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Full Version: Valleywag picks up on the NYTs troll article
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QUOTE(Carruthers @ Mon 4th August 2008, 10:23pm) *

weev, the man who has root access to the ED server, and is featured in the Times article and Valleywag, has posted a 2 part response to his LJ blog. With his unique world view he presents a nearly Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory. It appears that he means for it to be taken seriously, but it would be impossible to do so.

I've got some deeply veiled gnosis to share about the nature of reality, about ancient Gods, and about the future of humanity. I had to watch the market carefully and also join several nearly dead religious cults to completely understand it all. So here goes.

Posit 1: We are living in a simulation

Posit 2: As part of the programming of this simulation, mankind is regularly and rhythmically presented with crisis, and crises precipitate change

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