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Full Version: WMF draft privacy policy up for discussion!
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
the fieryangel
In light of...current events, the announcement by Floflo on the Foundation-L list of the draft by Mike Godwin of a new WMF privacy policy seemed to be, um, timely....The document is here.

She's asked for comments. What will this change, if anything?

It doesn't seem to me to be radically different than the last one, but perhaps I'm overlooking something?
Disillusioned Lackey
I think it is an effort at a bandaid before they get hit with a pending investigation.

They have plenty of fine policies. The policies are ignored routinely.

This will change nothing.

They need a through housecleaning. When I see removals of defamation, that's the Pudding of the Proof.

Not before.

They are masters at grandstanding and posturing. This is another "strike a pose" gesture. Yawn.
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