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Bob Boy
Looks like what is appearing to be censorship on the John Edwards article is starting to get some attention in the blogosphere...the biggest blog to notice is Instapundit, with other notice by NewsBusters, Roger L. Simon, and Gawker (with commentary by Rachel Marsden!)

Basically there are two editors with a lock on the article - Therefore and Blaxthos, with help from Bonobonobo. MastCell was the one who fully protected, after reverting to a preferred version.

Quote by Rachel Marsden:

Wikipedia: Brittanica on the bathroom wall

I dated the Wikipedia co-founder, and it was all over the media, from the NY Post to every Murdoch paper in the UK. The Wikipidiots kept it off his bio for ages, despite there being over 25 "credible sources" - simply because it reflected poorly on their "God King" (yes, that is what he calls himself).

Given the fact that the story on the scandal is everywhere, I think Wikipedia is losing credibility by the second - especially with all the external attention being driven to that article.
Well, if anything, I hope it might finally drive a stake into that idiotic WP:BLP. I can't help but say I told you so, but there were quite a few who did, especially in light of the special BLP enforcement remedy. But think of the subject's feelings you cried! BLP is causing harm because someone is having bad things said about them on the internetz, you argued! Well, looks like WP:BLP's chickens have come home to roost. There is nothing necessary in WP:BLP that isn't already covered by WP:V, WP:RS, WP:NOR, and WP:NPOV. This just goes to show how highly-subjective ideas, like "harm" and "feelings", are quite open to bald-face manipulation.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(prospero @ Wed 30th July 2008, 9:49am) *

There is nothing necessary in WP:BLP that isn't already covered by WP:V, WP:RS, WP:NOR, and WP:NPOV.

You should smile when you say ironical things like that. Since as we all know, WP:V only means you can look it up somewhere else (though it may be false); that WP:RS has been made a laughing-stock by including the late-night deadline-inspired scribblings of hacks who are being handfed by special interests, PR flacks, and the outright malicious; that WP:NOR is flatly impossible to accomplish even when plagarizing whole articles without change (failing even then, because you need to be original in your choice of which ones to steal), and finally that NPOV is only attained by dead people (hats off to Johnny Cache for pointing this out succintly).

Other than that, despite being completely devoid of morality, BLP would be fine. dry.gif Well, except for being subject to manipulation for personal gain and personal spite, by authors under cover of V,RS,NOR,and NPOV. wink.gif
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