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Full Version: zOMG Jimbo on IRC!!!111
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
He's on #wikimedia (and apparently; I can't confirm) #wikipedia-en-admins at the moment. I'm not sure what's funnier; him coming to talk to the little people, or the reaction of some to him being online.

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif
Mod note: Moved to Wikimedia Groupies forum

(I guess we don't have that forum anymore, nevermind... unsure.gif )
QUOTE(Giggy @ Sun 11th May 2008, 4:44am) *

He's on #wikimedia (and apparently; I can't confirm) #wikipedia-en-admins at the moment. I'm not sure what's funnier; him coming to talk to the little people, or the reaction of some to him being online.

ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

Haha. That's too funny. I'm expecting God to knock on my door to explain His creation and how it spiraled out of control. Could it be it's not what either expected? biggrin.gif
Is Jimbo fixing to sing the Dithyramb yet?
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:55am) *

Is Jimbo fixing to sing the Dithyramb yet?

Nah, there's no homage there. I'm just a lowly admin who serves, yet is 2 steps away from an Rfc. But what can I say? I reserve my civility for those who deserve it.
Daniel Brandt
Jimbo on #wikimedia for the first time since a brief visit from India on February 2:

[May 11 2008 00:02:40] *** Joins: jwales (n=jwales@wikipedia/Jimbo-Wales)
[May 11 2008 00:03:58] *** Quits: domas (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[May 11 2008 00:04:31] *** Joins: domas (
[May 11 2008 00:07:36] *** Joins: MBisanz (i=9304d624@gateway/web/ajax/
[May 11 2008 00:07:59] *** Joins: Whole_tost (i=BoL@unaffiliated/bol)
[May 11 2008 00:08:04] <Whole_tost> hello mr. jwales
[May 11 2008 00:08:16] <Whole_tost> so how do you like san francisco by far?
[May 11 2008 00:08:40] <jwales> I like San Francisco a great deal.
[May 11 2008 00:08:53] <Whole_tost> heh
[May 11 2008 00:08:57] <Whole_tost> I also live in San Francisco
[May 11 2008 00:08:59] <Whole_tost> biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:09:21] <jwales> smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:09:43] *** Joins: Optigan13 (n=Optigan1@unaffiliated/optigan13)
[May 11 2008 00:09:55] <Whole_tost> I'd like to go by the offices, where is it located exactly? biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:10:13] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:10:21] <Whole_tost> I know it's in san francisco
[May 11 2008 00:10:39] <jwales> I don't actually know the address. :-P
[May 11 2008 00:11:03] *** Joins: Monobi (i=monobi@unaffiliated/monobi)
[May 11 2008 00:11:03] <Whole_tost> tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:11:08] *** Joins: SteveCrossin (n=stevenc2@unaffiliated/stevecrossin)
[May 11 2008 00:11:13] <Whole_tost> there's fireworks down by the emb
[May 11 2008 00:11:20] <Whole_tost> and you should check out
[May 11 2008 00:11:28] *** Joins: Chris_G (n=Chris@unaffiliated/chrisg/x-838542)
[May 11 2008 00:11:32] *** Joins: Kraps (n=Sparkstr@wikipedia/Smokizzy)
[May 11 2008 00:11:36] <SteveCrossin> O_O
[May 11 2008 00:11:48] <Kraps> O_O to you too
[May 11 2008 00:11:50] <Monobi> jwales, as an objectivist how do you find ArbCom permissible?
[May 11 2008 00:11:58] *** Joins: Charitwo (n=Charitwo@wikia/Charitwo)
[May 11 2008 00:11:59] <Kraps> oh jeez
[May 11 2008 00:12:15] <SteveCrossin> oh god
[May 11 2008 00:12:18] <Whole_tost> Monobi: I didn't post that so you could troll
[May 11 2008 00:12:19] <SteveCrossin> we said, MFD it
[May 11 2008 00:12:40] <jwales> Monobi, not sure what you mean?
[May 11 2008 00:12:43] *** Joins: hardtodrink (
[May 11 2008 00:12:48] *** Joins: AppleBoy (n=AppleBoy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
[May 11 2008 00:12:49] <jwales> Whole_tost : post what?
[May 11 2008 00:12:54] <hardtodrink> hi jwales biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:13:06] <Kraps> jwales: ignore us tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:13:09] <SteveCrossin> jwales, Monobi believes ArbCom should be abolished
[May 11 2008 00:13:15] <gribeco> Monobi: err, wp is not a state entity wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:13:16] *** Joins: MZMcBride (n=MZMcBrid@wikipedia/MZMcBride)
[May 11 2008 00:13:18] <Whole_tost> ok, i let everyone know on the other IRC channels that you were here
[May 11 2008 00:13:23] <Whole_tost> everyone likes you here, jwales
[May 11 2008 00:13:24] <DragonFire1024> LOL
[May 11 2008 00:13:26] <Monobi> SteveCrossin, I can speak for myself
[May 11 2008 00:13:27] <Whole_tost> that's why
[May 11 2008 00:13:36] <hardtodrink> speak to us contributors, jwales biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:13:48] * AppleBoy whips out banhammer
[May 11 2008 00:14:17] <AppleBoy> yes, tell us about scandales jwales
[May 11 2008 00:14:22] <AppleBoy> the last ones I read were amusing
[May 11 2008 00:14:25] *** Joins: Lucifer_Cat (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/workingcat/x-518352)
[May 11 2008 00:14:38] <AppleBoy> requesting bedtime stories
[May 11 2008 00:14:45] <Kraps> (snort)
[May 11 2008 00:14:46] <AppleBoy> tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:14:58] *** Joins: quanticle (n=quanticl@wikipedia/Quanticle)
[May 11 2008 00:15:19] * Lucifer_Cat is now known as WikiFanBoy
[May 11 2008 00:15:36] <Whole_tost> jwales: you know anything about don murphy?
