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Daniel Brandt
Jimbo graced the #wikimedia IRC channel with his presence last night. (NOTE: DanielB is not me.)

[Jun 4 2008 22:16:46] *** Joins: jwales (
[Jun 4 2008 22:16:47] <Warpath> there is a jwales online O_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:16:53] <Warpath> O_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:16:59] <Majorly> O_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:07] *** Joins: Schroeder (i=1000@unaffiliated/unclejimbob)
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:08] <jwales> hello
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:08] <Warpath> jwales, are you THE ONE? O_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:11] <BoL> this is probably a fake on eif he can prove the mask
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:18] <BoL> jwales: id to nicksev
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:23] <Warpath> jwales, identify pliz
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:45] <jwales> huh
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:47] <BoL> if not identified in 1 minute, boot him
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:50] <jwales> weird
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:55] <jwales> my usual password does not work
[Jun 4 2008 22:17:57] * DanielB assumes good faith, defaults to assuming it's him.
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:03] <BoL> :o
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:04] <DanielB> jwales, what's your main email address?
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:09] <jwales> this is a biiit distrurbing
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:13] <jwales>
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:24] <BirgitteSB> I just had that happen with my password tooo
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:26] <Warpath> why would the Schroeder follow jwales here? O_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:32] <BoL> O_o
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:34] <BoL> o_O
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:37] <Warpath> DanielB, lol common knowledge :p
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:41] <BirgitteSB> and it is saved in chatzilla so I can't have just forgot it
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:43] <jwales> I wonder how I could fix it...
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:45] <Warpath> jwales, probably the new system :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:54] <BoL> one of the European servers crashed
[Jun 4 2008 22:18:54] <DanielB> Warpath, well, it's a good way to root out people who dont know it :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:00] <jwales> it is weird because when I try to identify it says:
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:01] <BirgitteSB> Someone said there was an update to the cloaking system last week
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:01] <Warpath> similar thing happened to James_F|Away
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:09] <jwales> :18] -NickServ- Invalid password for JimboWales.
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:27] <Warpath> jwales, nick to master than identify
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:38] <DanielB> jwales, see your email :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:39] <BirgitteSB> If some finds out how to fix it please let me know
[Jun 4 2008 22:19:44] <jwales> probably more than one person here knows me personally and we could authenticate by passing personal memories :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:20:10] <DanielB> oooh, personal /me searches "jwales" in inbox
[Jun 4 2008 22:20:14] <jwales> DanielB: response sent
[Jun 4 2008 22:20:26] <DanielB> channel: confirmed it's him
[Jun 4 2008 22:20:29] <Warpath> jwales, simple make an edit :D
[Jun 4 2008 22:20:30] <jwales> Warpath: nick to master then identify? not sure I understand the idea :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:10] <jwales>
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:11] <Warpath> jwales, /nick JimboWales
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:17] *** jwales is now known as JimboWales
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:20] <Warpath> then identify with the master nick
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:39] <DanielB> /msg nickserv identify <password?
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:41] <DanielB> >*
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:43] <Warpath> lo never mind :DDD
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:49] <Warpath> hi Mr jwales :DD
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:51] *** JimboWales is now known as jwales
[Jun 4 2008 22:21:56] *** BirgitteSB is now known as [Abbyiscute]
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:01] <jwales> that worked, via an olllllld password
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:06] <Warpath> DanielB, no need he identified via wiki :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:08] <jwales> probably not the best situation all around
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:11] <DanielB> Warpath, and email :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:13] <jwales> w00t!
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:14] <Warpath> yay \o/
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:22] <Warpath> zomg evil ;)
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:33] <DanielB> I noticed a certain someone hasn't voted in a certain election :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:38] * DanielB runs.
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:50] <Warpath> XD
[Jun 4 2008 22:22:58] <[Abbyiscute]> OK what if you forgot your ancient password
[Jun 4 2008 22:23:10] <DanielB> [Abbyiscute], much pain and suffering.
[Jun 4 2008 22:23:22] <DanielB> more likely, go to freenode, prove he's him, and get it reassociated
[Jun 4 2008 22:23:23] <Warpath> [Abbyiscute], if you have set an e-mail, get it sent to you :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:23:41] <[Abbyiscute]> How do you know if you set up email
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:20] <jwales> I am pondering the candidates.
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:22] <Nick1915> nite folks
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:41] <jwales> I will say nothing publicly about this election. We shall see. I trust that the community will elect someone sane.
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:56] * DanielB <3's a good neutral statement.
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:59] <[Abbyiscute]> Warpath: Seriously what should I do
[Jun 4 2008 22:25:20] <geniice> I am yet to meet a sighnificant pro sane loby group
[Jun 4 2008 22:26:10] <Warpath> [Abbyiscute], your flags say "HideMail, Private"so you have an e-mail set up :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:26:37] <[Abbyiscute]> how do I tell it to send me my password
[Jun 4 2008 22:26:56] <[Abbyiscute]> Why are computers so evil
[Jun 4 2008 22:27:12] <geniice> they are not
[Jun 4 2008 22:27:21] <geniice> They just don't know you are you
[Jun 4 2008 22:28:24] <jwales> They don"t know you are you... AND they are evil.
[Jun 4 2008 22:28:30] <jwales> Let's not give them a free pass so easily!
[Jun 4 2008 22:28:53] <[Abbyiscute]> I will never come up with this password
[Jun 4 2008 22:28:59] <jwales> 42 ?
[Jun 4 2008 22:29:04] * Nick1915 wants an insane candidate
[Jun 4 2008 22:29:50] <[Abbyiscute]> I remember I was worried about typing into the chat screen and used a password that I didn't use for *anything* else
