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Erik Möller, No. 2 at Wikipedia, a defender of pedophilia

"Erik Möller is the deputy director at Wikipedia's nonprofit parent, the Wikimedia Foundation. As such, he oversees tech and editorial operations at the world's most comprehensive history of obscure British contemporary art movements. And as an editor on the site, he takes special interest in subjects such as "child abuse," "child sexuality," and "pedophilia.""
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Newsfood @ Tue 6th May 2008, 12:10am) *


Erik Möller, No. 2 at Wikipedia, a defender of pedophilia

"Erik Möller is the deputy director at Wikipedia's nonprofit parent, the Wikimedia Foundation. As such, he oversees tech and editorial operations at the world's most comprehensive history of obscure British contemporary art movements. And as an editor on the site, he takes special interest in subjects such as "child abuse," "child sexuality," and "pedophilia.""

I wonder if he was a "boyscout", way back when....

Now, either Valleywag is gonna get sued to hell and back...or more people are going to be looking at this. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark....
the fieryangel
Copying this here from the "blog" forum

Valleywag's headline :

Erik Möller, No. 2 at Wikipedia, a defender of pedophilia

Granted, Valleywag is not mainstream media, if enough information were tied into this (such as the Boy Scouts/Spanking incident over at Wikia), this could blow up.

I would be surprised if WMF did not sue because of this....
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 6th May 2008, 5:06am) *

I would be surprised if WMF did not sue because of this....

As Roger Clemens has found out, though, you don't file a defamation suit if you have skeletons in your closet.

So unless the Heir Apparent has a very clean background, there won't be a lawsuit.
Peter Damian
Let me argue on the other side for once. Moeller's comments were taken absurdly out of context. Read his article in full, or at least the stuff around the quoted material. I don't see anything particularly damning in anything there, and indeed he makes some thoughtful and good comments (with which I don't agree, but there's nothing inherently disturbing in his remarks).

I haven't linked to the Boyline one for obvious reasons, but I'm interested in what they say.
Peter Damian
There is another thread on this, which I commented on (the comment being that Moeller's remarks could be charitably construed as 'taken out of context'. To be fair, I suggest reading everything he says.

[edit] the comments make interesting reading. Someone has correctly pointed out what I have just said (namely that M's remarks have been taken out of context). That person has then been accused of supporting pedophilia....

The problem is that M's remarks are of the close-to-the-wire-but-not-quite-over remark that look like smoke, even if there is no fire.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 6th May 2008, 11:55am) *

Let me argue on the other side for once. Moeller's comments were taken absurdly out of context. Read his article in full, or at least the stuff around the quoted material. I don't see anything particularly damning in anything there, and indeed he makes some thoughtful and good comments (with which I don't agree, but there's nothing inherently disturbing in his remarks).

I haven't linked to the Boyline one for obvious reasons, but I'm interested in what they say.

I think that Wikipedia not taking a hard line on pro-pedo articles and editors will certainly be taken out of context and come back to haunt them. Their whole "don't ask, don't tell" tactic just isn't enough for this kind of thing.

I agree that this portrayal of Erik is definitely not fair, but I can't help thinking that they could have avoided this entirely by having a clear policy against all pro-pedo material, encyclopaedic or not....
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 6th May 2008, 12:36pm) *

There is another thread on this, which I commented on (the comment being that Moeller's remarks could be charitably construed as 'taken out of context'. To be fair, I suggest reading everything he says.

[edit] the comments make interesting reading. Someone has correctly pointed out what I have just said (namely that M's remarks have been taken out of context). That person has then been accused of supporting pedophilia....

The problem is that M's remarks are of the close-to-the-wire-but-not-quite-over remark that look like smoke, even if there is no fire.

WP should have implemented a much clearer policy regarding pro-pedophilia articles and editors. The procedures that they have in place, which effectively takes all instances of this "behind the curtains" of ARB-COM etc and also which punishes those who try to out people perceived as pushing the pedophile agenda as severely as those who are caught pushing said agenda can only lead to the idea that they are somehow supporting this agenda. It's quite obvious that 1. at one point they were pretty much allowing any sort of sexual expression to be covered equally but 2. this openness has changed, except you have to have followed the entire story to understand that.

This isn't good for WMF...
Any time any individual or organization operates substantially below best practices, it's not good for them. It's better to do one's best.
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 6th May 2008, 12:54pm) *

The procedures [...] which punishes those who try to out people perceived as pushing the pedophile agenda as severely as those who are caught pushing said agenda.

Thank you, that's a very clear way of stating the fundamental problem with the way WP deals with this. I suspect the cause is that it's [quite obviously] wrong to make a false accusation - which got translated somewhere along the way to it being "wrong" to make an incorrect accusation, leading to a paranoid environment where since every accusation results in either the accused or the accuser being banned, so everyone's afraid to say anything.
the fieryangel
I just noticed the following quote :

One wonders if trustees of the Sloan Foundation, which recently donated millions to Wikipedia after Möller pitched them, share his views on pedophilia. BoyLinks finds his pro-pedophilia arguments agreeable, as does Martijn, a Dutch counterpart to the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

They've also got the Sloan foundation tagged. I wonder how long will it be before this comes up on the Sloan foundation's google hits?

Edited: It's already there :

It's number two in that search string....

In the comments on this article, somebody just linked to the "infamous" Wikipedophile article over at ED....

There might only be smoke here, but there's enough evidence for these guys to get quite a lot of milage out of it...
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Random832 @ Tue 6th May 2008, 1:36pm) *

QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 6th May 2008, 12:54pm) *

The procedures [...] which punishes those who try to out people perceived as pushing the pedophile agenda as severely as those who are caught pushing said agenda.