[May 11 2008 00:15:55] * SteveCrossin thinks jwales is a very busy man with little time to talk
[May 11 2008 00:16:43] *** Joins: Ljlego (n=Ljlego@unaffiliated/ljlego)
[May 11 2008 00:16:52] <jwales> hi sorry, many windows open
[May 11 2008 00:16:53] *** Joins: TheLetterE (n=TheLette@wikimedia/E)
[May 11 2008 00:16:54] <AppleBoy> don't care, I want bedtime stories
[May 11 2008 00:17:01] <Ljlego> bedtime stories?
[May 11 2008 00:17:02] <hardtodrink> jwales biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:17:28] * SteveCrossin has been told jwales is giving a "lecture" in the en-admin channel
[May 11 2008 00:17:29] <jwales> so, uhm, Monobi - I could understand many different arguments for the abolition of ArbCom, but I have no idea what Objectivism might have to do with it. Have you written something somewhere that I might find interesting?
[May 11 2008 00:17:29] <AppleBoy> stories of scandals
[May 11 2008 00:17:30] <Ljlego> once upon a time, a little boy ate an apple. He then spat it out because it tasted like himself. Then he woke up and realized he was a cannibal. He didn't survive the night. The end
[May 11 2008 00:17:35] <Fire> jwales: After you handled the important tasks, could you react to my pm window?
[May 11 2008 00:17:55] <jwales> Giving a lecture?
[May 11 2008 00:17:56] <jwales> hardly
[May 11 2008 00:18:06] * Chris_G joins #wikipedia-en-admins
[May 11 2008 00:18:09] <SteveCrossin> i was told by TheLetterE tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:18:17] *** Joins: arcimboldo_ (
[May 11 2008 00:18:21] <quanticle> Chris_G: Too late now, I'd think.
[May 11 2008 00:18:21] <Ljlego> snitch
[May 11 2008 00:18:24] <Ljlego> stop snitching
[May 11 2008 00:18:24] <Whole_tost> 'someone create a vanity channel for jwales so we can bury him with comments
[May 11 2008 00:18:27] <SteveCrossin> lulz
[May 11 2008 00:18:28] <Ljlego> snitchmeister flex
[May 11 2008 00:18:29] *** Quits: davidstrauss ()
[May 11 2008 00:18:32] <jwales> [00:15] <jwales> Well one piece of useful information is that as far as I am aware, there is absolutely no truth to there being an FBI investigation.
[May 11 2008 00:18:41] <Ljlego> o_O
[May 11 2008 00:18:44] <Ljlego> FBI involvement
[May 11 2008 00:18:46] <jwales> [00:16] <jwales> I do not think images should be removed just because of a moral panic... but perhaps just as importantly, I do not think images should be kept just to defy a moral panic.
[May 11 2008 00:18:46] <Ljlego> shit
[May 11 2008 00:18:46] <quanticle> FBI?!
[May 11 2008 00:18:50] <Whole_tost> ???
[May 11 2008 00:18:51] *** Joins: Kerotan (n=chatzill@wikipedia/Kerotan)
[May 11 2008 00:18:52] <jwales> that is not exactly a lecture smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:18:58] <Ljlego> uh, shit
[May 11 2008 00:19:02] <DragonFire1024> lies
[May 11 2008 00:19:03] <Ljlego> the FBI, like, can't know I'm here, man
[May 11 2008 00:19:03] <SteveCrossin> heh
[May 11 2008 00:19:05] <jwales> I was talking about the story in worldnetdaily
[May 11 2008 00:19:07] <SteveCrossin> he lied to me ohmy.gif
[May 11 2008 00:19:08] <Whole_tost> jwales: you know don murphy's exposing wikipedia's finest?
[May 11 2008 00:19:12] <DragonFire1024> tell that to the Gazette
[May 11 2008 00:19:17] <DragonFire1024> MSM is now reporting it
[May 11 2008 00:19:22] *** Parts: Monobi (i=monobi@unaffiliated/monobi)
[May 11 2008 00:19:22] *** Joins: Monobi (i=monobi@unaffiliated/monobi)
[May 11 2008 00:19:33] * Fire guesses jimbo doesn't remember him.
[May 11 2008 00:19:35] <Lucifer_Cat> zomg. second most famous i saw in action smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:19:37] *** Joins: Afevis (
[May 11 2008 00:19:41] <Ljlego> but seriously, all my trouble with the law (man) aside, why is the FBI not involved?
[May 11 2008 00:19:44] <jwales> Whole_tost : I am generally aware of Don Murphy, zes.
[May 11 2008 00:19:54] <SteveCrossin> jwales, the peope in DR are stuck with some issues on unresolvable content disputes
[May 11 2008 00:19:57] <DragonFire1024> they are
[May 11 2008 00:20:01] <DragonFire1024> unless newspapers lie
[May 11 2008 00:20:06] <Kerotan> Jimbo on IRC. Whoda thought.
[May 11 2008 00:20:08] <Ljlego> newspapers?
[May 11 2008 00:20:08] <DragonFire1024>
[May 11 2008 00:20:09] <Ljlego> lie?
[May 11 2008 00:20:12] <Ljlego> not a chance
[May 11 2008 00:20:16] <DragonFire1024> For Wikipedia administrators, the mere fact that FBI investigators have launched an investigation should tell them it's beneath their standards. And if it's not, parents should begin to immediately add Wikipedia to their lists of Web sites children must avoid.
[May 11 2008 00:20:18] <SteveCrossin> as there is no venue for solving them at all
[May 11 2008 00:20:35] <jwales> Well, that isn't really reporting, it is an editorial.
[May 11 2008 00:20:45] <Ljlego> and, in the gazette, too
[May 11 2008 00:20:47] <AppleBoy> so how many servers does wikipedia use now?
[May 11 2008 00:20:48] <Ljlego> so, you know
[May 11 2008 00:20:49] <Ljlego> whatever
[May 11 2008 00:21:06] <SteveCrossin> ie, MedCab unsucssessful, MedCom no more luck, and Arbcom dont rule on content
[May 11 2008 00:21:18] <Fire> jwales: There is you old nick on the #mediawiki access list. Want me to add your actual, or want me to delete you?
[May 11 2008 00:21:19] <Ljlego> and, of course, Interpol is busy with the Avengers
[May 11 2008 00:21:20] *** Quits: Texou ("++")
[May 11 2008 00:21:21] <SteveCrossin> what would we do there? theres one rather stuck at the moment
[May 11 2008 00:21:29] <Whole_tost> if anyone's interested,
