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Full Version: Margarita glass
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Okay, this is pretty amazing, if you think about it.

Wikipedia's been up and running for 7.5 years, and they still don't have an article about [[Margarita glass]].

Only a picture.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 26th June 2008, 9:54am) *
Okay, this is pretty amazing, if you think about it.

Wikipedia's been up and running for 7.5 years, and they still don't have an article about [[Margarita glass]].

Only a picture.

Don't make me go in there and write a Jimmy Buffet song, cuz I swear to Gopod you'll be sorry.
There are quite a few listed [[|here]], - I am not a quaffer of alcohol in funney glasses so I am unaware of whether it may be synonymous with any of these.
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