Thank you, that's a very clear way of stating the fundamental problem with the way WP deals with this. I suspect the cause is that it's [quite obviously] wrong to make a false accusation - which got translated somewhere along the way to it being "wrong" to make an incorrect accusation, leading to a paranoid environment where since every accusation results in either the accused or the accuser being banned, so everyone's afraid to say anything.

Actually I'm beginning to think that this was more about embarrassing the Sloan foundation than anything else...Look at the number two result on this Google search....

QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Tue 6th May 2008, 9:54am) *

Actually I'm beginning to think that this was more about embarrassing the Sloan foundation than anything else...Look at the number two result on this Google search....

It's #1 for me, but nobody's going to naturally search "Erik Moller" in a batch with Sloan Foundation and Wikipedia.

Just like hardly anybody would ever search for this, but look what site is #1.

Peter Damian
Just to note there are two threads, one in Bureaucracy here

and one in ‘Blogland’ here
Peter Damian
Just to note there are two threads, one in Bureaucracy here

and one in ‘Blogland’ here
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 6th May 2008, 5:55am) *

Let me argue on the other side for once. Moeller's comments were taken absurdly out of context. Read his article in full, or at least the stuff around the quoted material. I don't see anything particularly damning in anything there, and indeed he makes some thoughtful and good comments (with which I don't agree, but there's nothing inherently disturbing in his remarks).

I haven't linked to the Boyline one for obvious reasons, but I'm interested in what they say.

Not so much taken out of context as isolated from his overall purpose in writing the article. What has happened once again is yet another instance how "the cult of the amateur" distorts judgment. Erik launches into a very Wikipedian amateur lecture of child sexuality. He has the usual Wikipedian pseudo-reliance on authority, but in the usual manner of an amateur cut off from the actual peer review and participation in the field comes up with some very outlying conclusions. These include the premise that children, especially "older children" should be permitted to enter into any non-coerced sexual relationships they wish to pursue. Erik is blindly following his own thinking, cut off from ideas of people who know better. He concludes that this includes adult/child sexual relations. So long as child is good with it all. "Older children" are not defined but what... 13, 14 , 15 years old? This pedophilia is ok with me if it is ok with the child position was just a stepping stone in Erick's reasoning. But it was a step he seemed to clearly take in the context I have just described.

Erick may not be a pedophile or even their fellow traveler. The main thrust of his argument was meant to defend a permissive attitude to "older children" having sex with other older children and the harm done by repressing sexuality. Two fifteen year old children having sex may be a parental management problem, and may have serious consequence for the children involved, but it is hardly anything that toleration of would be shocking.

What is of greater concern is the underlying abandonment of respect for wider community norms or the positions of scholars, professionals and activists seeking to protect children. In the world of the wisdom of crowds, what is good for children depends on whoever shows up on any given day in that crowd. This is certainly no way to run a website that engages thousands of child to collaborate in a project with thousands of adults.
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 6th May 2008, 11:37am) *

...What is of greater concern is the underlying abandonment of respect for wider community norms or the positions of scholars, professionals and activists seeking to protect children. In the world of the wisdom of crowds, what is good for children depends on whoever shows up on any given day in that crowd. This is certainly no way to run a website that engages thousands of child to collaborate in a project with thousands of adults.

I could take the entire day and not be able to write something as precisely cogent as what GlassBeadGame just wrote. Thank you, GBG!
the fieryangel
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Tue 6th May 2008, 3:37pm) *

What is of greater concern is the underlying abandonment of respect for wider community norms or the positions of scholars, professionals and activists seeking to protect children. In the world of the wisdom of crowds, what is good for children depends on whoever shows up on any given day in that crowd. This is certainly no way to run a website that engages thousands of child to collaborate in a project with thousands of adults.

This is the problem exactly: Wikipedia is about the validation of what we think rather than about actually collecting knowledge. Erik thinks (probably quite reasonably from his standpoint) let the kids have their sexuality if that's what they want., but he doesn't consider the complete implications of what he's suggesting. There are social workers, child psychologists, teachers, doctors and others who have done research on this subject who might have surprising things to add, but the only that matters is the validation of his own personal agenda regarding child sexuality.

It's irresponsible. It's also completely amateur, as you so clearly put it. But it is, indeed, the Wiki way...a world in which electric knives are primarily used to create buttocks padding for male transvestites....and this is the sum of all human knowledge....
Mod note: threads merged as requested
More on Eric Moeller and paedophilia.

Apparently he wrote a paper back in 2000 asserting that "nonviolent child pornography does no harm".

Regarding Moeller's nasty views against BLP victims on this site, as Eloquence, and now these idiotic and plain creepy revelations, he's proving to be possibly the most sinister figure in the cult. No wonder Angela gave him the shrug.

Danny Wool rightly asks why the WMF didn't background check Moeller and find this stuff out before they employed him. I mean, it was after the Carolyn Doran scandal, and after their claims that the WMF were getting tighter on these kind of things.
QUOTE(Kato @ Tue 6th May 2008, 7:41pm) *

More on Eric Moeller and paedophilia.

Apparently he wrote a paper back in 2000 asserting that "nonviolent child pornography does no harm".

Regarding Moeller's nasty views against BLP victims on this site, as Eloquence, and now these idiotic and plain creepy revelations, he's proving to be possibly the most sinister figure in the cult. No wonder Angela gave him the shrug.

Danny Wool rightly asks why the WMF didn't background check Moeller and find this stuff out before they employed him. I mean, it was after the Carolyn Doran scandal, and after their claims that the WMF were getting tighter on these kind of things.

This is adding up to real significance. Maybe it will cause a serious discussion of the utter lack of responsibility Wikipedia shows in relation to protecting children who contribute to the project. The "rough translation" is not suitable for serious analysis. Maybe someone can provide a real translation for our use? I think this link, derived from the query string in the url valleywage provided for the translation link, goes to the original German article.