[May 11 2008 00:21:34] <SteveCrossin> Jwales^
[May 11 2008 00:22:07] * Ljlego doubts that jwales will be on IRC much with his new nick, as with his old one
[May 11 2008 00:22:18] <Whole_tost> heh
[May 11 2008 00:22:27] <AppleBoy> DragonFire1024: sccrew them, the guy can't even spell correctly
[May 11 2008 00:22:27] *** Joins: Manticore (i=Janitor@wikia/Manticore)
[May 11 2008 00:22:28] *** Joins: Pinky (i=pinky@wikia/Pinky49)
[May 11 2008 00:22:38] * flyingparchment remembers when jwales used to be on irc all the time
[May 11 2008 00:22:40] <AppleBoy> neither can I, but then again I'm not writing an article for the gazette
[May 11 2008 00:22:45] <flyingparchment> and when he used to install new servers wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:22:57] <Monobi> jwales, what do I mean? Hm, the whole ideology of Wikipedia is a community run project, where individuals make decisions about the content and the behavior. This is in line with the Objectivist viewpoint of the importance of individual rights, instead of a collective force making these decisions. However, you solely dictated the creation of ArbCom; there was no community will for this group. How then does this line up with your objectivist philoso
[May 11 2008 00:22:59] <DragonFire1024> all you have to do is look on commonc
[May 11 2008 00:23:03] <DragonFire1024> commons
[May 11 2008 00:23:04] <Monobi> phy ?
[May 11 2008 00:23:05] <Optigan13> Why doubt that he would want to be on all the time? All the fun of immediately gettng asked about all the current drama.
[May 11 2008 00:23:06] <Ljlego> so, Mixydiolan mode...thoughts?
[May 11 2008 00:23:11] <DragonFire1024> rthere is plenty of free porn there for everyone
[May 11 2008 00:23:18] <Kerotan> Don murphy just doesn't see the irony in the group perverted justice.
[May 11 2008 00:23:20] <DragonFire1024> with no encyclopedic value whatesoever
[May 11 2008 00:23:27] <DragonFire1024> and used on nothing but user pages
[May 11 2008 00:23:38] <Ljlego> DragonFire1024: bureaucracy sucks. Deal with it and move on
[May 11 2008 00:23:39] *** Joins: Sawblade5 (i=sawblade@unaffiliated/sawblade5)
[May 11 2008 00:23:40] <DragonFire1024> dozens of images
[May 11 2008 00:23:42] *** Parts: Sawblade5 (i=sawblade@unaffiliated/sawblade5)
[May 11 2008 00:23:44] <Ljlego> Life is not fair
[May 11 2008 00:23:45] <DragonFire1024> its not about that
[May 11 2008 00:23:51] <Ljlego> Let it go
[May 11 2008 00:23:54] <DragonFire1024> its about Commons and WP and WMF are not a porn site
[May 11 2008 00:24:03] <Ljlego> if you don't like it don't click it
[May 11 2008 00:24:07] <Ljlego> I mean, there's so many responses
[May 11 2008 00:24:10] <DragonFire1024> umm thats whty there are LAWS
[May 11 2008 00:24:12] <Ljlego> I could just go on all day/night
[May 11 2008 00:24:18] <quanticle> Monobi: Individuals do not make decisions on Wikipedia. Decision is made by consensus.
[May 11 2008 00:24:34] <DragonFire1024> like US law says anyone under 18 needs age verification to view sexually explicit material
[May 11 2008 00:24:35] <jwales> Monobi, I would recommend that we have a conversation about all that by email
[May 11 2008 00:24:43] <AppleBoy> lol
[May 11 2008 00:24:45] <jwales> I am a bit tired tonight to get into a complex philosophical discussion.
[May 11 2008 00:24:47] <SteveCrossin> Monobi, ArbCom is there when people bugger up big time
[May 11 2008 00:24:49] <AppleBoy> "this article was deleted"
[May 11 2008 00:25:14] <Ljlego> jwales: so, if I asked you "What is life but an outer manifestation of inner pain?", you wouldn't respond?
[May 11 2008 00:25:35] <Monobi> jwales, my username is "Monobi"
[May 11 2008 00:25:36] <Monobi> wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:25:38] <AppleBoy> and yet the image still exists
[May 11 2008 00:25:44] <SteveCrossin> jwales, could you have a peek at the pm window when you can smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:25:53] *** Joins: nenolod (n=nenolod@atheme/member/nenolod)
[May 11 2008 00:25:55] <quanticle> Ljlego: Hell, even I wouldn't respond to a question as emo as that smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:26:02] <Monobi> AppleBoy, it's there because it is under deletion review...
[May 11 2008 00:26:13] <Ljlego> quanticle: What is emo but an....ah fuck it
[May 11 2008 00:26:13] *** Parts: Afevis (
[May 11 2008 00:26:21] * Ljlego cuts his hair
[May 11 2008 00:26:28] * SteveCrossin feels bad for jimmy
[May 11 2008 00:26:32] *** nenolod is now known as happinessturtle
[May 11 2008 00:26:32] <Monobi> I believe they undelete it for the time being so those debating its existence can look at the content
[May 11 2008 00:26:53] <DragonFire1024> actually it was deleted without consensus prior
[May 11 2008 00:27:02] <DragonFire1024> despite a VERY large keep margin
[May 11 2008 00:27:03] <Whole_tost> jwales: you know what you should do? head down to the EMB and enjoy some fireworks, on the house wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:27:06] <Ljlego> I also have been answered by his refusal to...erm....respond
[May 11 2008 00:27:12] <DragonFire1024> last count ity was 43 keep 12 delete
[May 11 2008 00:27:20] <AppleBoy> Monobi: I should've read the whole thing, just read "this has been deleted" and laughed at that since it was still there
[May 11 2008 00:28:16] <Ljlego> I'm wondering, and granted this is just a late-night musing, but I'm wondering what the big deal is about...everything
