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Full Version: John Terry wins boardgame - says Wikipedia
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Having watched John Terry slip and miss the crucial penalty in the biggest game in English club football history, in front of the whole world, I thought I'd check some stats about Terry on Wikipedia.

Fourth paragraph in:
QUOTE(Wikipedia article on John Terry)

In 2008, Terry made a high profile entrance into Funniest Home Videos when he missed the most important penalty shot in his lifetime infront of over a billion people worldwide on television against Manchester United. He will be given a boardgame version of Sale Of The Century for his entry.

Dontcha just love Wikipedia?
Per here:

It was up for a grand total of 1 minute. Not exacty something to bother with. Though it was humorous.
Hmm...that explains the result! >_>
For gawd's sake, if you want to critcise Wikipedia, don't choose a football article. Inter-team rivalries (including the Inter team) are so fierce that city squares get destroyed and people bitch on Wikipedia.
QUOTE(Sceptre @ Thu 22nd May 2008, 4:12pm) *

For gawd's sake, if you want to critcise Wikipedia, don't choose a football article. Inter-team rivalries (including the Inter team) are so fierce that city squares get destroyed and people bitch on Wikipedia.

I saw the game. Saw John Terry slip. Went to Wikipedia to look up some John Terry stats. Read the fourth paragraph. Noted it was a load of bollocks.

If I want to criticize Wikipedia, I'll do so by making observations of truth. That was an observation of truth.

I didn't read that type of thing in any other biography or news article I could find on John Terry from the first page of a google search.

That's because unlike those other sources, Wikipedia is a load of old bollocks.

Thank you and goodnight.
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