Re: [PEACELIST:] UK sex laws-new


> Do these seem unreasonable to you?

I can't answer for Jim, but several things strike me about these

1) Pedophiles are the new vampires. They are the ever looming threat
that justifies virtually every law change. Pedophilia is used as the
collective term for actions ranging from sexually fondling a child to
raping and mudering it. That is not to say that the lighter of these
actions are acceptable, but their equation points to a significant
degree of hysteria, which has already led to a mob persecuting a
pediatrician because that word sounds so similar to "pedophile".

2) As a result of the pedophilia hysteria, child sexuality, which was
perceived as natural and healthy in the 1970s, is increasingly being
treated as a disease again. But instead of treating the children for
"self-abuse" (masturbation) like in the 19th and first half of the 20th
century we are now making sure that no adults talk to them about
sexuality. Talk to a child about something sexual on the Net, and you're
"grooming" them for later abuse -> 5 years in prison. Make nude
photographs of a child, and you are "inducing" them -> 10 years in
prison, even without any physical contact. I wonder how this will affect

Sex education is essential in *early* childhood, that's why the
Netherlands (who do have such early programs) have the lowest teen
pregnancies in Europe and the Britons have the highest. Teen pregnancy
in the US is an order of magnitude higher than in the Netherlands. But
in the current climate, it is probably better not to sexually "educate"
children at all, because all they are going to learn in the programs
these people come up with is what venereal diseases look like and why
you need to stay "pure" until marriage.

3) "Rape" fulfills the same function as "sexual abuse", it is
increasingly becoming an umbrella term for a wide range of behaviors,
from those where consent is questionable to those where physical force
is excessively used, often including murder. In a sexually restrictive
society, bars and clubs are the most popular spaces where sexual contact
is made. Now these last spaces can be cleansed by using the "rape"
moniker. Bartenders and other employees will increasingly be wary of
contacts among their guests to avoid being held responsible for a crime.

4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false
principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are
enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the
offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for
the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become
"psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which
they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related).
Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

The fact that child sex abuse is such a big topic whereas child non-sex
abuse is largely tolerated (and the right to physically abuse, i.e.
"discipline", children often vocally demanded) reveals that this is not
about abuse, it's about sex, and child sexuality in particular. Also


Scientific Reviewer, Freelancer, Humanist -- Berlin / Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 45491008 -- Web:
Editor of:,

Patriotism is an ephemeral motive that scarcely ever outlasts
the particular threat to society that aroused it.
-- Denis Diderot
4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Yikes. "False principles"? I think Erik may be taking this whole "libertarian ideals" thing a little too far!

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't note that he could have just as easily stated it this-a-way:
4) The Wikimedia system, in the US, the UK, and elsewhere, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "ban." These online-community principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate amateur know-nothings into society. Accordingly, retribution schemes are raised highest for the topic areas that are the most emotionally offensive. Wikis become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the article subjects which they punish (which are, especially on Wikipedia, often living people). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Alas, we can only speculate...
It is based on a false premise, an error in mathematical reasoning called Human's Original Logic Error (HOLE). Augustine, who was not a mathematician by training, called it Original Sin, but we can excuse his lack of mathematical terminology. I prefer HOLE, which means that those who make this logic error have a HOLE in their head.

"Elsewhere, Levine also clearly states that she doesn't think children below the age of 12 can have positive sexual experiences with adults. "

does Erik think that children aged 12 and above "can have positive sexual experiences with adults"?

"I'm using Child Love TV as yet another tool in trying to convince the world that not only are these things untrue, but that, interestingly enough, the exact opposite is true. That is, everyone should accept their pedophilic feelings, because, generally speaking: 1. pedosexual contacts are healthy for children, and when these contacts can't take place it is because, 2. a third party, like politicians or parents, abuses its power over the child in order to deny the child its sexual freedom."

"That's freedom of speech and when it comes to pedophilia and child sexuality, there is no such thing. Nearly all people who tried to publicly bring nuance to the discussion got in trouble. This goes for researchers as well. Good examples of this are what happened to Prescott and what happened to Rind, Bauserman and Tromovitch. More about this can be read in "The Decline of Sex Science and the Decline of Society" by Erik Möller"
Moderator's note: Moved this to the General forum, since it's not really about the bureaucracy or WMF infrastructure.
From The Decline of Sex Science and the Decline of Society:
QUOTE(Erik Moeller @ Apr 24, 2003)
With traditional media being heavily regulated by the FCC, pixelized breasts and beeped out swearwords, perhaps the last bastion of freedom that has survived all conservative onslaughts is the Internet. Not that they haven't tried -- but laws like the Communications Decency Act are routinely repealed by the Supreme Court. There are now primarily three strategies used for heavier Internet regulation:
  • Copyright. Laws like the DMCA have been abused for censorship (specifically its "Notice and Takedown" provision, which exempts ISPs from liability if they shut down controversial sites immediately), and the content industry will continue to lobby for stronger laws until piracy is eradicated, i.e. indefinitely. So far, anti-sex conservatives have not realized that this is their opportunity to combat smut and sex ed as well, with much backing from industry lobbyists. Wait for it.
  • State-level action. State-level Super-DMCAs are much more restrictive than their federal equivalent. Establishing such laws is easier since less money and less media exposure is involved. We will probably see more state level censorship laws in the future.
  • Kiddie porn. Europeans and Americans alike have realized that child pornography is the right hook to get the public to accept almost any censorship measure. As soon as child porn laws are successfully implemented, they can be used as leverage to build more restrictive censorship indices. The state of Pennsylvania already has a law in place which forces ISPs to block child porn sites, and refuses to disclose the list.
Meanwhile, as traditional media are mostly supportive of the Bush administration and give little airtime to critical views, the Internet is also the best chance to stop the cultural decline of the US into a theocratic, feudal state. Preserving this freedom should therefore be our highest priority. If we fail, our children will ask us what we have done.

