time Jimbo made his statement, the chat logs were out, and as far as I know he did not deny them.

If they are real and he denied them, that would probably send Marsden (or whoever is in control of the logs) into a bigger fit and give motivation to release even juicier chats.

The logs are real. Nothing that interesting are in them anyway...The interesting things showed up Danny's blog later.

Honestly though, I don't care much if they are real or not. The story with consequences is the one that Danny broke, regarding WMF finances.
QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 5th March 2008, 6:29pm) *

The moving finger, having writ,
Moves on, nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

Do you want the people on Wikiquote to think that I'm consorting with people who can't quote?

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Wed 5th March 2008, 7:05pm) *

All on a checkerboard of nights and days
Destiny with men for peices plays
And hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
Then one by one, back in the closet lays.

'Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days
Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays:
Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
And one by one back in the Closet lays.

I mean, isn't it obvious that the incorrect versions don't scan?
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Wed 5th March 2008, 2:38pm) *
QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 5th March 2008, 6:29pm) *
The moving finger, having writ,
Do you want the people on Wikiquote to think that I'm consorting with people who can't quote?

Jeez, I quoted it from memory. What do you want, research? This isn't Wikipedia, lady smile.gif
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