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Full Version: European Bison = Wisent = Plagiarism
> Wikimedia Discussion > Articles
So a new member on my site comes up with this gem:
European Bison = Wisent = Plagiarism

Nicely showing some Wikipedians in the process of stealing content, often verbatim or clumsily reworded, from the WWF site.

Along the way, you've got some sweet British Isles --> Britain, and British --> UK conversions. You've gotta love it.

My personal favorite: how "being decimated" becomes "being virtually decimated".

WWF European Bison

Wikipedia: Wisent
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Emperor @ Wed 18th June 2008, 4:09am) *

My personal favorite: how "being decimated" becomes "being virtually decimated".

Particularly since decimated is from an old Latin word for punishing cowardly legions, by killing 1 soldier in 10, by count. huh.gif It's a word that has grown and grown in the use, and now it's so bad that somebody feels they have to back off a bit, or else it may cause complete and total destruction. laugh.gif
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