[May 11 2008 00:28:25] <jwales> Whole_tost : I will keep that in mind, but I will not be in California anytime soon.
[May 11 2008 00:28:31] <Ljlego> why does everyone care quite so much about the internets?
[May 11 2008 00:28:33] <Whole_tost> oh
[May 11 2008 00:28:35] <Whole_tost> nvm
[May 11 2008 00:28:37] <Whole_tost> that was tonight
[May 11 2008 00:28:43] <Whole_tost> oh well
[May 11 2008 00:28:49] <Whole_tost> i thought you were in san francisco right now
[May 11 2008 00:28:50] <Ljlego> I'm a friend of the Intarwebs, don't get me wrong
[May 11 2008 00:29:10] <Ljlego> but...I mean, internet != serious business
[May 11 2008 00:29:11] <Ljlego> just saying
[May 11 2008 00:29:21] <DragonFire1024> easy: tehr is a proper place for everythin
[May 11 2008 00:29:43] <Ljlego> and the proper place for bitching and whining is the Internet?
[May 11 2008 00:29:43] <DragonFire1024> and WP is not the proper place for hardcore porn and or child porn
[May 11 2008 00:29:46] <Ljlego> I don't think so
[May 11 2008 00:29:59] <DragonFire1024> I am bitching about WMF
[May 11 2008 00:30:11] <DragonFire1024> WP and Commons
[May 11 2008 00:30:15] <DragonFire1024> specifically
[May 11 2008 00:30:15] <Ljlego> if you have such a problem with it
[May 11 2008 00:30:17] <quanticle> Wow. After reading that article, I can only conclude that its the biggest load of sensationalist bullshit I've seen from a mainstream newspaper.
[May 11 2008 00:30:18] <Ljlego> and feel it's breaking the law
[May 11 2008 00:30:27] <Ljlego> then shut up about it and file suit
[May 11 2008 00:30:31] <Ljlego> otherwise, just let it go
[May 11 2008 00:30:43] <Ljlego> either way, kindly STFU unless you have something of worth to say
[May 11 2008 00:30:44] <DragonFire1024> I don't need to file a suit
[May 11 2008 00:30:49] <Ljlego> ~~~~FIN~~~~
[May 11 2008 00:31:02] <DragonFire1024> don't like the truth huh
[May 11 2008 00:31:25] <Ljlego> I have to agree with you actually
[May 11 2008 00:31:31] <Ljlego> there is some porn that doesn't serve much purpose
[May 11 2008 00:31:35] <DragonFire1024> if you can tell me how a guy sucking his own dick has any encyclopedic value, I would be delighted to hear
[May 11 2008 00:31:39] <Ljlego> unless it's breaking a law, there's not much you can do about it
[May 11 2008 00:31:42] *** Quits: domas (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[May 11 2008 00:31:53] <Monobi> jwales, what do you think of [[WP:BAG]] ?
[May 11 2008 00:31:53] <unilinky>
[May 11 2008 00:31:55] <DragonFire1024> well a banned image in the US on US servers umm breaking the law
[May 11 2008 00:32:01] <Monobi> unilinky, >_>
[May 11 2008 00:32:03] <Ljlego> then...file suit
[May 11 2008 00:32:17] * Ljlego wonders if he just spoke to a brick wall
[May 11 2008 00:32:19] <DragonFire1024> someone already has it appears
[May 11 2008 00:32:24] *** Joins: domas (
[May 11 2008 00:32:26] <Ljlego> then....let it go
[May 11 2008 00:32:27] <DragonFire1024> if I knew who and when
[May 11 2008 00:32:32] <Ljlego> or throw your support behind that case
[May 11 2008 00:32:42] <quanticle> What evidence does the Colorado Gazette have that the FBI has indeed launched an investigation? They don't back up that claim with any facts in the editoria.
[May 11 2008 00:32:46] <quanticle> *editorial.
[May 11 2008 00:32:46] <Ljlego> either way, your preaching is falling upon deaf ears
[May 11 2008 00:33:07] <DragonFire1024> really Ljlego: you are still talking about it
[May 11 2008 00:33:10] <Ljlego> but I don't even see how a man sucking his own wang is anything more than distasteful
[May 11 2008 00:33:33] <DragonFire1024> moment
[May 11 2008 00:33:33] <Monobi> Good night
[May 11 2008 00:33:43] <Ljlego> crude, distasteful, and oh-so-wrong
[May 11 2008 00:33:52] <Ljlego> but it can be used to demonstrate autofellatio
[May 11 2008 00:34:11] <DragonFire1024> does it NEED to be there in order to have a WP article?
[May 11 2008 00:34:14] <Ljlego> and I seem to recall a Wikipedian policy that says just because an image is schocking doesn't mean it should be excluded
[May 11 2008 00:34:17] <arcimboldo_> I remember 10 years ago there were protests in the US when the German government blocked some real child porn on the internet ...
[May 11 2008 00:34:19] <jwales> catching up
[May 11 2008 00:34:30] <Ljlego> *shocking
[May 11 2008 00:34:41] <DragonFire1024> its not about shock
[May 11 2008 00:34:46] <DragonFire1024> or about appalling or taste
[May 11 2008 00:34:48] *** Joins: vampiregirl (
[May 11 2008 00:34:51] <DragonFire1024> its about whats legal and whats not
[May 11 2008 00:34:56] <quanticle> DragonFire1024: Who says the image is illegal?
[May 11 2008 00:34:57] *** Joins: Sawblade5 (i=sawblade@unaffiliated/sawblade5)
[May 11 2008 00:34:59] <Ljlego> how in God's name is it illegal?
[May 11 2008 00:35:04] <DragonFire1024> and WP is not registered as a PORN site
[May 11 2008 00:35:09] <Ljlego> oh, come off it
[May 11 2008 00:35:13] *** Joins: Chris_G_ (n=Chris@unaffiliated/chrisg/x-838542)
[May 11 2008 00:35:19] <Ljlego> pictures of real penises and vaginae are seen on it too
[May 11 2008 00:35:20] <MZMcBride> DragonFire1024: {{disputed}}. tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:35:20] <unilinky>
[May 11 2008 00:35:21] <Ljlego> boobs
[May 11 2008 00:35:23] <Ljlego> and bras
[May 11 2008 00:35:31] *** Quits: Chris_G (Nick collision from services.)
[May 11 2008 00:35:32] <Ljlego> and all that nice stuff that pr0n loves
[May 11 2008 00:35:32] * arcimboldo_ remembers that Wikipetan girl controversy ...
