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Full Version: Too funny for the blog forum
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
This would normally get piped through the blog forum when it comes up on our feeder, but the latest Wiki Defender post made me laugh so much it deserves maximum coverage at the top of this board.

Wiki Defender we salute you! Magnificent....
Oh, that's a riot. WikiDefender is the Borat of Wikistan. smile.gif
He's right, though... That microphone from Troll-Mart really did sound horrendously bad. If I ever do another one of those things, I'm going to have to find something a lot more distorted, and use one of those "Nasal Compression" filters too.
Peter Damian
We truly not worthy.
Disillusioned Lackey
Wikidefender is Scandinavian.

Dead giveaways.

1. Stolen Munch picture (everyone else forgot about Munch's Scream being gone in a day or two).
2. Telltale requisite IKEA bookshelf, offered by hospital commissary at birth to all Nordics.
3. Use of gun in comic picture (any other national would be fearful, esp. Americans).
4. Physique - not stocky enough for Northern America (no corn flakes keeps a guy slim).
It's perfectly obvious that Wikidefender is sincere. This is too good to be a parody. Maybe it's Durova trying to regain favour.

That was hilarious. He really captures the Wikiparanoia.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(guy @ Wed 9th April 2008, 9:20am) *

It's perfectly obvious that Wikidefender is sincere. This is too good to be a parody. Maybe it's Durova trying to regain favour.


Not a chance. Durova lacks the sense of self-awareness requisite for self-lampoon.

Whoever is doing that does. And they are poking fun at Wikipedia, though they may enjoy positive status.
The true face of Moulton is revealed:

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