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I came by an article at slashdot that the very discussion in the comments reminded me of the discussions that occur here is at WP.

McCain Campaign Offers Rewards For Turn-Key Comments

Such "turn-key comments" methods quickly got analyzed as hive mind material. Just the resemblance to astroturfing irk the discussion further. And of note, McCain's names was barely brought up. There was, obviously, comparisons made to things they didn't want to name.
I feel sorry for McCain because he is so out of touch with current tech. I mean he really does believe that computers have wind-up cranks just like the Victrola in his parlor. So let's help his campaign out and come with some tech-savy ways they could improve their status on the tubes.

Admittedly, I'm not very good with this stuff because I've only read about things like this in books. I mean I've never really done any of these things myself.

1. Use thousands of kited domains and set up fake blogs all extolling his virtues.
2. DOS Obama's site.
3. Google-bombs.
4. Mechanical Turk the right Wikipedia pages.
QUOTE(Rhindle @ Fri 8th August 2008, 1:54am) *


4. Mechanical Turk the right Wikipedia pages.

There's significant evidence which would seem to suggest they're already doing this sort of thing....I believe that a certain Greg Kohs has a study ready which analyzes just this kind of thing over a certain three month period and word has it that the conclusions that can be drawn are....very interesting...
It's not exactly a secret. Every remotely clued-up political journalist or Senate staffer will know already.
QUOTE(Taxwoman @ Fri 8th August 2008, 9:51am) *

It's not exactly a secret. Every remotely clued-up political journalist or Senate staffer will know already.

Yup, but this time there are account names or IP addresses to go along with the edits. It's very interesting....
QUOTE(Carruthers @ Fri 8th August 2008, 10:00am) *

Yup, but this time there are account names or IP addresses to go along with the edits. It's very interesting....

So you think that nobody else knows how to find the edit history?
QUOTE(Taxwoman @ Fri 8th August 2008, 10:03am) *

QUOTE(Carruthers @ Fri 8th August 2008, 10:00am) *

Yup, but this time there are account names or IP addresses to go along with the edits. It's very interesting....

So you think that nobody else knows how to find the edit history?

Most people don't bother.
QUOTE(Carruthers @ Fri 8th August 2008, 10:09am) *

Most people don't bother.

They would if they wanted to find out who was doing the editing. That's why Wikiscanner was so popular.
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