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I'm probably missing the point, but in Object-Oriented Progamming, at a fairly basic level objects will almost always have Properties, Events, and Methods, with some of the methods being "Event Handlers." If you get a little more advanced, you start including Rules, Behaviors, and Relationships... If you get even further beyond that, you have to start paying my outrageously high hourly consulting rate.

A study of Wikipedia's actions and reactions to various things - expressed in terms of events and their handlers - might well be interesting, and could even lead to a rough prediction model of overall WP macro-level behavior, bearing in mind that individual behaviors within the user community are not quite as predictable.
Me no understand. Emperor SMASH!!!
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 5th August 2008, 11:47pm) *

I'm probably missing the point, but in Object-Oriented Progamming, at a fairly basic level objects will almost always have Properties, Events, and Methods, with some of the methods being "Event Handlers." If you get a little more advanced, you start including Rules, Behaviors, and Relationships... If you get even further beyond that, you have to start paying my outrageously high hourly consulting rate.

And be aware that it's illegal in the US except in some counties in Nevada.
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 6th August 2008, 12:47am) *

I'm probably missing the point, but in Object-Oriented Progamming, at a fairly basic level objects will almost always have Properties, Events, and Methods, with some of the methods being "Event Handlers." If you get a little more advanced, you start including Rules, Behaviors, and Relationships... If you get even further beyond that, you have to start paying my outrageously high hourly consulting rate.

A study of Wikipedia's actions and reactions to various things - expressed in terms of events and their handlers - might well be interesting, and could even lead to a rough prediction model of overall WP macro-level behavior, bearing in mind that individual behaviors within the user community are not quite as predictable.

My understanding OOP is limited but I believe one aspect that is central is the notion that objects can be treated as "black boxes", that is you do not need to understand the internal working to interact with them, just there methods, parameters and behaviors. This is very useful analogy for someone who seeks to develop a critique of social media but has little or no interest in the personalities and dramas that seem to so often dominate any discussion.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Wed 6th August 2008, 10:18am) *

My understanding OOP is limited but I believe one aspect that is central is the notion that objects can be treated as "black boxes", that is you do not need to understand the internal working to interact with them, just there methods, parameters and behaviors. This is very useful analogy for someone who seeks to develop a critique of social media but has little or no interest in the personalities and dramas that seem to so often dominate any discussion.

Yes, but of course you can only go so far with this. Personalities matter, even at the macro level. For example, it's clear the watershed event of the 20th Cen was WW II, and the development of THAT into a global war was not totally set just because of the 1939 Poland invasion, or even Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Those simply guaranteed a limited European war, and perhaps equally limited Asian war (which had been going on for some time anyway). And perhaps a million or so deaths.

The global war which cost 50 million lives, 5 times that of WW I, basically rested on just a very few decisions that could have gone either way: 1) England deciding to stay in the war, without seeking peace after France and Dunkirk in May 1940, 2) Hitler deciding to invade the USSR in June 1941, and 3) Hitler deciding to declare war on the US, in Dec. 1941, after Pearl Harbor (he could have screwed Japan over like he did the USSR-- why not?). Pull the plug on any one of these, and the whole latter half of the 20th century would have been *completely* different. And ONE guy was responsible for two of these choices.

To bring it back to Wikipedia, that one guy is Jimbo. Doing dumb things. Can't get away from this.
I don't get it.

There are these boxes that surround each of the messages by anyone the write here. People read messages. People write messages. There is a response between the two. OOP happens! (but without the box of chocolates)
Object-Oriented Programming as a Metaphor

Sorry to use a PM here, but I don't have the time to waste on a posting...

QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 6th August 2008, 2:47am) *
I'm probably missing the point, but in Object-Oriented Programming, at a fairly basic level objects will almost always have Properties, Events, and Methods, with some of the methods being "Event Handlers." If you get a little more advanced, you start including Rules, Behaviors, and Relationships... If you get even further beyond that, you have to start paying my outrageously high hourly consulting rate.

A study of Wikipedia's actions and reactions to various things - expressed in terms of events and their handlers - might well be interesting, and could even lead to a rough prediction model of overall WP macro-level behavior, bearing in mind that individual behaviors within the user community are not quite as predictable.

The ellipsis on Rules, Behaviors, and Relationships continues with System Models, Functions and Protocols.

What WP lacks is high-functioning methods and protocols to maintain efficient operation in service of the (original) over-arching goal of crafting an authentic encyclopedia.

But since the WP culture is not a high-functioning system grounded in Mindfulness and Empathy / Insight and Compassion / Wisdom and Mercy / Urim and Thummim, the haphazard, herky-jerky leadership there is stumbling, bumbling, and slouching toward Bedlam at a ridiculous pace.

The divine goal of crafting a high-functioning system thus emerges as the pre-eminent not-so-hidden agenda. But the lack of leadership there is crippling the rate of progress. In other words, the English Language Wikipedia is a premier example of a dysfunctional Polionic System.
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