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Full Version: Podcast covering WR a bit
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I'm not sure if Wikipedia Review has its own consciousness yet, but if it has, it may have felt its ears burning a little earlier, because as part of an interview with Newyorkbrad, we talked a bit about WR.....

I thought it was pretty interesting... but then I would :-)

it's here

(my 50th post by the way! Cake! Drinks! Party at my place! :-) )
The Joy
I tried to listen to it on the Cortado (Java) setting, but the playback stops at around 2 minutes.
it's here too - hope that helps....
The Joy
QUOTE(privatemusings @ Thu 21st August 2008, 1:45am) *

it's here too - hope that helps....

Ah, thank you. Cheers!
Thanks to NYB for a balanced assessment of WR.

The only thing that I might take issue with is the difference between WR and WP, and WP not been a HiveMind. I think that is true now, and there is more fragmentation, but there are still very strong instances unthinking truisms that continually emerge - things like the ritual chanting of NOTCENSORED and so on.
First time the podcast actually worked for me!
QUOTE(dogbiscuit @ Thu 21st August 2008, 3:05am) *
The only thing that I might take issue with is the difference between WR and WP, and WP not been a HiveMind. I think that is true now, and there is more fragmentation, but there are still very strong instances unthinking truisms that continually emerge - things like the ritual chanting of NOTCENSORED and so on.

IMO, the reason it's referred to as a "hivemind" is because of how it behaves when attacked, not how it behaves in general. Like a big beehive, each worker-bee has a specific function, and sometimes bees even fight amongst themselves, for various reasons. But when someone approaches the hive with a big stick, they all react pretty much the same way.
PM very professional - I have never listened to NTWW. You sounds like a talkback DJ.
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