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Michael E. Davis - Chicago Options Associates, Williams College, Univ of Chicago, recent Wikimedia Trustee. St Pete Fla.

William Bulger - Chicago Options Associates, Williams College, Univ of Chicago, Mango Consortium, St Pete Fla.

Jimmy Wales - Chicago Options Associates, Williams College, Univ of Chicago, Wikimedia Founder. St Pete Fla. & now San Franscisco.

and this one...

Marianne Javier is an Internet entrepreneur and consortium enthusiast, and founder of the TMC project. Marianne was born in Huntsville, Alabama in 1966, and is a graduate of Auburn University and the University of Alabama. She worked as Research Director at Chicago Options Associates, a futures and options trading firm then located in Chicago. In the mid-1990s she started Blogurbia, a search portal focusing on aspects of pop culture, one of the first users of the freely licensed data of the Open Directory Project. In 2003, Marianne set up the TMC Foundation, a Tampa-based non-profit organization, to support the mango consortium and its sister projects. Marianne was appointed a fellow of Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society in mid-2005, and in October of 2005 joined the Board of Directors of Socialtext, a provider of consortium technology to businesses. She lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.

It's like a Jimmy Wales female doppelganger, a parallel universe version that just didn't get as successful with blogurbia as Jimmy did with WP, despite being genetically spawned by the exact same sperm & egg...

Is this is just way way weird:

Launched January 22, 2007, was created to help disseminate widely sought after biographical data.

QUOTE(Piperdown @ Mon 4th August 2008, 12:35am) *
Launched January 22, 2007, was created to help disseminate widely sought after biographical data.


Well, it's true, isn't it? At least they apologize to the Jews. Most Wikipedians would never do something like that.
QUOTE(Somey @ Mon 4th August 2008, 5:50am) *

QUOTE(Piperdown @ Mon 4th August 2008, 12:35am) *
Launched January 22, 2007, was created to help disseminate widely sought after biographical data.


Well, it's true, isn't it? At least they apologize to the Jews. Most Wikipedians would never do something like that.

could be a plot to get the Bears fans ready for a Brett Favre takeover.

I'm sure the boys and gals at the Chicago Options Associates aren't happy with Brett upstaging Rex every year, and the Bears having won 0 Superbowls in the last 20 years. Plus the Packers are shopping Favre to the Vikings today.

The Mango Consortium is surely working it, behind the scenes ;-0

say, isn't there a nasty mango (juice?) on the wikipedia?
QUOTE(Piperdown @ Mon 4th August 2008, 12:54am) *
could be a plot to get the Bears fans ready for a Brett Favre takeover.

Prepare Bears fans for their team's possible signing of Brett Favre by having a former options trader currently living in Florida put up a web site with one sentence on it apologizing to Jews for the fact that the current Bears quarterback isn't Jewish?


Why don't I think of these things? I guess that's why I don't earn the big bucks...

Oh, and if you're referring to User:Mangoe he's not so nasty. He didn't like Jon much, but I actually thought he was kind of nice, in a way.
And what is with these "appointed" Berkman Fellows?!
Jon Awbrey
You think that's scary? Whatsupwithis!? —


Jon cool.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 4th August 2008, 6:10am) *

You think that's scary? Whatsupwithis!? —


Jon cool.gif

And how about that PEACHPUFF? And NAVAJO WHITE has way more 4-corners Mars sand in it than any Navajo white paint I ever saw.
Disillusioned Lackey
QUOTE(Somey @ Sun 3rd August 2008, 11:50pm) *

Well, it's true, isn't it? At least they apologize to the Jews. Most Wikipedians would never do something like that.

And it's all the rage. Even the House apologized for Slavery this week.
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