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Disillusioned Lackey
Here's the online link "transcript to follow" soon.

Note that the guy who invited Durova to talk, is Jim Hedger, who wrote the "apologist" article about her last year.

And on that note - here's Durova being interviewd by Knoxville Press last August - giving false information that destroyed a man's career. Yes, Durova is a true victim's victim. wacko.gif


Entries on Wikipedia edited by Davis aide
Press secretary also admits deleting info on brother via federal computer

By Tom Humphrey (Contact)
Saturday, August 11, 2007

U.S. Rep. David Davis’ press secretary has acknowledged using a congressional office computer to delete unflattering information about his boss and his brother from biographies on an Internet encyclopedia. (The guy actually removed cruft from radical pro-lifers - Durova didn't bother to read it, duh!)

The efforts of T----- H---have been deemed “blanking vandalism” by an editor for Wikipedia who detected the alterations to articles about Davis and state Rep. Matthew Hill, R-Jonesboro. The state Democratic Party also criticizes the changes.

Hill said in an interview that he made a mistake that would not be repeated. He said he was not familiar with Wikipedia and its procedures and was simply trying to perform his job.

“My job is to make sure statements about my boss are truthful and, sometimes, as positive as possible,” he said. “That’s what I do.”

H--- said he regularly searches the Internet for references to Davis, a freshman Republican from Johnson City. When he came across the Wikipedia entry on the congressman, Hill said some of the information struck him as “inaccurate” and “trying to hurt my boss.”

“I tried to take it out (information he considered inaccurate) and replace it with accurate stuff,” he said.

His efforts were detected by a Wikipedia administrator who restored the text to its former version and later reported on the episode in an article for another Web site. (Guess which Wikipedia Administrator?)

The changes to entries about Davis and Matthew Hill were made in June.

Part of the information Hill sought to delete involved political contributions to both his brother and Davis by former King Pharmaceuticals CEO John Gregory as well as other ties to the Gregory family.

“It wasn’t anything that was intended to be destructive or disruptive,
” Hill said of his efforts. “What took place was just simply a misunderstanding of how to edit the site.”

A Wikipedia spokesman confirmed the article had been written by one of its volunteer administrator/editors, who uses the pen name Durova. In a telephone interview, she identified herself as Lise Broer of San Diego. Her full article may be found at http://www/

Broer said Wikipedia has paid particular attention to submissions from congressional office computers since a “scandal” in 2006 over revisions to biographies of several members of Congress.
In general, the revisions would delete negative information, such as broken campaign promises, and replace it with more favorable information. (Ok, that happened in 2006, but that's not what TH did, and Durova made a false allegation. And published it. And took interviews on the topic.)

Davis took office in January. Hill came to Washington with Davis.

Broer said “vandalism” occurs when someone deletes information from a Wikipedia article that has been properly attributed, providing the sources of the statement or documents.

Under Wikipedia procedures, if a person deems a statement unfair or inaccurate, he or she should contact the Web site and present his or her case.

Wade Munday, spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party, said the situation “calls the judgment of Congressman Davis and his staff into question about what is the appropriate and inappropriate use of their time as public servants.”

Munday said it would be appropriate for a political campaign, following Wikipedia procedures, to challenge information deemed incorrect on a Web site entry. Many campaigns do so, he said.

But he said it was inappropriate for “a staffer on a federal payroll” and using the U.S. House computer system to do so.

Hill said that, had he understood Wikipedia rules, he would probably have logged in as required and sought to make revisions from his home computer.

When initially contacted about the attempts to revise the Davis and Rep. Hill biographies, Hill told the News Sentinel he was not personally responsible. But he called a reporter back later to say he had spoken off the cuff on his cell phone in the midst of a hectic event involving the congressman and “miscommunicated.”

He had, indeed, made the revisions, Hill said, and “I apologize for the confusion.”

Tom Humphrey may be reached at 615-242-7782

For no good reason other than that this woman decided
to write about his removal of cruft from his brother and boss's bios - both written by the same person - who was the real vandal. Gosh.

And she got caught libelling again, and it got into the press, and she was forced to resign her Admin powers, before getting kicked off.

I think her story (in the radio show) about threats is complete nonsense.
Disillusioned Lackey
You have to listen to the Durova radio interview.

