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Kelly Martin
Daily Kos has finally noticed that someone is turning the article about Sarah Palin (McCain's freshly announced VP candidate) into a hagiographic political screed, mainly at the hands of one "Young Trigg", who is pretty obviously either in Palin's campaign staff or a very dedicated fan.

It will, of course, only get worse. I suspect some of the reason the article has been allowed to get so far was that she was somewhat of a dark horse nominee, so the usual attention that a major candidate article gets was absent here.

So, will Wikipedia "neutralize" this article, or will it continue to be a GOP campaign flyer? I've seen GOP bloggers using her Wikipedia article as proof of her merits as a veep candidate, so I have to suspect this is almost certainly coordinated effort.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 30th August 2008, 2:14pm) *

Daily Kos has finally noticed that someone is turning the article about Sarah Palin (McCain's freshly announced VP candidate) into a hagiographic political screed, mainly at the hands of one "Young Trigg", who is pretty obviously either in Palin's campaign staff or a very dedicated fan.

It will, of course, only get worse. I suspect some of the reason the article has been allowed to get so far was that she was somewhat of a dark horse nominee, so the usual attention that a major candidate article gets was absent here.

So, will Wikipedia "neutralize" this article, or will it continue to be a GOP campaign flyer? I've seen GOP bloggers using her Wikipedia article as proof of her merits as a veep candidate, so I have to suspect this is almost certainly coordinated effort.

Hmm, I don't know if this is related, but her son with Down's syndrome is actually named "Trig" (one "g"...). I wonder if this isn't some sick joke (..and I'm voting Obama myself...) and would encourage more investigation before jumping to conclusions.

Here's "Young Trigg's" history....

I believe that a CU might be in order....

Anybody know who this IP is? It's obviously used by a regular user. The IP apparently leaked the news of Palin's nomination and Young Trigg wants to know where the info came from...

Very curious....
Standard DailyKos propaganda:

A GOP supporter edits a political article => GOP party must be behind this => GOP is a terrible party engaged in propaganda and does not believe in free speech => liberal editors recruited to counter GOP party propaganda.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Sat 30th August 2008, 7:14am) *

So, will Wikipedia "neutralize" this article, or will it continue to be a GOP campaign flyer?

Surely the latter. I'm guessing that all the secular socialist Zionists who hold power on Wikipedia will defend her bio to the death, and soon be suggesting that Palin might be a good choice to play the young Golda Meir. wink.gif

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