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> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
When diffing, there is a little button with a delta on below the diff and this gives you an "improved diff view".

This seems useful for untangling the large blocks where the old diff view gave up. It may have been there for a while, but I'd not noticed it before.
Can't find it. SCreenshot?
QUOTE(Viridae @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 11:44am) *

Can't find it. SCreenshot?

Picasaweb shot

See the button at the bottom

Not very good at this image linking business, the board wants GIFs and Google doesn't support them, and don't get me started on Mac software usability.
How odd. I tried the same diff as you were using and there was nothing.
QUOTE(Viridae @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 8:40am) *

How odd. I tried the same diff as you were using and there was nothing.

Could be a MSIE-only extension. We have this feature on Wikipedia Review (don't ask me how it got there -- I'm not a techie), but it doesn't show up in the Firefox browser. It does manifest itself in Explorer. And I don't know about Opera or Safari.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 2:01pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 8:40am) *

How odd. I tried the same diff as you were using and there was nothing.

Could be a MSIE-only extension. We have this feature on Wikipedia Review (don't ask me how it got there -- I'm not a techie), but it doesn't show up in the Firefox browser. It does manifest itself in Explorer. And I don't know about Opera or Safari.


So it's activex?
No one of consequence
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 1:01pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 8:40am) *

How odd. I tried the same diff as you were using and there was nothing.

Could be a MSIE-only extension. We have this feature on Wikipedia Review (don't ask me how it got there -- I'm not a techie), but it doesn't show up in the Firefox browser. It does manifest itself in Explorer. And I don't know about Opera or Safari.


Is that one of the new gadgets? Your account preferences now have a tab for "gadgets" which are various javascript things. Try looking there. I have noticed that different javascript enhancements work differently or may not work at all depending on your OS and browser.
QUOTE(No one of consequence @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 2:17pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 1:01pm) *

QUOTE(Viridae @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 8:40am) *

How odd. I tried the same diff as you were using and there was nothing.

Could be a MSIE-only extension. We have this feature on Wikipedia Review (don't ask me how it got there -- I'm not a techie), but it doesn't show up in the Firefox browser. It does manifest itself in Explorer. And I don't know about Opera or Safari.


Is that one of the new gadgets? Your account preferences now have a tab for "gadgets" which are various javascript things. Try looking there. I have noticed that different javascript enhancements work differently or may not work at all depending on your OS and browser.

Well, it is on Firefox on a Mac and I have got gadgets (though I don't think I use them).

...though it isn't anything I've ticked. I did tick WikEd but that doesn't work properly for me.
Mystery solved: User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff - It's probably coming in as part of the wikEd "package" that does work for you even if the editor itself doesn't, javascript can be odd like that.
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