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Out of respect for someone with whom I'm engaged in e-mail communication, I'm going to hide the full name. But there's a Benn K. article on Wikipedia that says this:

Benn "K." currently teaches at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. He is the George S. Craft Distinguished University Professor of Decision & Information Analysis. Previously, he spent six years on the faculty at the Harvard Business School where he taught in the MBA program and several executive programs. He also has served as professor at the University of Arizona, where he was a co-founder of the university's multi-million dollar group decision support laboratory. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University.

He has published in such diverse journals as Communications of the ACM, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Communications, MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Data Communications, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He has a strong following among his MBA students, who refer to themselves as S.O.B.'s (Students of Benn).

And then if you go to Benn K.'s biography page on the website of the university where he teaches, it says this:

Benn "K." arrived at Goizueta Business School following six years on the faculty at the Harvard Business School where he taught in the MBA program and several executive programs. Prior to arriving at HBS, he was a professor at the University of Arizona where he was a co-founder of the university's multi-million dollar group decision support laboratory. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University.

He has published in such diverse journals as Communications of the ACM, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Communications, MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Data Communications, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Would you consider this plagiarism? Would you say that the Wikipedia article assumes a NPOV?

Does the article cite the website?
QUOTE(From the WP BLP)
He has a strong following among his MBA students, who refer to themselves as S.O.B.'s (Students of Benn).

This sounds like a signature of those who created the BLP.
QUOTE(JohnA @ Mon 12th May 2008, 4:39am) *

Does the article cite the website?

The Emory business school's root domain is listed as an External Link, but not the person-specific page on that domain, from which much of the content was copied verbatim.

This is of some interest to me, as another faculty biography with which I am familiar also reproduced a verbatim copy of the biography appearing on the university web site. User:Filll said it had to be deleted on account of CopyVio, even though that identical faculty bio is routinely reproduced elsewhere to introduce invited lectures by that faculty member.
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