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Anybody with $995 to invest may attend next week's 2008 Media Summit in New York, where I have been invited to participate on a panel on: Web 2.0: The Emerging Law of Wiki, Blogs and Social Networks and Its Impact on Traditional Business and Entertainment

I intend to focus on the legal paradox of anonymity vs. accountability, and the lessons the Wikipedia experience can offer.

I also intend to challenge Jimbo to a bare knuckle street fight, if he should happen to be in attendance.

Any other suggestions?
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th March 2008, 12:43pm) *

Any other suggestions?

Wear clean underwear.

Jonny cool.gif
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Thu 6th March 2008, 12:58pm) *

Wear clean underwear.

...because your ex-girlfriend might put it up for sale on eBay!
Where's that rim-shot sound effect when you need it?

QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th March 2008, 11:43am) *
Anybody with $995 to invest may attend next week's 2008 Media Summit in New York, where I have been invited to participate on a panel on: Web 2.0: The Emerging Law of Wiki, Blogs and Social Networks and Its Impact on Traditional Business and Entertainment

With a title like that, it sounds like they might be interested in the effect WP is having on the publishing industry in general, and the publication and sale of traditional printed reference materials specifically. Don't we have a list somewhere of companies that have either folded or gotten out of that particular line of business within the last 2-3 years? Two of them (one in Germany, and other in France) just made announcements in the last two weeks.

Of course, with registration fees like that, you have to wonder if WP is the only reason media companies are struggling.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(dtobias @ Thu 6th March 2008, 2:02pm) *

QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Thu 6th March 2008, 12:58pm) *

Wear clean underwear.

… because your ex-girlfriend might put it up for sale on eBay!

Hey, I jes meant what my Mom always meant — in case there's a fire or you have to go to the hospital. I guess I forgot who I was talkin' to — they don't call you guttersnipes for nothing.

As for that rimshot, the best I can do visually on this board is a Size 7 Italic Georgia Bang!

Jonny cool.gif
QUOTE(Jonny Cache @ Thu 6th March 2008, 11:30am) *
the best I can do ... is a Size 7 Italic Georgia Bang
At first I thought you were talking about my heartthrob, Holly Hunter, but she's probably not even a size 3. Delta Burke probably hasn't seen size 7 in a long time. So who is this Size 7 George Bang, and how long have you known her?

Before this gets too silly, do we have any reason to believe that Mr. Wordbomb is in the habit of making appearances on media-conference panels while wearing dirty underwear? I mean, this whole track could be something of a moot point.
Time to polish up the WP entry on the biochemistry of protein stains.
Unrepentant Vandal
A bit more notice would have been nice old chap.
QUOTE(Unrepentant Vandal @ Thu 6th March 2008, 1:46pm) *

A bit more notice would have been nice old chap.
Sorry. I've been busy reading Jimbo's X-rated IMs.
QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th March 2008, 9:43am) *

I also intend to challenge Jimbo to a bare knuckle street fight, if he should happen to be in attendance.

When Judd met Jimmy...

QUOTE(Rootology @ Thu 6th March 2008, 9:48pm) *

QUOTE(WordBomb @ Thu 6th March 2008, 9:43am) *

I also intend to challenge Jimbo to a bare knuckle street fight, if he should happen to be in attendance.

When Judd met Jimmy...


No, wait, those two are classic sockpuppets...
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 6th March 2008, 2:09pm) *

Of course, with registration fees like that, you have to wonder if WP is the only reason media companies are struggling.

$995 is on the lower end of fees for a multi-day conference, in my experience.

Wish I could come see you, Judd, but I'm too busy. If you swing down to Philly, though, I can treat you to lunch from about 700 feet above the city. Really delicious soups. Ralph's Cafe occupies both the 43rd and 44th floors, so imagine the views from immaculate, 26-foot-high windows. It's very impressive.

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