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:01] <DanielB> jwales, you should give Sue lessons on what to forward to OTRS :) "No, Sue... they've been community banned... see all the arbcom members and the FBI that you've been cc'd with?"
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:10] <Warpath> XD
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:30] <jwales> :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:38] <jwales> I have a general rule of thumb
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:43] <[Abbyiscute]> Actually I was so coffused about what I was doing "Abbyiscute" was supposed to be the password
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:44] <DanielB> (slight exaggeration, but yeah. and they were not my words, but quoting someone else :D)
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:54] <jwales> If someone emails me, Google, the FBI, and the White House...
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:54] <geniice> DanielB I don't think we consider community blocks to be a matter for the FBI (well unless they have been uploading child pornography)
[Jun 4 2008 22:30:59] <jwales> /dev/null
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:01] <Warpath> :O
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:03] <chuck> jwales: What do you think of [[meta:Community petition]] ?
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:04] <unilinky>
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:20] <Warpath> chuck, ouch ;)
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:37] <DanielB> geniice, people tend to email the FBI claiming we're breaching this and that :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:31:56] <jwales> chuck: I think that petition misunderstands what happened, actually
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:06] <chuck> jwales: How so?
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:13] <jwales> chuck: we have strongly endorsed the chapter model for community involvement
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:34] <DanielB> in effect, the chapter seats consitute community seats, in a way.
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:40] <jwales> chuck: so the idea that this move was somehow dissing the community is just not reflective of the mood of the board in implementing it...
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:49] <jwales> you can criticize the move, to be sure
[Jun 4 2008 22:32:57] <jwales> there are interesting problems with chapters, of course
[Jun 4 2008 22:33:06] <chuck> Well, do the chapters have as much power as the Board of Trustees have?
[Jun 4 2008 22:33:07] <jwales> but to view it as somehow a diss on the community is just istaken
[Jun 4 2008 22:33:45] *** Joins: fajro (
[Jun 4 2008 22:33:57] <Nick1915> problems with the chapters?
[Jun 4 2008 22:34:14] <jwales> chuck: i do not understand the question. The point is: we want the community to have a majority of seats on the board. The question is: what is the most sensible and responsible way for that to happen: elections on the website or elections via chapters? That's an interesting question but it is not a question of community vs. something else, it is a question of what mechanism will best work for us all.
[Jun 4 2008 22:34:35] *** Quits: Arria ("Me ne vado...")
[Jun 4 2008 22:34:47] *** Quits: Shanel (Nick collision from services.)
[Jun 4 2008 22:35:07] <jwales> Nick1915: for example: how do we have representation from chapters that is appropriately representative of the global community. The German chapter is large and strong. The UK chapter is new and weak. There are no US chapters. Etc.
[Jun 4 2008 22:35:10] *** Joins: huggle (n=Shanel@wikimedia/Shanel)
[Jun 4 2008 22:35:34] *** huggle is now known as Shanel
[Jun 4 2008 22:35:37] <chuck> jwales: Well I'm not entirely familiar with that chapters are able to do. They're not exactly interchangable with seats on the board of trustees though, I don't think.
[Jun 4 2008 22:35:46] <jwales> interchangable?
[Jun 4 2008 22:36:01] <jwales> The idea is that the chapters will select people for seats on the board.
[Jun 4 2008 22:36:12] <jwales> I don't know what interchangable means in this context
[Jun 4 2008 22:36:20] <chuck> Oh, you're talking about those seats that are decided by the board, I forgot about those.
[Jun 4 2008 22:36:44] <chuck> I know what you mean now.
[Jun 4 2008 22:36:47] <jwales> no, I am talking about seats decided by the community via the chapters mechanism
[Jun 4 2008 22:37:15] * DanielB wonders if a certain founder is planning on coming to Australia again - more opportunities to feature on a high-ranking national TV show :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:37:36] <jwales> It is just false to say that we reduced community seats on the board, we increased them... and all the conversations in our meeting reflected that sentiment.
[Jun 4 2008 22:37:50] <chuck> Or yeah, seats decided by chapters.
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:02] <jwales> yeah
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:27] <jwales> I think it is an interesting question: do wiki elections provide for the best mechanism for community control? Or does chapter representation>
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:28] <jwales> ?
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:39] <geniice> depends
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:43] <jwales> I have my own view, a rather strong one, but I acknowledge that others may differ.
[Jun 4 2008 22:38:53] <jwales> I think that in the long run, we should have both... a balance.
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:13] *** [Abbyiscute] is now known as BirgitteSB
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:13] <geniice> A balance I think not
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:26] <jwales> you are opposed to balance ? :-)
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:30] <geniice> the majority of community activity takes place onwiki
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:42] <chuck> Is there a page that lists which seats are for the community elected people, the board appointed people, chapter appointed, etc?
[Jun 4 2008 22:39:50] <geniice> thus the majorty community representation must come from the wiki
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:02] <DanielB> "10th: how do you feel about when I looked you up on Wikipedia this morning, I changed your page to say you were a teenage drug lord from Malaysia?"
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:04] * DanielB smiles.
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:16] <jwales> DanielB: at last the truth comes out
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:17] *** Joins: WaveOfMutilation (n=JohnReav@wikimedia/John-Reaves)
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:26] <DanielB> jwales, i wonder if you remember that :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:36] <geniice> DanielB actualy that was japanese customs authorities
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:51] <jwales> Tonight I read :
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:55] <DanielB> just for old times sake:
[Jun 4 2008 22:40:57] <jwales> hatchet job, embarassing
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:19] <jwales> It seems that I will be in New Zealand in October.
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:26] *** Quits: Shanel (Nick collision from services.)
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:51] <DanielB> jwales, oooh, you know you want to hop across the ditch - NZ weather is horrible :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:52] <jwales> ok but it is 10:41 somewhere on the planet and little Jimmy should get to bed
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:54] <jwales> night all...
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:58] <jwales> :)
[Jun 4 2008 22:41:58] *** Quits: jwales ("Leaving")

