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Just to prove that Wikipedia is not yet running out of really worthwhile people to have articles on, I've started one on Prof. Paul Cohn, one of the greatest algebraists of the 20th century and the man who explained Galois theory to me. (Yes, I know it needs more work.)

As it happens, he was Jewish and indeed a refugee from Nazism, so I must be meatpuppeting for Newport. tongue.gif
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Mon 7th July 2008, 5:05pm) *
Just to prove that Wikipedia is not yet running out of really worthwhile people to have articles on, I've started one on Prof. Paul Cohn, one of the greatest algebraists of the 20th century and the man who explained Galois theory to me.

QUOTE(SB Weinstein)
In Galois Fields

In Galois Fields, full of flowers
primitive elements dance for hours
climbing sequentially through the trees
and shouting occasional parities.

The syndromes like ghosts in the misty damp
feed the smoldering fires of the Berlekamp
and high flying exponents sometimes are downed
on the jagged peaks of the Gilbert bound.

- S.B. Weinstein (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, March 1971)

Someone's added this preposterous picture of him:

IPB Image

It must have been an off day. This is much more how I remember him, checked suit and all:

IPB Image
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