[May 11 2008 00:35:33] <jwales> "I seem to recall a Wikipedian policy that says just because an image is schocking doesn't mean it should be excluded" - but just as importantly... just because it is shocking is certainly not an argument for *inclusion*
[May 11 2008 00:35:35] *** Chris_G_ is now known as Chris_G
[May 11 2008 00:35:36] * MZMcBride stabs unilinky. Learn sarcasm, damn it.
[May 11 2008 00:35:42] <DragonFire1024> and you don't need a pic for them...maybe a medical chart
[May 11 2008 00:36:07] <Ljlego> jwales: that's to be decided by community consensus, I believe
[May 11 2008 00:36:13] <Ljlego> either way, DragonFire1024, you're in the wrong forum
[May 11 2008 00:36:21] <Ljlego> if you want to complain against this, talkpage or Pump it
[May 11 2008 00:36:29] <DragonFire1024> really? Commons and WP and such are not WMF?
[May 11 2008 00:36:31] <Ljlego> you can't expect to get anything done asking IRC for help
[May 11 2008 00:36:39] <DragonFire1024> did i say i expect anything?
[May 11 2008 00:36:45] <SteveCrossin> [[WP:NOT#CENSOR]]
[May 11 2008 00:36:46] <unilinky>
[May 11 2008 00:36:53] <DragonFire1024> its not censorship
[May 11 2008 00:36:55] <SteveCrossin> lol unilinky, fail
[May 11 2008 00:36:55] <Ljlego> well, why would you be talking about it if you didn't expect some restitution
[May 11 2008 00:37:03] *** Parts: Sawblade5 (i=sawblade@unaffiliated/sawblade5)
[May 11 2008 00:37:05] <Kerotan> well by coming here it kinda means that you expect something.
[May 11 2008 00:37:14] <DragonFire1024> oh excuse me...I didn't know a discussion had to be pre approved
[May 11 2008 00:37:15] <quanticle> DragonFire1024: I dispute your assertion that the image is illegal. You are not a judge, so you have no basis to say. And, because you're most likely not a lawyer, you have no basis to opine, even.
[May 11 2008 00:37:16] <Ljlego> I doubt you're just trying to educate us
[May 11 2008 00:38:09] <DragonFire1024> you have no idea
[May 11 2008 00:38:19] <Ljlego> who has no idea?
[May 11 2008 00:38:22] <Kerotan> I am sure we don't.
[May 11 2008 00:38:25] <Ljlego> be quicker or be clearer
[May 11 2008 00:38:27] <quanticle> DragonFire1024: Neither do you.
[May 11 2008 00:38:34] <Kerotan> We are just so unaware of the bigger picture.
[May 11 2008 00:38:41] <DragonFire1024> I have more of an idea than you think
[May 11 2008 00:38:50] <DragonFire1024> exactly Kerotan
[May 11 2008 00:39:04] *** Joins: monoxide (n=Alex@Wikipedia/Giggy)
[May 11 2008 00:39:09] <quanticle> Kerotan: What bigger picture? This is a single editorial writer milking a single image on Wikipedia for a cheap bit of sensationalism.
[May 11 2008 00:39:15] <quanticle> There is no bigger picture.
[May 11 2008 00:39:25] <Kerotan> Guys, do I need to say that I was being sarcastic.
[May 11 2008 00:39:27] <quanticle> This is the offline equivalent of flamebait.
[May 11 2008 00:39:31] <DragonFire1024> there sure is, but I am not allowed to go into detail
[May 11 2008 00:39:35] <MZMcBride> I agree with quanticle, completely.
[May 11 2008 00:39:37] <Ljlego> DragonFire1024: Look, you're just flamebaiting now. I have little to no pull in this channel, but if I did, you'd be out of here right now. You're not adding anything to the discussion except rehashed (and incorrect) points, and indeed you're trying to illicit a response with doubletalk, which is by definition "trolling"
[May 11 2008 00:39:53] <DragonFire1024> blah blah blah
[May 11 2008 00:40:03] <Ljlego> if you're with the FBI, then surely you guys are less pathetic than this
[May 11 2008 00:40:03] <DragonFire1024> I been in this channel for a long time
[May 11 2008 00:40:04] <quanticle> DragonFire1024: Oh, sure, pull the "Hay guize, I has a sekrit!!!!1111!!!1" tactic.
[May 11 2008 00:40:11] <DragonFire1024> and talked about a lot worse things
[May 11 2008 00:40:12] <Kerotan> That's a great argument you have there.
[May 11 2008 00:40:15] <Ljlego> {{disputed}}
[May 11 2008 00:40:15] <unilinky>
[May 11 2008 00:40:20] <Ljlego> oh shut up
[May 11 2008 00:40:33] *** Parts: monoxide (n=Alex@Wikipedia/Giggy)
[May 11 2008 00:40:37] <DragonFire1024> stop being such a rude SOB
[May 11 2008 00:41:00] <Ljlego> I was talking to unilinky
[May 11 2008 00:41:00] <MZMcBride> Hmm. This channel is usually quiet. What happened?
[May 11 2008 00:41:06] <Ljlego> not you
[May 11 2008 00:41:10] <MBisanz> Jimbo
[May 11 2008 00:41:15] <MBisanz> its all his fault
[May 11 2008 00:41:22] <Kerotan> pretty much.
[May 11 2008 00:41:25] <MBisanz> i blame Jimbo for all bad things in the world
[May 11 2008 00:41:26] <quanticle> DragonFire1024: If you have information that'll change our minds then out with it. Otherwise, concede the argument.
[May 11 2008 00:41:29] <Ljlego> I would blame Tor, but this isn't the right forum
[May 11 2008 00:41:55] <Ljlego> probably get a couple of blank stares
[May 11 2008 00:41:57] <DragonFire1024> look...*I can't* not that I won't...I really am not allowed
[May 11 2008 00:41:58] <Ljlego> maybe a chuckle
[May 11 2008 00:42:06] <DragonFire1024> so call me what you like
[May 11 2008 00:42:10] *** Joins: Jimbo_Wales (i=jwales@gateway/tor/x-ec01009280872e7e)
[May 11 2008 00:42:13] <Ljlego> then why'd you broach the subject in the first place?
[May 11 2008 00:42:18] <Kerotan> I would laugh.
[May 11 2008 00:42:23] <Whole_tost> wb Jimbo_Wales
[May 11 2008 00:42:24] <DragonFire1024> I didn't actually start anything
[May 11 2008 00:42:26] <Whole_tost> bai
[May 11 2008 00:42:28] *** Quits: Whole_tost ("wow, took 11 minutes! wow! but still, spring break! w00t!")