My personal contributions to this struggle are my websites, infoAnarchy one of the leading sites on the issue of IP-related censorship, and, the above mentioned archive of suppressed scientific data that is crucial for the survival of our species...

So, let's see here... this could easily be interpreted by someone not-so-charitable as him saying that the future of civilization really depends on people's ability to download movies and albums for free, so as to not give so much as an inch to the bad, bad censors, doesn't it? And that these "censors" are using child porn as the "hook" to get stricter laws passed.

Is he even living on the same planet as the rest of us?
Pumpkin Muffins
4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Yaaay! another 21yr old passing his infinitely superior judgment on the morality, ethics and legal system of America.
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 7th May 2008, 6:23am) *

Is he even living on the same planet as the rest of us?

He's certainly placed himself at the top of my list of ideological enemies.

I'm one of those people who live in a Real Society, and support and promote Professional Child Protection, rather than this supa-dupa WP generation who think that kind of thing is sooo oppressive maaan, and who believe, without any evidence whatsoever, that they know better.

People like Moeller have no idea about society. If he wants to learn, then he should get himself over to my neighbourhood and start doing voluntary work at the local Community Centre. As well as taking various courses on the statistics relating to child abuse, and the responsibilities dealing with disclosure and monitoring. There are 55,000 identified vulnerable children and over 600 children on the Child Protection Register in my city alone. These 600 are serious cases of abuse. Protecting Children is the most important role we have in life, only in recent times has society begun to acknowledge this desperate need.

Moeller is not only living on a different planet, he is the enemy as far as I'm concerned.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Pumpkin Muffins @ Wed 7th May 2008, 5:35am) *

4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Yaaay! another 21yr old passing his infinitely superior judgment on the morality, ethics and legal system of America.

Yeah, maybe, but as somebody more than twice his age and living in America, he got a lot right. The wiki on

Is not some pedophile send-up. I followed the McMartin case in realtime, first hand, and it happened just like that.

Another Wiki I recommend:

Did you know that some of Thomas Paine's works, particularly The Age of Reason was suppressed at the time by people claiming that pages of it were being used to wrap candy, so that children unwrapping them would become interested in the philosophical arguments, and thence into the clutches of Satan? Really, this happened. We laugh today, but in Paine's time it wasn't so funny. tongue.gif
Castle Rock
QUOTE(Pumpkin Muffins @ Wed 7th May 2008, 5:35am) *

4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Yaaay! another 21yr old passing his infinitely superior judgment on the morality, ethics and legal system of America.

Moeller, some offenders shouldn't be re-integrated into society.
Pumpkin Muffins
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 6th May 2008, 11:13pm) *

QUOTE(Pumpkin Muffins @ Wed 7th May 2008, 5:35am) *

4) The criminal system, in the US and in the UK, is based on the false principles of "punishment" and "sin". These Christian principles are enforced to satisfy the lust for revenge, not to re-integrate the offenders into society. Accordingly, sentences are raised highest for the crimes that are the most emotionally offensive. Prisons become "psycho factories" which are often more abusive than the crimes which they punish (which are, especially in the US, often drug-related). Justice becomes synonymous with revenge.

Yaaay! another 21yr old passing his infinitely superior judgment on the morality, ethics and legal system of America.

Yeah, maybe, but as somebody more than twice his age and living in America, he got a lot right. The wiki on

Is not some pedophile send-up. I followed the McMartin case in realtime, first hand, and it happened just like that.

Another Wiki I recommend:

Did you know that some of Thomas Paine's works, particularly The Age of Reason was suppressed at the time by people claiming that pages of it were being used to wrap candy, so that children unwrapping them would become interested in the philosophical arguments, and thence into the clutches of Satan? Really, this happened. We laugh today, but in Paine's time it wasn't so funny. tongue.gif

Oh, I won't argue with you over anecdotal atrocities. I remember one of those hysteria cases. But here's some of my anecdotal evidence...

Right now I'm looking at the on-line sexual offenders registry. I live in a city, and within one half mile of my home there is the following:
*(old fart) likes "Pre-teen males or females, and teenage females."
*(43 yr old) "Minor females, ages 1 to 6, known to him"
*(old fart) "Juvenile females 9 to 12 years of age known to him, Used threats to gain compliance."
*(42 yr old) 14-year-old schoolgirl, molests females who visit his house.
Last year there was a guy registered two blocks from my home for kidnapping a pre-teen at gunpoint and raping her. Five years ago, someone tried to abduct a 12yr old at gun point two blocks from my house. My daughter is frustrated that we don't let her use the city bus system at will. I didn't allow my son to join the boy scouts for reasons I won't go in to.

So please forgive me if I take a dim view pedophiles editing Wikipedia, or people who seem to have sympathy for those views. Many cultures, even in the industrialized world, turn a blind eye to this stuff or 'keep it quiet'. It's not an 'American' problem. And I disagree with you that ''he got a lot right''.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 7th May 2008, 5:23am) *

So, let's see here... this could easily be interpreted by someone not-so-charitable as him saying that the future of civilization really depends on people's ability to download movies and albums for free, so as to not give so much as an inch to the bad, bad censors, doesn't it? And that these "censors" are using child porn as the "hook" to get stricter laws passed.

Is he even living on the same planet as the rest of us?

It's part of the whole "free content" party line which tries to portray anyone who tries to enforce copyright laws as being inherently "libertycide" and willing to do just about anything to get their laws enforced. This is only the extreme version of how far these "information just wants to be free" people take things.

Oh, yeah, and not to mention the wishy-washy don't ask, don't tell routine that they've been doing on these pedophilia issues for quite some time at WP. If they would have taken a harder line on that, then this would have just been a human resources issues. Right now, it looks like WP is pushing a pro-pedo agenda....

