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When WebCite tried to archive the page, it received a Page Not Found error from the website concerned.
QUOTE(Random832 @ Fri 4th April 2008, 4:36pm) *

When WebCite tried to archive the page, it received a Page Not Found error from the website concerned.

Presumably that is against GFDL?
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Fri 4th April 2008, 8:47am) *

QUOTE(Random832 @ Fri 4th April 2008, 4:36pm) *

When WebCite tried to archive the page, it received a Page Not Found error from the website concerned.

Presumably that is against GFDL?

It prevents total Oversight control. How many times have nasty things that Wikipedia wanted gone been saved on Webcitation, already?
Surely there are ways round this, like downloading the page as an html file or copying it to Wikinfo.
QUOTE(guy @ Fri 4th April 2008, 7:57pm) *

Surely there are ways round this, like downloading the page as an html file or copying it to Wikinfo.

Yeah, but doing that doesn't prove the edit was actually made by that user on Wikipedia.

Incidentally, it appears that "citing" normal pages works fine, my attempt was a diff.
The words "Wikipedia" and "transparency" are becoming more and more incompatible every day.
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