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I happened to scan by the movie Open Water 2: Adrift on TMC tonight.

Not wanting to suffer through any more than the 25 minutes I already put into it, I turned to Wikipedia to "find out how it ends".

What a horridly-written article.
jd turk
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 8th July 2008, 9:48pm) *

I happened to scan by the movie Open Water 2: Adrift on TMC tonight.

Not wanting to suffer through any more than the 25 minutes I already put into it, I turned to Wikipedia to "find out how it ends".

What a horridly-written article.

The movie deserves an article that bad. Truly stupid, on both fronts. Bad acting. Bad effects. Bad everything. This bad film simply oozed rottenness from every bad scene. Simply bad beyond all infinite dimensions of possible badness.

Well, maybe not that bad, but Lord, it wasn't good.
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