Now, just to play devil's advocate, who's to say that there aren't pro-pedos who have infiltrated the Cabal? Isn't it just a bit weird that you aren't allowed to say "so and so seems to be pushing a pro-pedo agenda" without fear of getting immediately banned????
QUOTE(Pumpkin Muffins @ Wed 7th May 2008, 1:58am) *
So please forgive me if I take a dim view pedophiles editing Wikipedia, or people who seem to have sympathy for those views. Many cultures, even in the industrialized world, turn a blind eye to this stuff or 'keep it quiet'. It's not an 'American' problem. And I disagree with you that ''he got a lot right''.

I suppose we're all going to have to agree to disagree on the whole issue of whether or not the current legal situation in the US, as regards child protection, goes too far or doesn't go far enough... Or at least I hope we can, because that's the sort of issue that can really make people's blood boil. getlost.gif

It sounds to me, though, like Milton was simply expressing (in an appropriately roundabout way) a concern that a lot of men probably have these days when getting into all this Web 2.0, social-web stuff - that one might strike up a conversation with someone who presents him/herself as an adult online, but who's actually a 14-year old kid working for NBC's To Catch a Predator. (Or however they set those things up.)

The issue for us, I'd say, isn't so much whether or not these fears are justifiable - rather, whether or not Erik Moeller has been crassly exploiting such fears to promote the dismantling of current systems that protect intellectual property, in favor of "free content" schemes like Wikipedia that degrade traditional (and much more responsible) approaches to education, culture, and information dissemination.

Right now, I'd have to say that's exactly what he's been doing. His real agenda - indeed, his life's work - has always been the near-elimination of intellectual property laws by whatever means necessary, including the promotion of this idea that laws against "kiddie porn" are themselves a form of hysteria-exploitation.
Peter Damian
The issue for us, I'd say, isn't so much whether or not these fears are justifiable - rather, whether or not Erik Moeller has been crassly exploiting such fears to promote the dismantling of current systems that protect intellectual property, in favor of "free content" schemes like Wikipedia that degrade traditional (and much more responsible) approaches to education, culture, and information dissemination.

Yes that is absolutely the issue. I’ve said before that I don’t believe in conspiracies generally. But it is looking like there is, if not a conspiracy, at least an agenda.

Also I’m now wondering about my own case. Why was there something like a 100% U-turn a few days ago? I am unblocked, no questions asked, no apology required. I tested this with a few prods and probes (such as a few rude remarks to you-know-who). No reaction, nothing. Like nothing happened. Except, er, I am not allowed to discuss my case in public. Is it that they knew this Valleywag piece was up and coming, and have unblocked a few people to limit collateral damage? Or it might be a coincidence. We’ll see.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 8:27am) *

The issue for us, I'd say, isn't so much whether or not these fears are justifiable - rather, whether or not Erik Moeller has been crassly exploiting such fears to promote the dismantling of current systems that protect intellectual property, in favor of "free content" schemes like Wikipedia that degrade traditional (and much more responsible) approaches to education, culture, and information dissemination.

Yes that is absolutely the issue. I’ve said before that I don’t believe in conspiracies generally. But it is looking like there is, if not a conspiracy, at least an agenda.

Also I’m now wondering about my own case. Why was there something like a 100% U-turn a few days ago? I am unblocked, no questions asked, no apology required. I tested this with a few prods and probes (such as a few rude remarks to you-know-who). No reaction, nothing. Like nothing happened. Except, er, I am not allowed to discuss my case in public. Is it that they knew this Valleywag piece was up and coming, and have unblocked a few people to limit collateral damage? Or it might be a coincidence. We’ll see.

I have been saying for months that there was clear evidence that all kinds of sexual minorities have organized lobbying groups in Wikipedia and that they had somehow infiltrated the adminstration at the highest levels. When this kind of lobbying is dealing with such things as inserting information about hip and buttock padding for transvestites into the electric carving knife article, then it can be seen as being humorous. In cases in which pro-pedo material is added, it becomes something else.

I will repeat something that I said here months ago in another thread regarding language and sexual minorities. Sexual minorities create their own "language" in which to either negatively or positively describe their activities. One of the objectives of this can be to hide one's own identity through using code phrases that would only be understood by those who are part of the sub-group (the famous US Gay military "Are you a friend of Dorothy's?" question being one famous example).

Another objective can be to use language to redefine agressive terms into other, more neutral terms in an effort to try to gain acceptance. Has anyone noticed that categories which speak of "Pederasty " (see this category to see what's in this section on WP.) rather than "pedophilia" are somehow more acceptable on Wikipedia? The image of an older man speaking of philosophy with a youth in ancient Greece not with standing, the majority of these articles speak of older men who had sex with children. However, since there is somehow a notion of historical documentation, it becomes acceptable.

The representation of an older man being the active partner in penetrative anal sex with the passive partner being a younger male (the historical person being penetrated would be considered to be underage in the US and many parts of Europe) which opens the Anal Sex article is another example of using this historical image to say "this is acceptable. This is normal and history backs us up". Since it is a painting, you can't technically call it child pornography....but why is this the first image that you see in this article?

While I do not believe that EM is a pedophile, I do believe that he is willing to work within this type of framework to "break down society's barriers against sexual expression". I do believe that he sincerely thinks that this type of presentation of these acts is a positive advancement, "softening" the public's distaste by directly confronting them with the reality that men do indeed have sex with children and have for some time. The question is: where do one individual's rights begin and where do they stop? And is this different in the case of children?