[May 11 2008 00:43:52] * Kerotan sighs
[May 11 2008 00:43:55] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jwales
[May 11 2008 00:44:04] <Kerotan> as if wikipedia needed more drama.
[May 11 2008 00:44:06] <TheLetterE> Jimbo_Wales is fake
[May 11 2008 00:44:07] <DragonFire1024> O_O
[May 11 2008 00:44:10] <TheLetterE> go jwales
[May 11 2008 00:44:11] <TheLetterE> smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:44:13] *** jwales sets mode: +b *!*i=jwales@*gateway/tor/x-ec01009280872e7e
[May 11 2008 00:44:14] *** Jimbo_Wales was kicked by jwales (jwales)
[May 11 2008 00:44:16] <jwales> whee
[May 11 2008 00:44:20] <Ljlego> oh snap
[May 11 2008 00:44:21] <Kerotan> Yeah I guessed as much.
[May 11 2008 00:44:22] <TheLetterE> jwales: nice job
[May 11 2008 00:44:25] <Ljlego> oh no you di'nt
[May 11 2008 00:44:28] <TheLetterE> you remember how to do it tongue.gif
[May 11 2008 00:44:30] <DragonFire1024> \o/
[May 11 2008 00:44:31] <jwales> so on this VK image
[May 11 2008 00:44:39] <Ljlego> I would never have believed that Jimbo would use Tor
[May 11 2008 00:44:41] <Ljlego>
[May 11 2008 00:44:46] <Kerotan> lol
[May 11 2008 00:44:50] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:45:02] *** Quits: Pilotguy ("I'm off to see the wizard.")
[May 11 2008 00:45:04] <jwales> I think it is a really difficult borderline case and I think people should be able to debate it with mutual respect.
[May 11 2008 00:45:20] <DragonFire1024> thanks jwales
[May 11 2008 00:45:21] <SteveCrossin> O_o
[May 11 2008 00:45:26] <quanticle> What I don't get is why the paper looks back to the '70s as the "good ol' days". I read about the '70s, and all the issues and problems of that decade, and think it'd have sucked to be around then.
[May 11 2008 00:45:27] <Ljlego> I'm sorry if I came off as disrespectful, for it was certainly not my intention
[May 11 2008 00:45:33] <SteveCrossin> jwales, you kicked yourself
[May 11 2008 00:45:40] <Pinky> rofl
[May 11 2008 00:45:41] <Charitwo> SteveCrossin: that wasn't him
[May 11 2008 00:45:43] <Ljlego> (sock)
[May 11 2008 00:45:52] <DragonFire1024> Ljlego: np
[May 11 2008 00:45:55] <jwales> I wonder: was the album cover *legally* banned in the US?
[May 11 2008 00:45:56] <SteveCrossin> lol
[May 11 2008 00:45:59] <jwales> as in, a court case?
[May 11 2008 00:46:05] <jwales> that would have to be in federal court I suppose
[May 11 2008 00:46:08] * SteveCrossin points jwales to pm window :0
[May 11 2008 00:46:10] <jwales> and there would have been an appeal, I suppose
[May 11 2008 00:46:11] <SteveCrossin> *smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:46:11] <jwales> and so on
[May 11 2008 00:46:13] <DragonFire1024> jwales: I believe so...but I have to search for links
[May 11 2008 00:46:15] *** Quits: Optigan13 (Connection timed out)
[May 11 2008 00:46:19] <Ljlego> knowing our legal system
[May 11 2008 00:46:23] <Ljlego> it's probably still being fought
[May 11 2008 00:46:24] <DragonFire1024> I read it somewhere in a supreme court articler
[May 11 2008 00:46:24] <jwales> as opposed to merely being "banned by the record company" for sales reasons or whatever
[May 11 2008 00:46:27] * SteveCrossin fears jwales the op O_O
[May 11 2008 00:46:28] <Ljlego> it'll never be definitive
[May 11 2008 00:46:41] <jwales> that would seem to be relevant to me
[May 11 2008 00:46:45] * Ljlego wonders if jwales just forgot his @
[May 11 2008 00:47:00] <Kerotan> This is a wise definition to make.
[May 11 2008 00:47:37] <Ljlego> *cough*sycophant*cough*
[May 11 2008 00:47:55] *** Joins: VasilievVV (n=kvirc@wikimedia/VasilievVV)
[May 11 2008 00:48:03] <Fire> hi Vasili
[May 11 2008 00:48:10] <Kerotan> shush you.
[May 11 2008 00:48:17] * Ljlego salutes
[May 11 2008 00:48:19] <Kerotan> I was making a valid point.
[May 11 2008 00:48:24] <Fire> Ljlego: Any problems with that?
[May 11 2008 00:48:37] <Ljlego> what, sycophancy?
[May 11 2008 00:48:39] <Ljlego> not particularly
[May 11 2008 00:48:44] <SuisuiUTF8> hi jwales, long timr no see!
[May 11 2008 00:48:51] <jwales> hi!
[May 11 2008 00:48:52] <SuisuiUTF8> and fire smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:48:57] <Fire> hi!
[May 11 2008 00:48:59] <Ljlego> I think it's a part of any dynamic
[May 11 2008 00:49:08] <Ljlego> I'm just noting it
[May 11 2008 00:49:26] <Kerotan> {{this user does not suck up to jwales}}}
[May 11 2008 00:49:26] <unilinky>
[May 11 2008 00:49:27] *** Quits: Chris_G ("Leaving")
[May 11 2008 00:49:32] <Kerotan> whoops
[May 11 2008 00:49:34] <Ljlego> wow,
[May 11 2008 00:49:34] <SteveCrossin> HAHA
[May 11 2008 00:49:38] <SuisuiUTF8> :a
[May 11 2008 00:49:39] <Ljlego> XD
[May 11 2008 00:49:47] <jwales> i am so tired I did not notice anything
[May 11 2008 00:49:49] * SteveCrossin creates above template
[May 11 2008 00:49:50] <jwales> I think I should sleep
[May 11 2008 00:49:56] <Ljlego> sleep is always wise
[May 11 2008 00:50:02] <Ljlego> you should definitely do that
[May 11 2008 00:50:06] <Ljlego> great idea, Mr. Wales
[May 11 2008 00:50:06] * Fire has insomnia.
[May 11 2008 00:50:09] <VasilievVV> hi Fire
[May 11 2008 00:50:12] <Kerotan> I can't believe I am still up.
[May 11 2008 00:50:14] <Ljlego> I wish I had thought of that myself
[May 11 2008 00:50:16] <SteveCrossin> yeah, sleep, dont become a wikisomniac
[May 11 2008 00:50:21] <Kerotan> Its nearly 6 here.
[May 11 2008 00:50:26] <SteveCrossin> am?
[May 11 2008 00:50:31] <Kerotan> yah.
[May 11 2008 00:50:32] <SteveCrossin> you in the UK?
[May 11 2008 00:50:35] <Ljlego> jebus!
[May 11 2008 00:50:38] <Kerotan> yeah