She claims that Brandt "coerced" her by offering to remove her picture, etc, vis-a-vis the removal of his bio. An amazing brash lie.

Daniel, didn't she contact you, offering you the bio removal? Her words are on radio. This is serious.

The online MP3 is here:

I want to call her a name. But I won't. Her words speak for themselves.

Note to all... as far as I know, this isn't "real" radio. It's just an audio stream on the Internet.

And, other than DL, me, Durova, Shankbone, and maybe four other people on Earth, nobody could stay awake long enough to hear anything of legal consequence. Probably best to just let it blow over.

Disillusioned Lackey
One word:MENTAL.


Oh, it goes beyond that. Even if the behavior has clearly crossed the line
into criminal conduct then getting law enforcement to stop them is difficult
to impossible. In my lifetime I have stood in front of police officers,
restraining order in hand,
and pointed to the precise lines that the perp
(who was standing ten feet away) was violating at that very moment before
the officers' eyes, and the officers refused to take the perp into custody.
That happened not once but repeatedly with different officers. And their
chain of command supported them. I have witnessed police refuse to take a
report for a direct death threat even when a restraining order was already
in place. And after I did get police reports, the police misplaced physical
evidence repeatedly. When I went to court with an armful of physical
the prosecutor himself showed up at court having left the entire
case file behind on his desk, and cut a sweetheart deal with the defense
attorney while shutting me out
. I asked to speak to the prosecutor
repeatedly, but was denied the opportunity until after the judge had already
ruled, at which point the prosecutor told me all my evidence was past
history and might as well be thrown away.

I did get that fellow behind bars, though. And I did some things to make
sure that prosecutor's office never handled another case that sloppily again
(when it changes endorsements in the mayor's race they change their tune).

In short, I'm no noob and I'm no fool. These last few months several people
have been telling me who Gavin de Becker is, as if I hadn't already read
"The Gift of Fear" years before I joined Wikipedia. I don't entirely agree
with Mr. de Becker. I see where he's coming from, but he and I have
philosophical differences. I also think Wikipedia is different enough from
the world of his usual clients that his approach requires modification.


(mocks Durova)

Yes, after MY fifth stalker-perp line-up, I got REALLY TIRED of having those officers ignore my story. But I *did* get one of them behind bars, I have to say. Finally, one of my insane bizarre accusations 'stuck'.

Ahem. How many stalker accusations does one have to have, how many visits to the police, before you realize that maybe you should "get yourself some new friends" or "stop hanging out on MUDD chatboards" or doing whatever she was doing to attract these elements.

And that's assuming that she's not totally full of baloney, which is being incredibly generous on my part.

Seriously, is this woman real, or a cartoon-fiction cutout character? She's too bizarre to make up. The rules of fiction were broken long prior.

I suggest the "DUROVA DRINKING GAME". Everyone get a big giant cup of keg beer, sit around the table, listen to her podcast, and DRINK (pointing with elbow) whenever she says:

Reported to authorities
(insert more words....)
Disillusioned Lackey
See, this is where Durova and me are completely different. If the immediate, at-hand juridical solution wasn't viable, if the court was corrupt, if the system was rigged against me, I'd seek a political response, and that means going to the power and seeking safe harbor, i.e. Good Offices. Sometimes going to Parliament is wiser than visiting the Supreme Court, you know what I mean? In any event, I'd not take a lame shot and then whine like a victim. And frankly, I never understood the whole stalking thing. Group bullying, yes, especially on the internet. But single source stalkers, I never understood. And for Durova to have more than one stalker, I understand that even less. Where do you meet these guys? Stop hanging out there - Sounds like something she needs to take a look at, not announce on the internet. I don't understand why she needed to call the cops multiple times, have multiple restraining orders, go to multiple perp walks. I've never visited a lineup, and I hope I never do. Didn't she have some other hobbies? I just don't get it.
QUOTE(Disillusioned Lackey @ Sun 15th June 2008, 5:09am) *

One word:MENTAL. . . .

Yes, but is she MENTAL AS ANYTHING?

IPB Image

Disillusioned Lackey

She's like Sooo TotallyMENTAL, I can't believe it, Ohmigawd!

IPB Image
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