I believe that it is. And I do not believe that a not-for-profit should be used to push this kind of agenda. EM should be dismissed immediately.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 7th May 2008, 8:15am) *

The issue for us, I'd say, isn't so much whether or not these fears are justifiable - rather, whether or not Erik Moeller has been crassly exploiting such fears to promote the dismantling of current systems that protect intellectual property, in favor of "free content" schemes like Wikipedia that degrade traditional (and much more responsible) approaches to education, culture, and information dissemination.

Right now, I'd have to say that's exactly what he's been doing. His real agenda - indeed, his life's work - has always been the near-elimination of intellectual property laws by whatever means necessary, including the promotion of this idea that laws against "kiddie porn" are themselves a form of hysteria-exploitation.

Oh, no! Now, you've pushed my buttons. Who cares if he's a pedophile, if he's against patent and copyright, I suggest we string him up by the rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifS.

And how do we know anybody on this forum isn't a really precocious 12? So we're all in trouble at WR, maybe. Mentors my (*). Would-be Nestors, actually Stentors...
Doc glasgow
First, I have a deal of sympathy with Erik. He wrote a terrible, extremist, pseudo-profound, libertarian essay some years ago, and now it has come back with a vengeance. Whilst some will want to infer more than that, there is zero evidence to suggest it. Damn to hell what he said, but give him a break.

Second, the essay is naive in the extreme. You can play Californian free-software free-knowledge free-love intellectual masturbation on many issues. You can take insane debating positions to make a point. But when the question is children, adults and sex, the answer has to be an unequivocal NO WAY. That's for two reasons, a) there are some genuine abusers making the same libertine psychological arguments as a matter of self-deception and in search for respectability and there is no way we give these people an inch. (It is logically possible that there might be some correlation between race and intelligence - but anyone who thinks that you can openly debate that whilst ignoring the green flag you are giving to scumballs doing real harm needs to get their head out of their ass). B ) although I do think that paedophile-paranoia is unhelpful, it is incredibly naive not to realise that prevaricating for a second before condemning paedophiles is socially naive. Whatever Erik's views are (and perhaps the whole thing was simply an immature troll on his part) anyone who has any concern for their own reputation, career and on-line standing should know NEVER to touch an issue like this. Here be dragons.

And that leads me to an interesting thought. We now recognise that "googling" has the potential to do things to reputations, the consequences of which we are only beginning to understand. Youthful indiscretions are accessible for ever. Political misspeaks will never be left behind. Indeed, I believe that was one of Daniel Brandt's complaints about his Wikipedia bio, was that it referenced some old essay he'd long like to have forgotten, and would have ensured anyone trying to find anything out about him now, would be drawn to it. Is Wikimedia's deputy-director now to be a victim of the same unforgiving internet memory? Doubtless, whatever he now accomplishes in the free-software movement, any on-line profile will want mercilessly to add "and he's the guy that defended pedos". Google will never forget it.

Between Essjay, Jimbo's lovers and expenses, Carolyn Doran, and Angela Beesely's unwanted wiki-bio, I am beginning to wonder if the WMF leadership is intent on demonstrating to the world the dangerous nature of the intrusive net-culture it itself is doing so much to build. Who's next?
QUOTE(Kato @ Wed 7th May 2008, 2:41am) *

I'm afraid that picture on the article makes me think: "Would this guy really be allowed to buy a house with a cellar?"
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 10:26am) *

Whatever Erik's views are (and perhaps the whole thing was simply an immature troll on his part)

I think you'll need to come up with a better excuse for him than that. I've found numerous postings over at least a 4 year period that are all in a similar vein. He argues that children aged 12 can have positive sexual relations with adults. Paedophiles will use writings such as his (and they have as I showed above) to feel empowered to go and seek out children for abuse. Should someone who wrote what he wrote be in charge of a website WHERE 1000s of un-identified adults interact with 1000s of children? I don't think so.
Doc glasgow
QUOTE(jorge @ Wed 7th May 2008, 10:57am) *

QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 10:26am) *

Whatever Erik's views are (and perhaps the whole thing was simply an immature troll on his part)

I think you'll need to come up with a better excuse for him than that. I've found numerous postings over at least a 4 year period that are all in a similar vein. He argues that children aged 12 can have positive sexual relations with adults. Paedophiles will use writings such as his (and they have as I showed above) to feel empowered to go and seek out children for abuse. Should someone who wrote what he wrote be in charge of a website WHERE 1000s of un-identified adults interact with 1000s of children? I don't think so.

I'm not trying to excuse anything. All I'm saying is that people stupidly grandstand on these libertarian issues without thinking of the consequences. It is stupid and naive and will probably wreck his career.

But your argument is full of logic jumps. Erik's argument is certainly both silly and reckless. Doubtless it /could/ be use by pedophiles, although, seriously, quoting the Deputy-Director of the Wikimedia Foundation is hardly a clincher in their campaigns. Whilst Erik is a big-noise for WMF geeks, he's still a no-one in the wider world and certainly not a quotable authority in child-psychology. How much intellectual credibility does some silly German teenager lend this? The arguments are dangerous, Erik is not.

As for: "Should someone who wrote what he wrote be in charge of a website WHERE 1000s of un-identified adults interact with 1000s of children?" Why not?

There is a serious question of whether he may become a PR liability for the WMF, but seriously, what are you implying? How does his post a WMF impact on the 1000s of unidentified adults and children? Please be specific.

I'm not defending Erik (Hell, no. The argument is vile and stupid) but emotional knee-jerks don't help either.

Peter Damian
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:09am) *

But your argument is full of logic jumps. Erik's argument is certainly both silly and reckless. Doubtless it /could/ be use by pedophiles, although, seriously, quoting the Deputy-Director of the Wikimedia Foundation is hardly a clincher in their campaigns. Whilst Erik is a big-noise for WMF geeks, he's still a no-one in the wider world and certainly not a quotable authority in child-psychology. How much intellectual credibility does some silly German teenager lend this? The arguments are dangerous, Erik is not.

