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Firsfron of Ronchester
QUOTE(Sceptre @ Mon 7th July 2008, 3:12am) *

That's awesome. After reading that, I had to check. But no.
But yes.
ROFL...I was so sad when Manatees in popular culture was deleted...
I had independently spotted this and commented. smile.gif Pretty funny strip, even though there's not a punchline per se. But then I'm amused by everything Munroe does.
QUOTE(Lar @ Mon 7th July 2008, 1:04pm) *

I had independently spotted this and commented. smile.gif Pretty funny strip, even though there's not a punchline per se. But then I'm amused by everything Munroe does.

See also this
QUOTE(Wood in Popular Culture)
In the sitcom Cheers, the bar is made of wood.

More to the point, the bartender is played by Woody Harrelson.
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