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Full Version: You just can't erase it
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
You know, there was a certain gang on Wikipedia who sought to erase any record or presence of Wikipedia Review or User:Wikipedia Review.

But, thanks to the Akashic Record, there are over 400 mentions of Wikipedia Review in Wikipedia today.

It's like trying to paint over blood stains on the wall, but the blood just keeps seeping through the paint.

Gold heart
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 3rd July 2008, 5:42pm) *

It's like trying to paint over blood stains on the wall, but the blood just keeps seeping through the paint.


Gosh! Never tried that! rolleyes.gif "Amityville horror!" ohmy.gif

I guess Wikipedia doesn't like competition, rivalry, opposition, criticism etc, etc, etc. unsure.gif

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