That’s not the point. We know there is a large underground of pro-paedos editing on Wikipedia. Their number 1 objective is to get certain points of view across because of the high Google ranking. Example points of view: paedophilia is just a condition, it doesn’t imply the practice, or even tendency to practice, paedos should be free to associate with children, because they are not inherently harmful &c &c. It becomes very hard to challenge this without being challenged or blocked or banned (as I was on a related issue) for supposed ‘personal attacks’, because people like Erik have created a certain climate in Wikipedia that is friendly to this. Whether or not he deliberately intended this is beside the point. Undoubtedly his actions, possibly well-meaning actions, have brought this about. That’s all.
QUOTE(jorge @ Wed 7th May 2008, 10:57am) *

Should someone who wrote what he wrote be in charge of a website WHERE 1000s of un-identified adults interact with 1000s of children? I don't think so.

Don't worry about it, blame the parents.

I will claim a COI. I've let my children sleep over at a house where my children started hinting that they were not so keen on the idea. So we assumed they were bored of the company and moved on. A couple of years later, when we were still in happy contact with the parents, the father, a plausible and pleasant man, (even if he was a vegan*), got arrested and sent to jail, serving two and a half years for child abuse. No harm done here, and my children were not involved.

I'm fairly sure he thought he was in a consensual and loving relationship and is probably still convinced he did nothing wrong. The insidious thing, which corrodes one's trust in fellow man, is that the whole point about deceptive people and conmen is that there should be no embarrassment about falling for the charms of a plausible character. In terms of plausibility, mother was a cousin of Princess Diana and daughter of a Conservative MP of the Thatcher era who has been a prominent advocate for truth and reconciliation** in the Irish peace process. It seems she was deceived too.

So, no it is not a theoretical problem, and Wikipedia does provide networking abilities. As I was pointing out at the most blatantly obvious level and got poo-poo'd by some teenager and that man of high moral values, David Shankbone, if you have meet-ups, make sure you know who you are meeting up with, not just to protect the kids, but to protect the adults.

Is there a world wide conspiracy to pervert the world's youth? I don't really think so, but Wikipedia sure tries to do a good impression of one at times.

*Joke (for sensitive readers).
**It can happen, and it can work Moulton.
Peter Damian
This article on Wikipedia

about the Judith Levine case

and this

by Moeller, is a graphic description of the furore caused when Levine promoted a positive view of certain adult-child relationships, in an academic context. Without taking a view on this, I wonder what is going to happen to Wikipedia, when this story gets widespread circulation?

[edit] and seconding DogBiscuit's view above. [edit 2] I recommend reading the thread linked by DB, for a good example of where wiki-reality just takes off into a different dimension.
Doc glasgow
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

We know there is a large underground of pro-paedos editing on Wikipedia.

Do we? {{fact}}. I'm aware of pov-pushing on this certainly, but "large underground"?? I suspect an amount of what I saw of was trolling pure and simple.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

People like Erik have created a certain climate in Wikipedia that is friendly to this. Whether or not he deliberately intended this is beside the point. Undoubtedly his actions, possibly well-meaning actions, have brought this about. That’s all.

Fact? Please explain how Erik did this?

Underlying wikipedia is an extreme libertarian ethos, that wants to take the hippy-revolution to the Californian max, and break all boundaries and authorities. But I think were people ideologically try to apply this to child abuse issues, they just show how silly it all actually is. It is one massive reduction ad absurdum. But really, the paranoia does not help here.
Peter Damian
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:50am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

We know there is a large underground of pro-paedos editing on Wikipedia.

Do we? {{fact}}. I'm aware of pov-pushing on this certainly, but "large underground"?? I suspect an amount of what I saw of was trolling pure and simple.

I think you are being naive. Follow the link that Squeakbox provided the other day.

QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:50am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

People like Erik have created a certain climate in Wikipedia that is friendly to this. Whether or not he deliberately intended this is beside the point. Undoubtedly his actions, possibly well-meaning actions, have brought this about. That’s all.

Fact? Please explain how Erik did this?

Underlying wikipedia is an extreme libertarian ethos, that wants to take the hippy-revolution to the Californian max, and break all boundaries and authorities. But I think were people ideologically try to apply this to child abuse issues, they just show how silly it all actually is. It is one massive reduction ad absurdum. But really, the paranoia does not help here.

He helped promote this ethos in many different ways. Follow all his edits from the early days, follow the POV he is forcefully putting across. E.g. just read the Levine stuff I linked to above. I'm not denying it wasn't in good faith. But you would be naive to deny the influence that Erik has had in the early development of the enyclopedia.

Or look at what he says here in a Wikipedia article

Child and youth sexuality is a highly controversial subject in western society. Not only are parents worried about sexual predators, sexual acts among children and/or juveniles are sometimes interpreted as child sexual abuse and answered with therapy or detention. Researchers agree that there is a fundamental lack of knowledge about children's sexual behavior and what is culturally defined as normal. Due to the taboo surrounding youth sexuality and to legal and political constraints, little research has been conducted.


1. It’s a controversial subject (i.e. there are pros and cons).
2. Parents are worried about it, but they ‘interpret’ things in a way that leads to ‘therapy or detention’. (That's bad)
3. Researchers say there is a fundamental lack of knowledge (i.e. the parents are ‘interpreting’ things in a way that is not borne out by research, one way or the other)
4. Youth sexuality is ‘taboo’, and the constraints are legal and political (i.e. not proper constraints at all)
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 7th May 2008, 10:50am) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

We know there is a large underground of pro-paedos editing on Wikipedia.

Do we? {{fact}}. I'm aware of pov-pushing on this certainly, but "large underground"?? I suspect an amount of what I saw of was trolling pure and simple.

