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This seems credible to me, but I can be very gullible when it comes to micro-nations: Kingdom of New Galacia.
Test dump in case for when it's deleted... tongue.gif

The '''Kingdom of New Galicia''' is a micronation inside the mexican republic which claims for its independence. It's located in the same territory formed by the sovereing states of Jalisco, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Colima and Zacatecas. It is adjacent to the North, the South and the East with Mexico and to the West with the Pacific Ocean.

This micronation was founded in December, 2003 by a student of secondary school from the State of Jalisco. The purpose of its creation is stablish a strong country in the Mexico's western zone. Its Capital City is the City of Guadalajara located en the same-named District. The Metropolitan Zone spreads on the counties of Altburg (Zapopan), Terrabarrial (Tlaquepaque), Solsburg (Tonalá), Monterra (Tlajomulco), Salterg (El Salto), Ionacsburg (Juanacatlan) and Llanuravilla (Ixtlahuacán del Río) in the Region of Altburg.

Currently, the Kingdom is a member of the LoSS, and has diplomatic relations with other countries, such Petrossian Empire, Empire of Medio Mundo, Hespenya, Vicea, Moriel, Kelterspruf, Arekipa, and many others more.

==='''Official Names'''===
The first named the kingdom had was Vestria, and it only was for the state of Jalisco, where the concept of the new nation was created. The Kingdom was named Vestria due to that in the scandinavian mithology there used to be 4 dwarves which bored the 4 cardinal points, the dwarf that held up the West was called ''Vestri'', so that if we realize that Jalisco is located in the western zone of Mexico, we can determine that Vestria means ''Land of the West''.

Then, when the mexican states of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Nayarit joined Vestria, the union took the name of New Galicia after the historical kingdom founded on January 25, 1531 by the spanish conqueror Nuño de Guzmán in the same region. Later, the King Benjamin I claimed the right to be the ruler of the Princedom of Kardistian (State of Colima), which also was a territory occupied by the historical kingdom of New Galicia. The Prince Antonio Carmelo didn't answered the ultimatum so the Senate declared that the territory of the Princedom of Kardistian, the same of the State of Colima, was originally part of the Kingdom of New Galicia, so that it was totally unrecognized such Princedom and then joined it to the union.

The King was supported by the Empire of Medio Mundio, Empire of Petrossia, and the LoSS.

After the union of Colima, the original territory of the Kingdom of New Galicia, got completed.

The government is organizes according to the Constitution of the Kingdom in the year of 2005; according to this constitution the government is divided into executive power, legislative power and judicial power.
The Executive is held by the king, who designates the Ministers of the council and the Chancellor, that is elected by the three quarter part of the senate. The functions of the Council of Ministers and the Chancellor last 5 years. The Chancellor can be reelected if he or she has the senate's confidence.
The legislative power is held by the senate compound by popular-elected members each 4 years.
The judicial power is orginized and led by the High Tribunal of the Kingdom compound by Bailiffs, one per each province. Each bailiff is elected by the people each 10 years.

====Local Government====
The local government of each province is divided in executive, legislative, and judicial too.
The executive, in charge of a Governor elected by the people each 5 years, designates to the ministers of his government, and to the Civil Prefects for each region of the province.
The legislative is formed by de Chamber of Representatives for 4 years elected by the people. It also works as the legislative power of the regions.
The judicial is formed by the Supreme Tribunal of each province, which is organized by the High Tribunal of the Kingdom.
The executve power of the regions is exercised by the Civil Prefect designated by the Governor with the approval of the Chamber of Representatives.
Counties have a Mayor, a Town Council and District Tribunals.

==='''Political Division'''===
The Kingdom is divided in 6 provinces, which are divided in regions (24 in total) and these ones in counties or municipalities and 1 district:

**District of Guadalajara

===The Crown and the Royal Family===
The Royal Family is the family of the Royal House of Altburg, the titular is H. M. the King Benjamin I, Duke of Altburg born in 1944. He married Evangelina Medina (H. M. the Queen Evangelina). They have 6 daugthers and 1 son.

Acordding to the "Law of the Crown of the New Galicia: Titles and Treatments of the Royal Family", the Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren holds the title of Grand Duke for man and Grand Duchess for women with the treatment of Royal Highness for both, and the members of the royal family from the 4th to 6th grade of kinship holds the title of Prince of New Galicia with the treatment of Highness.

Besides, acordding to the royal decrees of the Kingdom of Vestria the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren holds the title of Prince or Princess of Vestria, that is why, the memebers of the royal family have two courtesy titles.

Due to there is no salic law, the first born child is the crown prince or princess entitled Prince or Princess Royal, so that HRH the Grand Duchess Victoria is the Princess Royal.

The other King's children are:

*HRH the Grand Duke Fernando of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria
*HRH the Grand Duchess Martha of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria
*HRH the Grand Duchess Marcela of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria
*HRH the Grand Duchess María of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria
*HRH the Grand Duchess Verónica of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria
*HRH the Grand Duchess Hilda of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria

And the King's grandchildren are:

*HRH the Grand Duke Yair of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Victoria eldest son)
*HRH the Grand Duchess Itzel of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria (Princess' Victoria daughter)
*HRH the Grand Duchess Viridiana of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria (Prince's Fernando eldest daughter)
*HRH the Grand Duchess Paola of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria (Prince's Fernando daughter)
*HRH the Grand Duke Jorge of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Martha eldest son)
*HRH the Grand Duke Edgar of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Martha son)
*HRH the Grand Duchess Fátima of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria (Princess' Marcela eldest daughter)
*HRH the Grand Duchess Sofía of New Galicia, Princess of Vestria (Princess' Marcela daughter)
*HRH the Grand Duke José Luis of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' María son)
*HRH the Grand Duke Diego of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' María unborn son)
*HRH the Grand Duke Antonio of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Hilda eldest son)
*HRH the Grand Duke Alonso of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Hilda second son)
*HRH the Grand Duke Jesús of New Galicia, Prince of Vestria (Princess' Hilda third son)

==External Links==
*[| Official Website (Spanish, with opcion to the english version)]

Oh, and what "nation" hosts their site on Blogspot?

But this about sums it up:


This micronation was founded in December, 2003 by a student of secondary school from the State of Jalisco.

I founded a nation in college too, once. It only cost me a case of Schlitz.

This micronation was founded in December, 2003 by a student of secondary school from the State of Jalisco.

Maybe he's a WP admin?
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