[May 11 2008 00:50:47] * SteveCrossin is in australia, 2.50am
[May 11 2008 00:50:49] <Ljlego> Kerotan: you have
[May 11 2008 00:50:50] <SteveCrossin> *PM
[May 11 2008 00:51:00] * SuisuiUTF8 is in JP 13:50
[May 11 2008 00:51:05] *** Joins: jimbo_wales (i=jwales@gateway/tor/x-ef4ff6d4b7571d9c)
[May 11 2008 00:51:10] *** Joins: KTC (n=KTC@wikipedia/KTC)
[May 11 2008 00:51:10] <Ljlego> 12:50 AM
[May 11 2008 00:51:14] <Kerotan> I was afraid of dying in my sleep.
[May 11 2008 00:51:15] <Ljlego> uh oh....
[May 11 2008 00:51:21] <Charitwo> ah, jwales , your imposter is back
[May 11 2008 00:51:27] <SteveCrossin> :/
[May 11 2008 00:51:37] <Ljlego> jimbo_wales can't even talk, yeah
[May 11 2008 00:51:38] <SteveCrossin> jimbo_wales, cya wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:51:42] *** jwales sets mode: +b *!*i=jwales@*gateway/tor/x-ef4ff6d4b7571d9c
[May 11 2008 00:51:42] *** jimbo_wales was kicked by jwales (jwales)
[May 11 2008 00:51:46] <SteveCrossin> biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:51:52] <Ljlego> jwales: you can't do the x- thing
[May 11 2008 00:51:55] <Ljlego> it changes every time
[May 11 2008 00:52:00] <SuisuiUTF8> Kerotan: you need to sleeep to foeget it
[May 11 2008 00:52:14] <Ljlego> /mode #wikimedia +b *!i=jwales@gateway/
[May 11 2008 00:52:15] <SteveCrossin> jimbo_wales (impostor) epic pwned
[May 11 2008 00:52:22] <jwales> yeah but that just gives me more chances to have fun
[May 11 2008 00:52:27] <Ljlego> fair enough
[May 11 2008 00:52:29] <SteveCrossin> hehe
[May 11 2008 00:52:30] <jwales> smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:52:36] <SuisuiUTF8> haha
[May 11 2008 00:52:47] <SteveCrossin> change the ban message to "jimbo pwns you"
[May 11 2008 00:52:49] <SteveCrossin> smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:52:59] <Kerotan> SuisuiUTF8: well if I start dieing, I would like to be awake when it happens.
[May 11 2008 00:52:59] <SteveCrossin> for the lulz
[May 11 2008 00:53:15] <Ljlego> ....what?
[May 11 2008 00:53:21] <Ljlego> you MUST be joking
[May 11 2008 00:53:23] <Ljlego> the "lulz"
[May 11 2008 00:53:28] <Kerotan> hehe
[May 11 2008 00:53:38] <SuisuiUTF8> ooh news reader shall do it for you !
[May 11 2008 00:53:38] <SteveCrossin> ya rly
[May 11 2008 00:53:38] <VasilievVV> Ljlego: do you speak Dutch?
[May 11 2008 00:53:46] <Ljlego> not fluently
[May 11 2008 00:53:50] <Ljlego> enough to seduce the natives
[May 11 2008 00:53:52] <SteveCrossin> kitty pidgin happy.gif
[May 11 2008 00:53:55] *** Joins: Jimbo_Wales (i=jwales@gateway/tor/x-02b21b9a0d876035)
[May 11 2008 00:53:55] <SteveCrossin> O_o
[May 11 2008 00:53:59] <Ljlego> though it's mostly just English with an accent
[May 11 2008 00:54:01] <SteveCrossin> bwahaha
[May 11 2008 00:54:04] <SteveCrossin> come on do it
[May 11 2008 00:54:09] <Ljlego> VasilievVV: why do you ask?
[May 11 2008 00:54:11] <SteveCrossin> "jimbo pwns you"
[May 11 2008 00:54:15] * Ljlego pats Jimbo_Wales on the back
[May 11 2008 00:54:16] <Ljlego> hihi
[May 11 2008 00:54:28] <Kerotan> project chanology has infiltrated into wikipedia. You heard it here first.
[May 11 2008 00:54:34] <VasilievVV> Ljlego: usually the word "lulz" cause offence to Dutch people
[May 11 2008 00:54:37] <SteveCrossin> Jimbo_Wales, you are the weakest link. goodbye smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:54:38] * jwales tickles Jimbo_Wales under the chin.
[May 11 2008 00:54:38] <Ljlego> oh, no
[May 11 2008 00:54:45] <Ljlego> I'm just offended because I'm from Uncyclopedia
[May 11 2008 00:54:47] <Ljlego> and I don't like ED
[May 11 2008 00:54:48] <Ljlego> smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:54:53] * VasilievVV huggles jwales
[May 11 2008 00:54:58] * SteveCrossin pokes Jimbo_Wales
[May 11 2008 00:55:00] <Ljlego> WOAH
[May 11 2008 00:55:01] <SteveCrossin> not jwales
[May 11 2008 00:55:03] <Ljlego> step back
[May 11 2008 00:55:12] <SuisuiUTF8> O_o
[May 11 2008 00:55:14] <Ljlego> jwales is private property of the Wikimedia foundation
[May 11 2008 00:55:18] <SteveCrossin> there's a difference wink.gif
[May 11 2008 00:55:18] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o VasilievVV
[May 11 2008 00:55:20] <Ljlego> all rights reserved
[May 11 2008 00:55:27] <Pinky> 23:55 [freenode] = is identified to services ;
[May 11 2008 00:55:31] <Pinky> o_O
[May 11 2008 00:55:32] <SteveCrossin> jwales, not Jimbo_Wales= impostor
[May 11 2008 00:55:33] <Kerotan> AD can go suck can die in a fire for all I care.
[May 11 2008 00:55:35] <Fire> Hell, I didn't see that channel being so active since my wiki-holiday ended.
[May 11 2008 00:55:36] <Charitwo> stolen nick
[May 11 2008 00:55:42] <Ljlego> I was talking to VasilievVV actually
[May 11 2008 00:55:47] <Charitwo> Pinky: it hadn't been used in 60 days etc
[May 11 2008 00:55:51] <Ljlego> for huggling
[May 11 2008 00:56:03] <jwales> Ljlego :-)
[May 11 2008 00:56:05] <jwales> goodnight all
[May 11 2008 00:56:09] <SteveCrossin> or is it jimmy doing it for the lulz?
[May 11 2008 00:56:11] <Ljlego> guten nacht
[May 11 2008 00:56:14] * Charitwo points Fire to the PM he forgot about
[May 11 2008 00:56:14] <Kerotan> night jwales.
[May 11 2008 00:56:14] <jwales> heh
[May 11 2008 00:56:16] <VasilievVV> bye Jimbo smile.gif
[May 11 2008 00:56:17] *** Joins: BoL|mibbit (i=4cca4eb8@gateway/web/ajax/
[May 11 2008 00:56:19] <Pinky> gute nacht
[May 11 2008 00:56:19] <jwales> Tor is too slow for me!
[May 11 2008 00:56:20] <jwales> night
[May 11 2008 00:56:20] *** Quits: jwales ("Leaving")

