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Full Version: NYBrad Leaving Redux....very curious indeed....
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the fieryangel
Off of Wikien-L

While I was researching *why* New York Brad was "forced to resign", since no
one here seems to want to state that Daniel Brandt revealed his real name and
the law firm for which he works ---- I found this interesting article.


While gives a big overview of the whole issue and related
I still have no *clear* idea of what naked short selling actually is.... but
wow what a lot of new topics to research!

Even ED doesn't really go into the whole thing in a way that makes the
issues clear. They really need to hire a new writer, and the folks at WR respond
in one or two short sentences to a whole lot of underlying detail. Like that
one guy said "I see the crumbs, wheres the loaf of bread" in the whole
Alison-(deleted because it's THAT guy) "he's editing from where I work" fiasco.

I'm rambling. It's just much easier when you edit from your own name, and
have nothing to hide. Linda Mack? MI5 ? Google-Watch?

What happened to the Daniel Brandt article? Is he not notable?

Will Johnson

I don't see the connection from NYBrad to that Register "the Alison-Mr. X fiasco"...

If this is garbage, then by all means delete this...but I don't see what this guy is going on about....
I can't say I follow that guy's logic, and I like to think I'm fairly familiar with the incidents he mentioned.

Maybe he's just stoned.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(cyofee @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:17pm) *

I can't say I follow that guy's logic, and I like to think I'm fairly familiar with the incidents he mentioned.

Maybe he's just stoned.

That might be one logical judgment to make...It's just such a wild variety of incidents that I was just intrigued by the seemingly random nature. I don't see the connection at all...

...that doesn't mean that he's not suggesting that there is one...but on what basis?
The loaf of bread analogy is pretty good. I remember someone on WP stating that WR has responded to 400 of the last 50 conflicts, bascially stating that there's too much noise to signal.
the fieryangel
QUOTE(michael @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:23pm) *

The loaf of bread analogy is pretty good. I remember someone on WP stating that WR has responded to 400 of the last 50 conflicts, bascially stating that there's too much noise to signal.

Yes, but what is he suggesting? NYBrad left because of that Register article? I don't seem to remember anything even remotely connected with that happening...

The noise here is the Wikien-l list. Is there a signal or not? That's the question...This is so bizarre that if there's any truth here at all, it's worth exploring...
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:26pm) *
Yes, but what is he suggesting? NYBrad left because of that Register article? I don't seem to remember anything even remotely connected with that happening...
I am quite certain that nothing said in any Register article has anything to do with NYB's departure.
He's just suggesting that he's confused. Which means he's not yet enlightened. Which means he's a normal Wikipediot.

As to bread crumbs...

Crumbs are to Loaf as Clues are to Truth

The reason there are only crummy clues lying around is because, as Jack Nicholson's character famously said in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth."
the fieryangel
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:35pm) *

QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Sun 29th June 2008, 7:26pm) *
Yes, but what is he suggesting? NYBrad left because of that Register article? I don't seem to remember anything even remotely connected with that happening...
I am quite certain that nothing said in any Register article has anything to do with NYB's departure.

Okay, yet another conspiracy theory! It all seemed extremely odd. Who is this person, anyway?
QUOTE(the fieryangel @ Sun 29th June 2008, 3:39pm) *
Who is this person, anyway?

He's an oh|ho person.
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