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Doc glasgow
Wikipedia at its best.

Can someone get a GFDL picture?
Wikipedia at its best is a pop-culture Rorschach, where amateurs throw ephemeral catch-phrases at the digital wall to see what sticks? Hmpph.

Doc glasgow
QUOTE(gomi @ Wed 10th September 2008, 5:51pm) *

Wikipedia at its best is a pop-culture Rorschach, where amateurs throw ephemeral catch-phrases at the digital wall to see what sticks? Hmpph.


Well, it has to be good at something

Although, I'll admit that, as it stands, the article could be renamed [[Proof positive of McCain's hypocrisy]]
Kelly Martin
When I looked at this earlier it was a redirect to some book by a political pundit. I love it when Wikipedia redirects a common phrase to some largely unheard-of book, movie, or song, because of course that's what the average person is looking for when they search on an idiomatic phrase.
Doc glasgow
It's a real pity those pictures are not GFDL.

Where IS Shankbone when we need him?
QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 10th September 2008, 10:06am) *
I'll admit that, as it stands, the article could be renamed [[Proof positive of McCain's hypocrisy]]

Now there is something on which we can wholeheartedly agree. As if proof were needed. smile.gif
Doc glasgow
And, predictably, up for deletion.
They should make a new subcat for deletions "mentioned on Wikipedia Review" wink.gif
Oh come on, no one has posted her yet?

QUOTE(Doc glasgow @ Wed 10th September 2008, 6:52pm) *

And, predictably, up for deletion.

Leave it to Guy Chapman to go against the grain and vote "Delete" on something like this, but not have anything to say about the construction of List of Sudanese singers or Andre the Giant Has a Posse.
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