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Full Version: Google defending Jimmy over the corruption story?
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Something I thought was a bit weird.

C-NET (which has a vested interest in helping Wikipedia out, because of the Gerstmanngate dispute on Wikipedia, of whether to include info about rumors surrounding Gerstmann's firing from Gamespot) published a very slanted article about this matter, with the exclusive interview with Sue Gardner (you guys have already seen the video, I'm sure).

Well, here's something I thought you'd find interesting: Right now, over the past few minutes, I've seen the number of stories on this, on Google News, shrink. It was 70 something earlier, now it's 61.

And right now, the slanted story by C-Net is up at the top!

I'm not going to say I believe this proves anything, but I thought some of you guys would probably find it interesting, or whatever.
QUOTE(Zenwhat @ Fri 7th March 2008, 10:46pm) *

And right now, the slanted story by C-Net is up at the top!

Just add the word "massage" to your search. That knocks out the fishC-Net.
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