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Full Version: I, ugh, hope this was a joke
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QUOTE(Chillum (was Until (1==2)))
I don't know, but I heard a rumor that they had whole complete encyclopedias before computer programing even existed! I don't know how they did their database. Chillum 03:52, 21 July 2008 (UTC)


I hope that's a joke... I really can't tell.
Uh, yeah, I'm sure that's a joke. Or Sarcasm, as the kids are calling it these days.
QUOTE(SirFozzie @ Sun 27th July 2008, 2:23am) *

Uh, yeah, I'm sure that's a joke. Or Sarcasm, as the kids are calling it these days.

I lol'd. The threes sets I used to read growing up must have been fictional.

QUOTE(Giggy @ Sun 27th July 2008, 2:22am) *

I hope that's a joke... I really can't tell.

The Jem reference on that section really made me giggle, but maybe just because I'm up far too late. Blast from the past...
(yes, I know IRC is evil), but Myself and a couple other admins actually spent 10-15 bored minutes talking about Jem one night (we're about the same age, where this was popular)
QUOTE(Giggy @ Sun 27th July 2008, 9:22am) *

QUOTE(Chillum (was Until (1==2)))
I don't know, but I heard a rumor that they had whole complete encyclopedias before computer programing even existed! I don't know how they did their database. Chillum 03:52, 21 July 2008 (UTC)


I hope that's a joke... I really can't tell.

Of course it was a joke, but I think it's true that those who have grown up with computers and the Internet as an ever-present part of their lives sometimes have difficulty compassing how encyclopedic or other compilation work was done manually. If you're curious, Simon Winchester's history of the OED is a fun read and will give you some idea.
QUOTE(SirFozzie @ Sun 27th July 2008, 3:25am) *

(yes, I know IRC is evil), but Myself and a couple other admins actually spent 10-15 bored minutes talking about Jem one night (we're about the same age, where this was popular)

Ditto, but for us it was over beers. Here's one that'll blow your top possibly, since you're apparently the same age or so as me:

Robotech film trilogy is in pre-development now, apparently, with Tobey McGuire producing and starring as the "main lead". I.e., Rick. Has to be.
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