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."

-- Stephen Crane
Speaking of late night ramblings on Ayn Rand's Objectivist Philosophy, there is a remarkable discussion of that on Public Radio's On the Media this week.

The transcript won't be posted until tomorrow, but you can listen to the 14-minute audio segment, narrated by program host Brooke Gladstone, at the link. Here is the story blurb...

QUOTE(On the Media)
Object Lesson
May 09, 2008

Think you know reality? Ayn Rand did, and through her novels and nonfiction she gave legions of followers a practical philosophy by which to live. Brooke looks at the enduring legacy of the original Objectivist.
Holy crap, how many conversations were going on there at once? I was in briefly (monoxide = me) and there was nothing that exciting going on...

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:36pm) *

[May 11 2008 00:11:50] <Monobi> jwales, as an objectivist how do you find ArbCom permissible?

And it was at the point that conversation began to fail.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(the_undertow @ Sun 11th May 2008, 1:52pm) *

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."

-- Stephen Crane

Well, speaking of which, Jimbo continues to "eat it." Because it is bitter, and because it is his heart.

QUOTE(Giggy @ Mon 12th May 2008, 1:27am) *

Holy crap, how many conversations were going on there at once? I was in briefly (monoxide = me) and there was nothing that exciting going on...

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:36pm) *

[May 11 2008 00:11:50] <Monobi> jwales, as an objectivist how do you find ArbCom permissible?

And it was at the point that conversation began to fail.

Why is Jimbo here using Tor? Editing out of somebody's home bedroom while hubby's on a business trip? smile.gif
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 12th May 2008, 11:42am) *

QUOTE(Giggy @ Mon 12th May 2008, 1:27am) *

Holy crap, how many conversations were going on there at once? I was in briefly (monoxide = me) and there was nothing that exciting going on...

QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:36pm) *

[May 11 2008 00:11:50] <Monobi> jwales, as an objectivist how do you find ArbCom permissible?

And it was at the point that conversation began to fail.

Why is Jimbo here using Tor? Editing out of somebody's home bedroom while hubby's on a business trip? smile.gif

Oh, no, that was fake Jimbo. Real Jimbo kicked him.
No-one caught this gem?

[May 11 2008 00:09:55] <Whole_tost> I'd like to go by the offices, where is it located exactly? biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:10:13] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:10:21] <Whole_tost> I know it's in san francisco
[May 11 2008 00:10:39] <jwales> I don't actually know the address. :-P

What a clown. Really?
QUOTE(Achromatic @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:18pm) *

No-one caught this gem?

[May 11 2008 00:09:55] <Whole_tost> I'd like to go by the offices, where is it located exactly? biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:10:13] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:10:21] <Whole_tost> I know it's in san francisco
[May 11 2008 00:10:39] <jwales> I don't actually know the address. :-P

What a clown. Really?

QUOTE(Lar @ Sun 11th May 2008, 8:23pm) *

QUOTE(Achromatic @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:18pm) *

No-one caught this gem?

[May 11 2008 00:09:55] <Whole_tost> I'd like to go by the offices, where is it located exactly? biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:10:13] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:10:21] <Whole_tost> I know it's in san francisco
[May 11 2008 00:10:39] <jwales> I don't actually know the address. :-P

What a clown. Really?


Why does the Porn Man state that he knows about me generally? We have had multiple phone calls where he as repeatedly lied to my face.
And why is Whole_tost obssessed with me?
How could Jimbo possibly know "there is absolutely no truth to there being an FBI investigation"? Law enforcement officers quite commonly lie about or conceal investigations until they feel it is in their strategic interest to reveal truthful information. It's part of their job, and it's in the public's best interest.
QUOTE(Lar @ Sun 11th May 2008, 10:23pm) *
What a clown. Really?

No he's not a clown, or no he really doesn't know the address?

I mean, for heaven's sake, *I* know the address. And if I know, lots of the "wrong people" probably know - and I'm assuming they're keeping it a secret because they still don't have effective entry-security installed, or even proper door locks.

They probably don't even have one of those false-front used book shops with a secret locked door leading to the stairs to the main offices from an innocent-looking storeroom in the back, behind the counter which is manned by a heavily-armed hippie wearing a hidden microphone. Seriously, what a half-assed operation!

As for the clown thing, well... I've never met the man, but who knows what sort of bright-colored pancake makeup or fright-wigs he wears behind closed doors?

QUOTE(vulcanizedrubber @ Mon 12th May 2008, 1:40am) *
How could Jimbo possibly know "there is absolutely no truth to there being an FBI investigation"? Law enforcement officers quite commonly lie about or conceal investigations until they feel it is in their strategic interest to reveal truthful information. It's part of their job, and it's in the public's best interest.

I'm sure he doesn't know, but then again, what is there to investigate? It's all right there on Wikipedia - you don't get much more easily-found-online than that!
QUOTE(ColScott @ Mon 12th May 2008, 5:36am) *

QUOTE(Lar @ Sun 11th May 2008, 8:23pm) *

QUOTE(Achromatic @ Sun 11th May 2008, 11:18pm) *

No-one caught this gem?

[May 11 2008 00:09:55] <Whole_tost> I'd like to go by the offices, where is it located exactly? biggrin.gif
[May 11 2008 00:10:13] <DragonFire1024> lol
[May 11 2008 00:10:21] <Whole_tost> I know it's in san francisco
[May 11 2008 00:10:39] <jwales> I don't actually know the address. :-P

What a clown. Really?


Why does the Porn Man state that he knows about me generally? We have had multiple phone calls where he as repeatedly lied to my face.
And why is Whole_tost obssessed with me?

I have completely missed the point here. Those 4 lines are nondescript to me, but obviously are not to others. Can you indulge me in how this relates to your relationship to wales or toast? Actually, probably others on WR can hook me up, but I'm afraid this chat log isn't helping me.

QUOTE(vulcanizedrubber @ Mon 12th May 2008, 6:40am) *

How could Jimbo possibly know "there is absolutely no truth to there being an FBI investigation"? Law enforcement officers quite commonly lie about or conceal investigations until they feel it is in their strategic interest to reveal truthful information. It's part of their job, and it's in the public's best interest.

I think this certainly needs some clarification. Withholding findings is common, because it prevents copycats as well as preserves evidence. Also, a fair trial cannot take place when the jury of public opinion is given all relevant facts (which, by the way, will eventually be made privy to the defense).

It's not in the public interest, per se, but in the interest of calling on an impartial jury. None of this is done as a malicious act. Defense attorneys, who find their client is guilty, will conceal evidence as well, until they are legally bound to share with the DA, but not the public. It's not fair to say law enforcement officers commonly lie. They lie. There's no doubt. But it's not common, and when you are talking about higher ups, they follow protocol. Sorry to come down on you for that post, but having grown up in a legal environment AND having an axe to grind with cops, these guys are not able to make all fruits of investigations public - it is not public information.
QUOTE(the_undertow @ Mon 12th May 2008, 7:18am) *

I have completely missed the point here. Those 4 lines are nondescript to me, but obviously are not to others. Can you indulge me in how this relates to your relationship to wales or toast? Actually, probably others on WR can hook me up, but I'm afraid this chat log isn't helping me.

[May 11 2008 00:19:08] <Whole_tost> jwales: you know don murphy's exposing wikipedia's finest?
[May 11 2008 00:19:44] <jwales> Whole_tost : I am generally aware of Don Murphy, zes.

Whole_tost went on to link to Murphy's forums and whatev.

I find it creepy how obsessed he seems to be with meeting Jimbo.

But yea, I was in en-admins when he joined. It was shameful how many people started talking. And it was all so immature. It was like every 14-year-old admin got pinged and started spewing stupid. Then he said something about there being no FBI investigation, I uttered "moron" to myself, then tabbed to another chan.
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