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Full Version: Rather Interesting Nuance: There Is No "There Is No Cabal"
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In in Jimbo's Statement of Principles (WP:SOP) there is a link to There Is No Cabal. However, that latter article has become a redirect to something called "Backbone Cabal," an article about the history of USENET where it says:
During most of its existence, the cabal (sometimes capitalized) steadfastly denied its own existence; those involved would often respond "There is no Cabal" (sometimes abbreviated as "TINC"), whenever the existence or activities of the group were speculated on in public. It is sometimes used humorously to dispel cabal-like organizational conspiracy theories, or as an ironic statement, indicating one who knows the existence of "the cabal" will invariably deny there is one.
Maybe these folks have decided to simply drop the pretense.

Those principles look a little ragged and careworn to me.

I see Jimbo worried about morals once. Perhaps that was before he was getting as much sex as Max Mosley (and into as much hot water).
Gold heart
QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Fri 4th April 2008, 1:45am) *

In in Jimbo's Statement of Principles (WP:SOP) there is a link to There Is No Cabal. However, that latter article has become a redirect to something called "Backbone Cabal," an article about the history of USENET where it says:
During most of its existence, the cabal (sometimes capitalized) steadfastly denied its own existence; those involved would often respond "There is no Cabal" (sometimes abbreviated as "TINC"), whenever the existence or activities of the group were speculated on in public. It is sometimes used humorously to dispel cabal-like organizational conspiracy theories, or as an ironic statement, indicating one who knows the existence of "the cabal" will invariably deny there is one.
Maybe these folks have decided to simply drop the pretense.

Wikipedia is one huge "white supremacist cabal", and the folks inside it don't even realise it. Can anyone tell why there are no black people listed in Hivemind. Rather strange wink.gif
Count DeMonet
QUOTE(Gold heart @ Fri 4th April 2008, 2:21am) *

Wikipedia is one huge "white supremacist cabal", and the folks inside it don't even realise it. Can anyone tell why there are no black people listed in Hivemind. Rather strange wink.gif

Well, until Brandts sleuthing can finally provide pictures for the 18 that are missing one, you can't really in all fairness draw that conclusion. IMO Occam's razor probably applies here, the reason you see a deficit of black faces on that page is more likely simply due to the fact that they're all out having a life.

(... well, either that or David Gerard keeps killing & eating them).
QUOTE(Gold heart @ Thu 3rd April 2008, 9:21pm) *

Wikipedia is one huge "white supremacist cabal", and the folks inside it don't even realise it. Can anyone tell why there are no black people listed in Hivemind. Rather strange wink.gif

I'll put money on at least 47 of Wikipedia Review's top 50 contributors being Caucasian, too. Seriously, we're the only race who would donk off this much valuable time talking about a failed web site community that calls itself encyclopedia editors!

To revert to the subject, there is an essay being written on Meta. There is of course nothing to stop even users banned on Wikipedia from contributing on Meta.
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