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Wed 7th May 2008, 11:33am) *

People like Erik have created a certain climate in Wikipedia that is friendly to this. Whether or not he deliberately intended this is beside the point. Undoubtedly his actions, possibly well-meaning actions, have brought this about. That’s all.

Fact? Please explain how Erik did this?

Underlying wikipedia is an extreme libertarian ethos, that wants to take the hippy-revolution to the Californian max, and break all boundaries and authorities. But I think were people ideologically try to apply this to child abuse issues, they just show how silly it all actually is. It is one massive reduction ad absurdum. But really, the paranoia does not help here.

Look, go to the first Valleywag article and follow the links to Boytalk and to the Dutch organization.

They have said that they are doing this and they have praised Erik for creating the climate which allows this to happen.

See for yourself.

(does anybody else find it really creepy that there is no discussion of this at ANI, at the Village pump or on either the Wiki-En or foundation lists?)
the fieryangel
Somebody tried to recreate his Wikipedia article (currently a redirect to WMF) yesterday and got slapped by Jehochman...curiouser and curiouser...Discussion of this page protection on Jehochman's talk page...

It would seem that this subject is, um, taboo on Wikipedia....
I think there are a few basics:

1) Being moral has been defined as being anti-libertarian, and therefore is subtly evil.
2) Being amoral is being defined as being right thinking. There is a strong link between NPOV and this being adopted as the "correct" viewpoint to hold on matters.
3) Concern for young people being vulnerable is defined as old hat, over-protective and foolish. Young people know they know best and therefore people suggesting otherwise are ageist.
4) Not having any specific evidence of an actual incidence of an event means that the risk is defined as "theoretical" rather than "real" (not that this makes sense). Being theoretical means in Shanklebone-speak that there is no need to bother yourself about it, rather than evaluating whether the risk is of a level that it is likely to come to fruition.
5) Wikipedia is so different, so novel, that real world or parallel systems like MySpace where issues are acknowledged to occur, cannot in any way be used to predict or suggest how Wikipedia might be abused.

I find it intensely irritating to have it suggested that even discussing these issues is tantamount to proving I am some sort of oppressive demon who has clearly destroyed my children's childhood by obsessing over these matters. It is the parent's lot to agonise over these matters on occasion, even if we chose not to act on our concerns. (I do have a fairly clear conscience, for example sending my 16 year old daughter on a 3 day car journey to Romania to help with a youth camp with no parental supervision for 3 weeks is hardly nannying).

Any organisation seeing a risk should attempt to evaluate it objectively, with reference to the normal moral standards and ethics expected of the communities it serves. The WMF are not likely to be able to do that if one of their own is an advocate for an extreme point of view who does not accept that the concerns of improper behaviour are anything other than theoretical.

Now, to put this in perspective, I am not obsessed with this, I have not banned my kids (I don't need to, Wikipedia is far too dull for them) though they have been warned about he perils of online communities enough that I don't have to say much. I don't think it should be a major focus, I simply want someone to acknowledge that it is an issue that needs mature consideration (i.e. falls outside the remit of the community) and that there are some cultural changes that might need to be encouraged to minimise risk.

How much risk would Erik be taking in having a private meeting with the President of the Swiss Chapter?
David Shankbone
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Wed 7th May 2008, 7:51am) *

I think there are a few basics:

1) Being moral has been defined as being anti-libertarian, and therefore is subtly evil.
2) Being amoral is being defined as being right thinking. There is a strong link between NPOV and this being adopted as the "correct" viewpoint to hold on matters.
3) Concern for young people being vulnerable is defined as old hat, over-protective and foolish. Young people know they know best and therefore people suggesting otherwise are ageist.
4) Not having any specific evidence of an actual incidence of an event means that the risk is defined as "theoretical" rather than "real" (not that this makes sense). Being theoretical means in Shanklebone-speak that there is no need to bother yourself about it, rather than evaluating whether the risk is of a level that it is likely to come to fruition.
5) Wikipedia is so different, so novel, that real world or parallel systems like MySpace where issues are acknowledged to occur, cannot in any way be used to predict or suggest how Wikipedia might be abused.

Dogbiscuit, instead of spending paragraphs and paragraphs of hand-wringing mental anguish about all the problems that can occur, and how nobody really thinks about them, why don't you succinctly--SUCCINCTLY--make your point in two sentences? Try this for starters: 1) this is the problem. 2) this is a possible solution.

Is that difficult for you to do?

QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Wed 7th May 2008, 7:51am) *

I don't think it should be a major focus, I simply want someone to acknowledge that it is an issue that needs mature consideration (i.e. falls outside the remit of the community) and that there are some cultural changes that might need to be encouraged to minimise risk.

Why do you assume it has not been given "mature consideration"? You infer that we are blindly going around hanging out with 13 year olds. I've already pointed out to you that at no meet-Up that I have attended has anyone appeared to be under 18 (take a look at the group photos) and nobody has gone off in private with anyone else. But if they do, that is not something Wikipedia or the community can police. And if you think it is, then SUCCINCTLY state 1) this is the problem; and 2) this is a possible solution.

As was pointed out to you time and again on Wikipedia, you aren't saying anything, nor proposing anything. You seem to just want to talk about all the scary possibilities and find it "intensely irritating" that people don't want to be as anguished as you that it's always possible for someone to take advantage of any situation and do harm to someone else, whether a child or not. This is a fact of life. If that's not the case, then SUCCINCTLY state 1) this is the problem; and 2) this is a possible solution.
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Wed 7th May 2008, 7:51am) *

I do have a fairly clear conscience, for example sending my 16 year old daughter on a 3 day car journey to Romania to help with a youth camp with no parental supervision for 3 weeks is hardly nannying.

Why are ANY of the considerations in doing this less than sending your 16 year old daughter to spend two hours discussing Wikipedia at a library on the Columbia University canvas with thirty other people?
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