For the record, someone named Atyndall didn't get his facts right. The IRC logs that Wikipedia Watch has online include only #wikipedia and #wikimedia, and they date from January 1, 2008. Earlier logs from 2006, which had major holes in the coverage, were taken down around April 2007. Most of the hostmasks in the current special hostmask search were collected from earlier logs, but the online logs themselves are only from January 1, 2008.
Disillusioned Lackey
We all know what *this* means.

[Jun 4 2008 22:19:44] <jwales> probably more than one person here knows me personally and we could authenticate by passing personal memories smile.gif

Details on Valleywag. smile.gif
[Jun 4 2008 22:24:41] <jwales> I will say nothing publicly about this election. We shall see. I trust that the community will elect someone sane.

Good luck with that, Jimbo.

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image
Moved from Bureaucracy to General.
Daniel Brandt
How to get on hivemind:

[6/5/2008 9:43 PM] =-= Mode #wikipedia +o Krimpet by ChanServ
[6/5/2008 9:43 PM] =-= Mode #wikipedia +b *!*@ by Krimpet
[6/5/2008 9:43 PM] =-= Mode #wikipedia -o Krimpet by ChanServ
[6/5/2008 9:44 PM] <Lucifer_Cat> whossat
[6/5/2008 9:44 PM] <Krimpet> Daniel Brandt. tongue.gif

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